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I’m currently 19w with my first baby! Everything has gone smoothly so far, but I’m currently at the weird in-between stage… I don’t really look pregnant yet, I haven’t felt the baby move at all, and most of my other symptoms have disappeared. I feel very anxious and worried about my baby, almost daily.
I’m considering getting an at-home Doppler just to reassure myself that little babe is okay. I know there are pros and cons… But I’d love to hear from other mamas! Have you used a Doppler? Which brand/style? Was it worth the purchase?
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I personally don’t recommend a Doppler. Mostly for the purpose of finding reassurance from it— you should only be getting that from your doctor because a heartbeat doesn’t always signify everything is okay.
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Mine is 100% worth it! I started being able to find baby’s heartbeat around 13 or 14 weeks, and have been checking it once or twice a week ever since. I’m 20 weeks now, and I have a feeling I’ll be tapering off soon because I’m starting to feel soft moves and kicks and probably won’t need to reassurance as much. It can cause unneeded anxiety if you can’t find the heartbeat right away, and definitely not a doctor, so if something feels wrong, but you hear a heartbeat- it definitely doesn’t mean everything is okay. you also need to make sure you educate yourself on the different sounds- especially your heartbeat vs. baby’s, placenta swoosh, etc. but if you go into it knowing all this, and think your anxiety can handle it, then go for it!
We got the sonoline B- it has been good for us. However, it’s not always great at reading the actual heart rate correctly. I listened at home prior to going to my OB appt- at home it said 125-135, but at the appt it was 147-155. I know they fluctuate, but not that much lol. We mainly use it just to hear her. ��
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Personal preference! My doctor highly discouraged it because sometimes women get false readings of their own heartbeat or can’t find their little babes heartbeat. I really wanted one but decided to listen to my doctor & not give myself anxiety or more panic attacks.
I’m now 20w4d & glad I listened. I can feel like guy moving around all the time, especially at night. My doctor told me once women get to that certain week mark, dopplers are definitely not needed because of their movement.
Honestly though, it’s personal preference! I had a friend who got one & loved it & she’s due any day now. Had another friend not get one & trust the process & she has a cute little one year old.
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