14 arrested, 23 face charges after 18-month fentanyl trafficking investigation in Paducah - KBSI Fox 23 Cape Girardeau News | Paducah News (2024)

Christy Russell,

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • fentanyl-trafficking5-source-mccracken-county-sheriffs-office

    (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Paul G. West (Source: McCracken County Sheriff’s Office)

  • Dominick D. Tyler (Source: McCracken County Sheriff’s Office)

  • Dorian Q. Shumpert (Source: McCracken County Sheriff’s Office)

  • Cameron Shumpert (Source: McCracken County Sheriff’s Office)

  • Samuel G. Shocklee (Source: McCracken County Sheriff’s Office)

  • Christopher J. Russell (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Xavier R. Mcphee (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Victor A. Morales Martinez (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Detysha L. Laster (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Mckenzie N. Hopkins (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Johnny B. Harmon III (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Channing T. Grentzer (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Enrico G. Fuhr (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Lavanti Davenport (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Lavance N. Davenport Sr. (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Lavanti N. Davenport (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Avian M. Costello (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Lisa D. Collins (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Michelle L. Cohoon (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Romeneo L Beard (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Garrett E. Beach (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Jasmine D. Baker (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • Michael J. Abbage (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • fentanyl-trafficking5-source-mccracken-county-sheriffs-office

    (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

  • (Source: McCracken County Sheriff's Office)

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PADUCAH, Ky. (KBSI) – Fourteen people were arrested and 23 people face charges after an 18-month investigation into fentanyl trafficking in Paducah.

The investigation was spurred by an increase in the amount of fentanyl seen locally and the number of fentanyl overdose cases.

Paducah Police Department drug detectives began an investigation in early 2021 into the organized sale of the drug.

Those arrested included repeat offenders with lengthy criminal histories and two generations of the same family.

Wednesday morning, Paducah police officers and FBI agents began arresting those indicted for possessing and selling fentanyl.

So far, 14 of the 23 people charged have been arrested.

Police served search warrants at five homes Wednesday morning. This resulted in the seizure of a large amount of cash and fentanyl pills. Detectives have seized about 8,000 fentanyl pills, six handguns, two rifles and more than $242,000 cash. The average price of a fentanyl pill on the street is about $25, putting the street value of the seized pills at approximately $200,000.

All of those arrested were booked into the McCracken County Regional Jail, except several who already were in jail on other charges. Those individuals were served their warrants in jail.

Photographs of all 23 suspects are posted on the Paducah Police Department’s Facebook page

The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, Illinois State Police, McCracken County Sheriff’s Department and Kentucky Probation and Parole assisted in the investigation.

The investigation is continuing and additional charges and arrested are expected.

Those arrested include:

  • Jasmine D. Baker, 19, of Ohio Street, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Garrett E. Beach, 26, of Metropolis, IL, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
    • 2017 – Possession of burglary tools
  • Avian M. Costello, 37, of Jack Gray Drive, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Lavance N. Davenport Sr., 46, of South 6th Street, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
    • On federal probation for distribution of crack cocaine
    • 2011 – Distribution of a controlled substance
    • 2011 – Possession with intent to distribute
    • 2008 – Supervised probation
    • 2003 – Distribution of cocaine
    • 2001 – First-degree assault
    • 2000 – Trafficking in a controlled substance (cocaine)
    • 2000 – Carrying a concealed weapon (by a felon)
  • Lavanti N. Davenport, 20, of Levin Avenue, four counts of trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Enrico G. Fuhr, 28, of North 23rd Street, first-degree possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl) and two counts of trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Johnny B. Harmon III, 30, of Park Avenue, three counts of trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
    • On probation for 2021 Possession of a handgun by a convicted felon and 2019 First-degree wanton endangerment
  • De’Tysha L. Laster, 23, of Coronado Court, two counts of trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Christopher J. Russell, 37, of Jack Gray Drive, two counts of trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
    • 2021 – Fraud (Florida)
    • 2015 – Grand theft from dwelling (Florida)
  • Samuel G. Shocklee, 23, of Calvert City, KY, first-degree possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl)
  • Cameron Shumpert, 29, of Levin Avenue, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives, second or greater offense)
    • 2019 – Use of a minor in a sexual performance
    • 2019 – Trafficking in marijuana
    • 2019 – Promoting contraband
    • 2017 – Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon
    • 2017 – Tampering with physical evidence
    • 2012 – Trafficking in a controlled substance
  • Dorian Q. Shumpert, 31, of Glenwood Drive, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives, second or greater offense)
    • 2018 – First-degree promoting contraband
    • 2015 – Trafficking in a controlled substance
    • 2011 – Trafficking in cocaine
  • Dominick D. Tyler, 19, of Grand Rivers, KY, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Paul G. West, 25, of Lone Oak Road, two counts of trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives, second or greater offense)
    • 2021 – Fleeing or evading police
    • 2021 – Fleeing or evading police
    • 2021 – Trafficking in a controlled substance (fentanyl)
    • 2021 – Possession of a controlled substance

Indicted – not yet arrested

  • Michael J. Abbage, 24, of Levin Avenue, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
    • On probation for 2021 criminal possession of a forged instrument
    • 2015 – Second-degree robbery
  • Romeneo L. Beard, 21, of Levin Avenue, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Michelle L. Cohoon, 45, of Grogan Circle, first-degree possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl)
  • Lisa D. Collins, 47, of Otis Dinning Drive, first-degree possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl) and speeding/10mph over limit
  • Lavance N. Davenport Jr., 27, of South 6th Street, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives, second or greater offense)
    • On probation for 2021 first-degree fleeing and evading police
    • 2021 – Second-degree fleeing and evading
    • 2021 – Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon
    • 2021 – Possession of a handgun by a convicted felon
    • 2021 – Receiving stolen property
    • 2016 – Trafficking in marijuana
    • 2016 – First-degree wanton endangerment
    • 2016 – Tampering with evidence
  • Channing T. Grentzer, 24, of Stately Vision Lane, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • McKenzie N. Hopkins, 21, of Ledbetter, KY, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)
  • Xavier R. Mcphee, 34, of Walter Jetton Drive, first-degree possession of a controlled substance (fentanyl) and operating on a suspended/revoked operator’s license
  • Victor A. Morales-Martinez, 24, of Mayfield, KY, trafficking in a controlled substance (carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives)

Categories: News

14 arrested, 23 face charges after 18-month fentanyl trafficking investigation in Paducah - KBSI Fox 23 Cape Girardeau News | Paducah News (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.