From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and more: Refereed and selected contributions, Grenoble, France, June 8-11, 2004 - PDF Free Download (2024)

Refereed and selected contributions from

From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and more

Grenoble, France June 8 - 1 1 , 2004

edited by S. Kox, D. Lhuillier, F. Maas, and J. Van de Wiele

Societa Italiana di Fisica

^ Spri rineer g«

Serge Kox Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie 53, Avenue des Martyres 38026 Grenoble Cedex, France kox(§iii2p3. f r

David Lhuillier CEA Saclay, DSM/DAPNIA/SPhN Bat. 703 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France dlhuillier(§cea. f r Frank Maas Institut fiir Kernphysik A4-collaboration, Parity Violation Experiment Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz J.-J.-Becher-Weg 45 55099 Mainz, Germany

Jacques van de Wiele IPNO, Universite Paris Sud Bat. 100 M 91406 Orsay Cedex, France vandewi(§ipno. irL2p3. f r The articles in this book originally appeared on the internet ( as open access publication of the journal The European Physical Journal A — Hadrons and Nuclei Volume 24, Supplement 2 ISSN 1434-601X © SIF and Springer-Verlag Berhn Heidelberg 2005 Cataloging-in-Publication Data applied for Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek. Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at

ISBN-10 3-540-25501-X Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN-13 978-3-540-25501-7 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright. All rights reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from SIF and Springer. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. Springer is a part of Springer Science+Business Media springer online. com © SIF and Springer-Verlag Berhn Heidelberg 2005 Printed in Italy The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: PTP-Berlin, Berlin, Germany Cover design: SIF Production Office, Bologna, Italy Printing and Binding: Tipografia Compositori, Bologna, Italy Printed on acid-free paper

SPIN: 11414070 - 5 4 3 2 1 0

l-'i'uin i^L\ni'j 7jDJrinoii .MLUM/. Jutir ."-w. L?

CD 1 5 CM O

1 , 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 , 1


~_ ~:

1.6 1.7 MM^^- (GeV/c^)



Gio= 19.65'"^^^-- —— ^ ^ _ _ _



^^^^-""- —-

3- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Fig. 2. The /e/t panel shows that the /I(1520) signal can be isolated with suitable cuts. The signal for the exotic baryon O^ is the solid histogram in the right panel, and the dashed histogram is a control sample [25]

2- — 0.2



















P Fig. 4. Chiral-soliton calculations of the 7r-nucleon coupling depend on the model parameters Gio and p, but may be consistent with experiment (shaded) [30].

m a s s a n d w i d t h m e a s u r e m e n t s of 0"^ COSY: pp ^ S'^Kgp





SVD-2: pA


ZEUS: 7*p

(3.9^4.6) (T

CLAS 2: 7 p 6





( 4 ^ 6 ) CT

ITEP: vA, vk



4 . 8 CT

CLAS: 7D 2






This is quite consistent with t h e direct measurements of the TT-N U t e r m discussed earlier [7], perhaps lending some credence t o t h e whole chiral soliton scheme.

3 OZI violation or evasion? T h e Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule is based on t h e idea t h a t processes with disconnected quark lines are suppressed. As a corollary, it is not possible t o produce ss mesons in t h e interactions of non-strange particles. Hence,

) X 10"^

collisions R((I)/LJ)

= (14.55 =b 1.92) x 10"^

are somewhat larger, b u t not dramatically big. On t h e other hand, there are large deviations from t h e naive OZI relation in d a t a from L E A R experiments on pp annihilations, particularly in t h e following reactions: pp -^ 7 0 , pp —^ 7T(f) from t h e ^6^1 state, and pd -^ 0 n , as seen in Fig. 7 [34]. Moreover, t h e (p/uj ratio depends strongly on the initial-state spins of t h e nucleons and antinucleons, on their orbital angular momenta, on t h e m o m e n t u m transfer and on t h e isospin. For example, t h e partial-wave dependence of annihilations into (f)7r is shown in Fig. 8, where we see t h a t 5-wave annihilations dominate. Another example of a large (^/uu ratio is in t h e Pontecorvo reaction pd —? (pn shown in Fig. 9, where it is compared with t h e annihilation process pd -^ Tr^n. T h e OZI rule could be evaded if there are ss pairs in the nucleon wave function, since new classes of connected

J. Ellis: Today's view on strangeness 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



xl p d —> (/^n^n^p


5 O







cr 0)



c c o



5 mb 9-


/ -

1 n

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111




11111111111 1





1 1 1 1 1 1 1





90 100

S—wave % Fig. 8. The annihilation pp -^ (j)7v^ proceeds predominantly via the s wave [34]

Fig. 9. Signal for the Pontecorvo reaction


quark diagrams could be drawn for the production of the scattering, where pp —> ppcp is about 14 times more co(/) and other ss mesons. Motivated by the d a t a on polar- pious t h a n pp -^ ppu) near threshold and the (j) and uo ized deep-inelastic scattering [35], we have formulated a angular distributions are different, the 'violation' of the polarized intrinsic strange- ness model [36,37], in which naive OZI rule by a factor ~ 20 in pd -^^ HeCpioo), and the ss pairs in the nucleon are assumed to have negative the negative longitudinal polarization of A baryons measured in deep-inelastic neutrino scattering [38], discussed polarization, and to be in a relative 0++ state, not a 1 state as in the naive (f) wave function. T h e production of below. However, there are also some serious problems for the strangeonium states may occur via rearrangement of the s and s in different nucleons, and not via shake-out from an polarized-strangeness model. For example, the strong OZI individual nucleon. Thus, both nucleons participate in the 'violation' in pp —^ 7 0 takes place from a ^^o initial state, production mechanism, and their relative polarization and and the spin transfer Dnn in PP -^ ^^ is small, whereas orbital angular m o m e n t u m states are important. In par- Knn > 0, indicating t h a t the spin of the proton is transticular, one would expect the (j) and the /2(1525) mesons ferred to the A, not to the A [39]. Moreover, CLAS d a t a to be produced more copiously from spin-triplet initial on the reaction ep -^ e'K^A indicate t h a t the spins of states t h a n from spin-singlet initial states, the (p meson the s and s are anti-aligned [40]. Also serious is the probto be produced preferentially from L = 0 states, and the lem t h a t pp ^ 7r^(j) is not possible from a ^ ^ i initial state /2(1525) to be produced preferentially from L = 1 states. without either flipping the spin of the 5-quark or positive This model has led to several correct predictions [34]. polarization of the strange quarks in the proton [41]. In nucleon-antinucleon annihilations, the pp ^ TT^CJ) rates Many of these problems would be resolved if there from the ^ ^ i and ^Pi initial states are in a ratio ^-^ 15 : 1, are two components of polarized strangeness, one with in agreement with the prediction of L = 0 dominance. On Sz = —I and one with Sz = 0 [42]. This would permit the other hand, the pp —> /27r^ rates are in a ratio ~ 1 : 10, pp -^ jcj) and pp ^ TT^cp via rearrangement diagrams, and in agreement with the prediction of L = 1 dominance. the CLAS d a t a t h a t require the spins of the s and s to Moreover, there is evidence t h a t the mechanisms for 0 be anti-aligned could be accommodated by shake-out of and uj production are different: the ^Pi fractions in ircj)^ the Sz = 0 component. However, even this model does and UJTT^ are < 7% and ~ 37%, respectively, and (p and UJ not fit all the data, as seen in the Table. One promising production have different energy dependences in np anni- possibility is to assume the dominance of a spin-singlet us hilations. Also, it has been observed t h a t the initial states diquark configuration, as indicated in the last column of in pp -^ (j)(j) are dominated by J^^ = 2++, consistent the Table [42]. Understanding the strange polarization of with S-wave annihilations in a spin-triplet state. Addi- the proton is still a work in progress. tionally, spin-singlet initial states are strongly suppressed in pp -^ AA: the singlet fraction Fg = (0.1 =b 7.3) x 10~^. T h e polarized-strangeness model is also consistent with 4 Probing strangeness via A polarization the available d a t a on the Pontecorvo reaction pd -^ (pn and on selection rules in pp -^ K^K*. Other success- Since the polarization of the A is measurable in its decays, ful predictions include 'OZI violation' in nucleon-nucleon and since the A polarization is inherited, at least in the

J. Ellis: Today's view on strangeness Table 1. Score card for various models of polarized strangeness in the nucleon wave function 0++ : ^ . = - 1

0++ :S, = - 1 , 0

0"+ : {us),{ss)





+ +


from ^S\ (j)r]/urj'. small from ^^'i

small Q^

small Q^

small Q^

(j)p/ijop\ small







large Q^

large Q^

large Q^


+ + +

+ + +/+ +

(/)7r/a;7r: large from ^Si (J)7T: spin s t a t e (j)^/(jj^\ large


from ^Si

fUh- large from p-wave (jyn/ujn: large P{A) < 0 in DIS ep -^ AKe : P{A) pp ^ AA: Dnn PP ^ AA\ Knn


pp -^ ppcf): large



from ^Si

naive quark model, from its constituent 5 quark, A polarization is potentially a powerful way of probing polarized strangeness. Particularly interesting from this point of view is the measurement of A polarization in leptoproduction, where two options are available: measurements in the fragmentation region of the struck quark or in t h a t of the target. T h e struck quark has net polarization, but is usually a, u, so there is no interesting spin transfer to the A baryon. However, in the target fragmentation region the 'wounded nucleon' left behind by the polarized struck quark is itself polarized in general. A priori, it is a diquark system with the possibility of a polarized ss 'sea' attached to it. Memory of this polarization may be carried by the s and s in the wounded nucleon wave function and transferred to A and A baryons produced in the target fragmentation region [43]. We have modelled this idea using the Lund string fragmentation model incorporated in L E P T O 6.5.1 and J E T S E T 7.4, and have considered various combinations of two extreme cases in which the A baryon is produced by fragmentation of either the struck quark or the remnant diquark [44]. We then fix free parameters of the model by demanding consistency with d a t a from N O M A D in deepinelastic u scattering [38]. In addition to providing a good fit to N O M A D data, as seen in Fig. 10, this procedure can be used directly to make predictions for electroproduction d a t a from H E R M E S , and agrees very well. We have then gone on to make predictions for the COMPASS muon scattering experiment. COMPASS was originally conceived to measure the polarization of the gluons in the proton, but it may also be able to cast light on the polarization of the strange quarks!

0.5 0.25 0 ^-0.25 -0.5

0.5 0.25 0 . . ^ -0.25 -0.5 60^ .


rr" ^




^ 0.25

.B 0 1 -0.25 ^







-0.5 0.2

0.5 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.5

» - t — » -, , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , , , 1 , , , 1 1 1



^TT- Figure 1 presents the results obtained by the Hermes collaboration. They exhibit no indications of Z\s < 0. D a t a down to lower x are expected from COMPASS. Polarized pdf can also be measured through parity violating 'p^ p ^ W at RHIC in Brookhaven [5]. T h e point is t h a t qq -^ VF^ selects a given quark helicity. W~^ production is dominated by ud -^ W~^. If u comes from the


Au{xi)d{x2) u{xi)d{x2)

— +

Ad{xi)u{x2) d{xi)u{x2)


T h e same formula is obtained for W~ production with u and d exchanged. T h e nice thing with such an analysis is t h a t it is independent of target fragmentation effects. It has, however, hardly any sensitivity to Z\5. We must go back to the inclusive case and note t h a t E M C does not actually measure Aq but axial matrix elements aq = (A^|^7^75^1 A/"). Naively the axial matrix elements are identifled with Aq. However, due to axial anomaly we rather have ao = AU — 3 ^ Z \ ^ and as = As — ^Ag. In addition Ag oc I n Q ^ , so t h a t the gluonic contribution to aq does not go to zero at high Q^ in spite of the as factor. T h e actual value of AU and As now depends on the value of Ag as illustrated by Fig. 2. If Ag ^ 0 we are back to the spin crisis with a small AU and a negative As. If Ag is large and positive we may end u p with the expected As ^ 0 and AU ^ 0.6. Ag must be measured, b o t h for itself and in order to extract the actual value of AU and As from inclusive experiments.

3 Gluon contribution W h e n Q^ increases the resolution of the probe improves and what used to appear as a quark may start to appear as a quark and a gluon, or a gluon may appear as a quark anti-quark pair. In these conditions the variation dq{x, Q'^)/d{liiQ'^) tells us something about g{x, Q^). This is formalized in the Doksh*tzer-Gribov-Lipatov-AltareliParisi (DGLAP) equations. Indeed, in the unpolarized case, performing a next-to-leading order Q C D flt of F2 data, from flxed target experiments and from the H E R A collider, provides a good measurement of g{x,Q'^). This is unfortunately not the case in the polarized case because there is no polarized lepton-proton collider. T h e Q^ range

J.-M. Le Goff: Strange and gluonic contributions to the nucleon spin for gi data, between SLAC or Hermes and SMC, is not large enough (at most a factor 10) to allow for a precise estimate of Ag{x^ Q^)- A direct measurement is needed. It is difficult to probe gluons in lepton scattering because they have no electric charge. Photons can, however, interact with gluons through the photon gluon fusion ( P G F ) process, 7*^ -^ qq. This is a higher order process which has a small cross section relative to the leading order process, j*q -^ g, so tagging is needed. T h e first possibility consists in requiring the produced qq pair to be a cc pair. Since the intrinsic charm inside the nucleon is negligible, the observation of charm is a signature of the P G F process. T h e fragmentation of charm quarks produces a D^ = cu meson in 60% of the cases. T h e easiest way to see the D^ is through its decay to Kn which has a 4% branching ratio. Due to this low branching ratio, one requires to detect either the c or the c through this channel. T h e drawback is t h a t in this case it is not possible to reconstruct the kinematics at the vertex and the m o m e n t u m fraction of the gluon cannot be evaluated. One gets the mean value of Ag{x)/g{x) averaged over the experimental acceptance. A second possibility arises from the fact t h a t in the leading order process, ^*q ^ q^ all the produced hadrons are in the direction of the virtual photon, whereas in the P G F process the qq pair can be produced at any angle and the resulting hadrons may have a transverse m o m e n t u m Pt with respect to the photon. So the idea is to search for pairs of hadrons with high pt (or two high pt jets at high energy). There is, however, a physical background, the so-called Q C D Compton process, 7*^ —7^ qg^ since in this process the final q and g b o t h can produce a high pt hadron. This background has to be evaluated by a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, starting from the known polarized quark distribution functions. This second method was already used by Hermes [6] and SMC [7]. Hermes used a 28 GeV electron beam, they did not measure the scattered electron and they were dominated by low Q^, quasi real photons. T h e hard scale, for perturbative Q C D to be valid, is then provided by pt. T h e generator P Y T H I A was used for background estimation. T h e difficulty in this case is t h a t , in addition to Q C D Compton, there is an important background of events where the photon is resolved into its partonic structure. In this analysis the dilution due to these events was taken into account but not their contribution to the asymmetry. SMC had a 190 G e V / c muon beam. They selected only events with Q^ > 1 (GeV/c)^, in which case the resolved photon contribution could be neglected and the pure DIS generator, L E P T O , could be used. T h e results obtained by the two collaborations are presented in Fig. 4. Error bars are still pretty large. T h e COMPASS collaboration [8] at C E R N is using b o t h methods. T h e muon beam intensity was increased by a factor 5 relative to SMC to provide an average luminosity of 5 10^^ cm~^s~^. T h e target is made of ^LiD with a dilution factor 'P^ 0.5 to be compared to 0.24 for deuterated butanol, used by SMC. T h e spectrometer was commissioned and first d a t a were taken in 2002. D a t a were


taken again in 2003 and 2004 but there will be no b e a m in 2005, due to LHC installation. T h e 2002 d a t a gives an asymmetry for high pt pair = - 0 . 0 6 5 zb 0.036 zb 0.010, including production, A^"^^^^' all Q^. MC studies are going on, to take into account the contribution of resolved photons to the asymmetry. P a r t of these events involve a gluon in the nucleon so t h a t their contribution to the asymmetry is proportional to Ag/g. Neglecting this fact, a statistical error 5{Ag/g) = 0.17 should be obtained. In the same conditions, all d a t a between 2002 and 2004 should provide S{Ag/g) ^ 0.05, or alternatively four bins in Xg with 8{Ag/g) ^ 0.10 in each bin. Using only d a t a with Q^ > 1 (GeV/c)^, should provide 5{Ag/g) ^ 0.16. T h e D^ -^ KTT open charm channel suffers from an important combinatorial background. Requiring t h a t the D^ comes from the disintegration D* -^ D^n -^ KTTTT, strongly reduces the background. T h e first reason is the small value of M^^ — Mjjo — M^ = 6 MeV, which leaves little space for the background. T h e second reason is the excellent experimental resolution in this mass difference, better t h a n 2 MeV, to be compared to about 25 MeV for the resolution in the D^ mass alone. Many improvements are ongoing in terms of reconstruction, in particular in the R I C H detector used to identify K. An error S{Ag/g) ^ 0.24 is then expected out of 2002 to 2004 data. T h e gluon distribution can also be probed in polarized proton-proton collisions [5]. T h e golden channel is the socalled direct 7 production ^ ^ ^ 7 + jet + X. At the part on level this corresponds to qg —^ ^ 7 , where quarks from one of the protons are used to probe gluons in the other proton. So the measured asymmetry is a convolution, Ag 0 Aq. There is a physics background, qq -^ ^ 7 , which also produces 7 + jet + X. Its contribution to the asymmetry, which goes like Aq (g) Aq^ can be computed from the measured Aq{x) and Aq{x). Other possible channels at R H I C include jet production (or high Pt leading hadron) and heavy flavor production. RHIC, the relativistic heavy ion collider, is used part of the time as a polarized proton-proton collider at ^/s = 5 0 - 5 0 0 GeV. Both P H E N I X and STAR collaborations are taking d a t a in this mode. T h e design polarization is 70%, using Siberian snakes in R H I C and partial snakes in the AGS to eliminate depolarizing resonances. T h e design luminosity is £ = 2-10^^ cm~^s~^. An integrated luminosity of 7 p b - ^ with P ^ 50% is expected from the 2004-2005 run. T h e first measured leading hadron asymmetry, ^ J ^ , is presented in Fig. 3. This asymmetry is sensitive to the convolution Ag 0 Ag. It should then be positive unless there is a node in Ag{x). T h e expected error on Ag/g in the golden channel for an integrated luminosity of 320 pb~^ with P = 70% are presented in Fig. 4. We see t h a t a wide range of Xg is covered with an excellent accuracy. Note, however, t h a t this is only the statistical accuracy, some systematic uncertainty will arise from background subtraction and deconvolution. In the long t e r m there is the EIC project [10] to build a 10 GeV polarized electron linac to collide with one of the

J.-M. Le Goff: Strange and gluonic contributions to the nucleon spin


- all in all this should give an error on the integral Ag JQ Ag(x)dx on the order of 0.03 to 0.05.



so, at fixed Q^, giving e is equivalent t o give u. For a given Q^, (5) shows t h a t it is sufficient t o meaeu{p') \GM{Q^)r - F2{Q^)^] u{p) (1) sure t h e cross section for two values of £ t o determine t h e form factors GM a n d GE- In t h e following t h e deterwhere e c^ Y^47r/137 is t h e proton charge a n d M t h e nu- mination of GM a n d GE using (5) will be referred t o as cleon mass. T h e magnetic form factor GM is related t o t h e t h e Rosenbluth method [1]. T h e fact t h a t t h e combinaDirac ( F i ) a n d Pauli (F2) form factors by GM = Fi-\- F2. tion da/CB{Q'^^^) is a linear function of e (Rosenbluth Here we consider only t h e proton case, so we have F i (0) = plot criterion) is generally considered as a test of t h e va1, ^2(0) = lip — 1 = 1.79. In t h e one photon exchange or lidity of t h e Born approximation. We shall see below t h a t Born approximation, elastic lepton scattering: this criterion is not strong enough. Polarized lepton beams give another way t o access t h e l{k) + N{p)^l{k')^N{p') (2) form factors [2]. In t h e Born approximation, t h e polarization of t h e recoiling proton along its motion {Pi) is progives direct access t o t h e form factors in t h e spacelike portional t o GM while t h e component perpendicular t o region (Q^ > 0) where they are real. Here we adopt t h e t h e motion {Pt ) is proportional t o GE- We call this t h e usual definitions: polarization method for short. Because it is much easier to measure ratios of polarizations, it has been used mainly k + k' P + y .K k-k' =p' -p, (3) P through a measurement of to determine t h e ratio GE/GM Pt/Pi for which one finds t h e expression [3]: and choose K.P (4) Q' - = {27rf2p^S{p - p') .

has two i n d e p e n d e n t m e a s u r e m e n t s oi R = GE/GM-


Fig. 1 we show t h e corresponding results, which we call ^ This expression assumes a negligible electron mass.

P.A.M. Guichon: Two photon effects in electron scattering


the polarization method result is little affected by the 2-photon exchange, at least in the range of Q^ which has been studied until now.

2 Amplitude decomposition

Fig. 1. Experimental values of RRosenbluth and their polynomial fit



Fig. 2. The box diagram. The filled blob represents the response of the nucleon to the scattering of the virtual photon


^ n d Repolarization

^ ^ I t h e r a n g e of Q^

T h e simplest way to get the general form of the (e,p) scattering amplitude is to consider its helicity matrix elements T{h'^h'^] hehp) in the center of mass p + k = 0. Due to rotational invariance T depends on ^^cm, cos ^cmwhich do not change under the parity and time reversal operations. Since Q E D is invariant with respect to these operations, one must have T{h'X',

hehp) = T{-h'^


hehp) = T{hehp; h%).

- /i^; -he - hp),

(8) (9)

Note t h a t these equalities generally involve a phase factor which depends on the phase convention for the helicity states. For our purposes this factor is irrelevant. One can also check t h a t charge conjugation does not bring in additional constrains. If one applies the relations (8, 9) to the 2^ = 16 helicity amplitudes one finds t h a t only 6 of t h e m are independent. Moreover 3 of t h e m change the electron helicity which implies t h a t they are suppressed by an electron mass factor. So one ends with


is common to b o t h methods. T h e d a t a are taken from [4, 7,8]. T h e deviation between the two methods starts at Q^ = 2 — SGeV'^ and increases with Q^, reaching a factor 4 at about Q^ = 6 GeV^. This discrepancy is a serious problem as it generates confusion and doubt about the whole methodology of lepton scattering experiments. To unravel this problem we have to give u p the beloved one photon exchange concept and enter the not well paved p a t h of multi-photon physics. By this we do not mean the effect of soft (real or virtual) photons, t h a t is the radiative corrections. The effect of the latter is well under control because their dominant (infra-red) part can be factorized in the observables and therefore does not affect the raHere we must consider genuine exchange of tio GE/GM' hard photons between the lepton and the hadron. Even if we restrict to the two photon exchange case, the evaluation of the box diagram 2 involves the full response of the nucleon to the scattering of a virtual photon and we do not know how to perform this calculation in a model independent way. Therefore we adopt a modest strategy based on the phenomenological consequences of using the full eN scattering matrix rather t h a n its Born approximation. Though it cannot lead to a full answer it produces the following interesting results [5]: — the 2-photon exchange amplitude needed to explain the discrepancy is actually of the expected order of magnitude, t h a t is a few percent of the Born amplitude. — there may be a simple explanation to the fact t h a t the Rosenbluth plot looks linear even though it is strongly affected by the 2-photon exchange.

1 1 1 1 2 2' 2 2


1 1 1 2 2' 2



2' 2

as the only independent amplitudes. T h e next step is to write a covariant decomposition with 3 independent Lorentz structures. For obvious reasons we choose two of t h e m to be the same as in the one photon approximation. For the third structure several choices are possible and we found convenient to choose u{k')'y.Pu{k)


so t h a t the T matrix can be written as T =


X tZ(p') [GMI^

- F2—

+ F^^-J^)



where GM , ^ 2 , ^3 are complex functions of v and Q^ and the factor e^/Q^ has been introduced for convenience. By analogy we define: GE = GM-{l

+ r)F2


which is equal to GE in the Born approximation. T h e last step is to evaluate the matrix elements of T in the helicity basis and in the CM frame and to check t h a t the set of equations

2 2' 2 2


1 1. 1


2 2' 2

2' 2


p.A.M. Guichon: Two photon effects in electron scattering ^


F2, Fs


can be inverted, which is indeed the case. Note t h a t one can also start directly from the general amplitude for elastic scattering of two spin 1/2 particles as derived by Goldberger et al. [6]. Neglecting the amplitudes which flip the helicity of the electron this amplitude is written [6]: u{p') {S + V-f.K)

T = u{k')j.Pu{k)

+ A u{k')j^-f.Pu{k)




Using Dirac equation and elementary relations among the Dirac matrices, it is then a simple exercise to write (12) in the form (10). If one compares with the Born amplitude: 1

TB = e^u{k')-f^u{k)—u{p')





] u{p),

'^ME = (PM — (PE, (PSM


P= j ^ -


If one substitutes the Born approximation values of the amplitudes (14) then (16, 17) give back the familiar expressions (5, 7). To simplify the general expressions (16, 17) we make the very reasonable assumption t h a t only the two photons exchange needs to be considered. This amounts to keep only the terms of order e^ with respect to the leading one in (16, 17). Using the fact t h a t (pM, (pE and F3 are of order e^ we get the approximate expressions: da





M^. For comparison, the nucleon pole contribution is also displayed {thin curves)

3 Results In this section we present our results for the asymmet r y Bn on the proton and neutron targets. In our calculation, we used the most recent parameterizations of the G P D s [10,11] for the evaluation of the lower blob of Fig. 1, while we calculate exactly the loop integral appearing in the upper part of Fig. 1, for details see [7,9]. As one can see from Fig. 2, the handbag mechanism predicts the effect of ^ 1.5 p p m for the proton, and ^ — 0.2 p p m for the neutron. For comparison, the contribution of the nucleon intermediate state (instead of the lower blob with G P D in Fig. 1) is shown for the same kinematics. This latter can be calculated exactly since it only contains the onshell elastic form factors of the nucleon. For the proton, the forward kinematics (30° < Ocm < 90°) looks promising for disentangling the inelastic contribution from the elastic one on the experiment. For the neutron, the effect is quite small due to partial cancellation of competing contributions. Further investigations of this observable at high m o m e n t u m transfers is necessary to obtain a valuable cross-check for the real part of the 27-exchange amplitude in order to resolve the present experimental situation with the elastic form factors. At present, there exist experimental d a t a on B^ [12,13], while the further several experiments are planned, aiming to measure this beam normal spin asymmetry in diflFerent kinematics [14,15,16].



11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

M.K. Jones et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1398 (2000) O. Gayou et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 092301 (2002) L. Andivahis et al.: Phys. Rev. D 84, 5491 (1994) M.E. Christy et al.: nucl-ex/0401030 J. Arrington (JLab EOl-OOl Collaboration): nuclex/0312017 P.A.M. Guichon, M. Vanderhaeghen: Phys. Rev. Lett. 9 1 , 142303 (2003) M. Gorchtein, P.A.M. Guichon, M. Vanderhaeghen: Nucl. Phys. A 741, 234 (2004) A. de Rujula, J.M. Kaplan, E. de Rafael: Nucl. Phys. B 35, 365 (1971) Y.C. Chen, A. Afanasev, S.J. Brodsky, C.E. Carlson, M. Vanderhaeghen: hep-ph/0403058 A.D. Martin, R.G. Roberts, W.J. Stirling, R.S. Thorne: Phys. Lett. B 531, 216 (2002); Feng Yuan, Phys. Rev. D 69, 051501 (2004) A.V. Radyushkin: Phys. Rev. D 58, 114008 (1998) S.P. Wells et al. (SAMPLE Collaboration): Phys. Rev. C 63, 064001 (2001) F. Maas et al. (MAMI/A4 Collaboration): in preparation SLAG El58 Experiment: contact person K. Kumar G. Gates, K. Kumar, D. Lhuillier, spokesperson(s): HAPPEX-2 Experiment (JLab E-99-115) D. Beck, spokesperson(s): JLab/GO Experiment (JLab E0-006, E-01-116)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 35-38 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-007-l

EPJ A direct electronic only

Transverse spin asymmetry at the A4 experiment Experimental results Sebastian Baunack^, for the A4-collaboration Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz, Institut fiir Kernphysik, J.J. Becherweg 45, 55299 Mainz, Germany Received: 15 October 2004 / Pubhshed Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Itahana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The A4 cohaboration at the MAMI accelerator has measured the transverse spin asymmetry in the cross section of elastic scattering of transversely polarized electrons off unpolarized protons. An azimuthal dependence of the asymmetry has been observed, the amplitudes have been determined as =0.106 (GeV/c)^) = (-8.59 0.S9stat 0.75syst) 10"^ and =0.230 (GeV/c)^) = (-8.52 zb 2.31 stat 0.87 syst) 10 . arises from the imaginary part of the 27-exchange amplitude. Our experimentally determined values of show that in the intermediate hadronic state not only the ground state of the proton, but also excited states contribute to the asymmetry. PACS. 13.40.Gp Electromagnetic form factors - 11.30.Er Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete - 13.40.-f Electromagnetic processes and properties - 14.20.Dh Properties of protons and neutrons

1 Introduction T h e A4 collaboration was founded to investigate the asymmetry in the elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons off unpolarized protons. In recent years, theoretical effort has been spent to calculate the asymmetry for transversely polarized electrons [1,2]. T h e asymmetry arises from the interference between I 7 and 27 exchange (Fig. 1). T h e calculations take into account the intermediate hadronic state of the 27 exchange and might explain the discrepancy between the Rosenbluth separation technique and the polarization transfer m e t h o d for the dermination of the ratio G^/G^ of the electromagnetic form factors of the proton [3]. T h e A4 segmented lead fluoride (P6F2) calorimeter which covers the full 27r azimuthal range is an appropiate a p p a r a t u s to reveal the sinusoidal dependence of the asymmetry on the angle between the electron spin and the scattering plane. We have measured A_\_ at two b e a m energies 569.31 MeV and 855.15 MeV at scattering angles between 30° < 0 < 40° corresponding to m o m e n t u m transfers 0.106 (GeV/c)^ and 0.230 (GeV/c)^. In contrast to the parity violation measurements, the transverse electron spin causes physical asymmetries of nonnegligible order in our luminosity monitors. An extensive analysis of these asymmetries, which come from the 27 exchange in M0ller scattering, has been made in order to understand and control this effect. Our experimentally determined values of show t h a t in the intermediate hadronic state comprises part of PhD thesis

Fig. 1. 27 exchange not only the ground state of the proton, but also excited states contribute to the physical asymmetry [2].

2 Experimental setup T h e measurement principle is quite simple (Fig. 2): the polarised electron beam hits a hydrogen target and is scattered into the detector which counts the number A^^ of the elastic scattered particles for two opposite spin directions. -j-N'). T h e asymmetry is then A = (Ar+ - Ar-)/(Ar+ T h e measurement took place in the MAMI accelerator facility using the A4-experiment setup, which has been described in detail in [4]. We used an electron beam with an intensity of 20 IJ,A. T h a n k s to the polarized electron source using a strained layer GaAs crystal the averaged beam polarization Pg was about 80 %. T h e spin of the electrons was reversed every 20 ms following a randomly selected pattern, (H h) or (- + + - ) . T h e polarization degree of the beam was measured by a M0ller polarimeter situated in another experimental hall. T h e spin of the


S. Baunack: Transverse spin asymmetry at the A4 experiment



2 (GeV/c)^. Planning for another potential experiment is underway at Jefferson Lab, using t h e reaction e-\-p ^ jy -\-n^ covering t h e range Q^ '^ 1 — 3 (GeV/c)^ [10]. This very challenging experiment would require detection of t h e recoiling neutrons at very forward angles, and t h e parity-violating asymmetry in t h e detected neutrons would be measured in order t o constrain backgrounds. While t h e above measurements would be able t o better and provide improved models of cross constrain GA(Q'^) section d a t a for neutrino oscillation experiments, it is t h e axial form factor as seen by an electron t h a t is relevant t o the parity violation program t h a t is t h e topic of this workshop. T h e axial form factor seen in P V electron scattering can be written, going beyond first order, as G^iQ'

-rs{l + RI=')GA{Q')

+ RI='G'A{Q')



where Rj^~ ' are electroweak radiative corrections arising from higher order diagrams ^. T h e SU(3) octet form factor G\ is not present at tree-level, b u t appears once radiative corrections are included. Its Q^ = 0 value can be estimated from t h e ratio of axial vector t o vector couplings in hyperon (3 decay which, assuming SU(3) flavor symmetry, can be related t o t h e octet axial charge ag and to t h e hyperon F and D coefficients [4],


( 3 F - D) _ 1 2x/3

~ 2

as = 0.217


Its Q^ behavior has also not been measured, but it is usually assumed t o have t h e same dipole form as t h e isovector form factor GA{Q'^) with t h e same mass parameter MAIt should be noted t h a t while a decade of measurements related t o t h e "spin crisis" have indirectly determined GA{0) = As from polarized deep-inelastic scattering, its Q^ behavior is also unknown. There has been one determination of G^j^{0) from quasielastic neutrino scattering [12], which is in reasonable agreement with t h e polarized DIS data. An improved analysis of these d a t a was carried out by Garvey et al. [13] who included possible effects of nonzero strange vector form factors. A recent further improved analysis was carried out by S. P a t e [14], who combined t h e neutrino d a t a with results from H A P P E X to perform a global fit t o t h e three strange form factors (so far with only two constraints) t o extract G\ at t h e mean of t h e two experiments, Q^ = 0.5 (GeV/c)^, rather t h a n extrapolating t o Q^ = 0. A new direct measurement of G^j^ at low m o m e n t u m transfer has been proposed using I am here following the notation in [11].

E. Beise: The axial form factor of the nucleon


Table 1. Electroweak radiative corrections, computed in the MS scheme, for the axial form factor measured in PV electron scattering. The values are taken from [1] Source


1-quark anapole total

-0.18 -0.06 -0.24


pT=0 HA

0.24 4

0.07 0.01 0.08

E E (0

4 4


the ratio of neutral current to charged current neutrino scattering at low m o m e n t u m transfer, FiNeSSE, using a highly segmented detector with wavelength shifting optical fibers embedded in mineral oil to identify tracks left by the recoiling protons [15]. This experiment would potentially improve the determination of As by about a factor of two over the DIS data, and with less theoretical uncertainty. Of more direct interest to the parity violation program is the radiative correction to the isovector G A ( Q ^ ) , of which the nucleon's anapole form factor F ^ is one component. T h e dominant contributions to R^^ and R^^ come from 1-quark terms such as 7 - Z mixing and vertex corrections, which have been computed by several authors [1,4]. Multi-quark or anapole contributions were also computed [1], who modeled t h e m in terms of hadronic parity-violating NN couplings cast within a heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory framework. T h e results are shown in Table 1. While the 1-quark contributions dominate the correction, the anapole contributions dominate the uncertainty. T h e axial form factor G ^ , or at least its isovector piece G^*^ \ can be determined from the P V asymmetry in quasielastic scattering from deuterium, where the strange quark effects in the neutron and proton tend to cancel. Nuclear effects, including b o t h parity conserving [17] and parity-violating [18,19] contributions, have been shown to be small. T h e first measurement of G\^ ^^^ was carried out by the S A M P L E collaboration. T h e measured asymmetry at two m o m e n t u m transfers are shown in Fig. 1. They agree fairly well with the calculation, which was carried out at Q^ = 0, indicating t h a t there is no anomalously large Q^ dependence to the anapole t e r m or to the correction at these very low m o m e n t u m transfers. However, very little else is known about its behavior away from Q^ = 0. Two model calculations [3,2] of Fj^{Q'^) have been carried out, and they indicate a much softer behavior with Q^ t h a n t h a t of ^ ^ ( Q ^ ) , even possibly an increase with Q^, as well as quite different behavior for the isoscalar and isovector pieces. These could substantially enhance the effects of radiative corrections at m o m e n t u m transfers in the range of the GO experiment. It would thus be very useful to have some experimental information on G\^ ^^^ at higher m o m e n t u m transfers. A program of backward angle measurements with a deuterium target is part of the planned running for the GO experiment, and aerogel Cerenkov detectors have been added to the detector array


d" (Gey/c) Fig. 1. Asymmetry results from the two SAMPLE deuterium experiments {solid circles, see [16]), compared to expectation from theory using the axial radiative corrections of [1] (open circles). The theory also assumes a value of GM of 0.15 nuclear magnetons, and the grey band represents a change in GM of 6 n.m. in order to identify and separate charged pions produced in the deuterium target from the desired quasielastically scattered electrons. These d a t a will not only reduce the model uncertainties in the determination of G% and G%f from the hydrogen data, but will also allow the first experimental information on G\ away from the static limit. Shown in Fig. 2 are the projected uncertainties from the GO experiment [20] in the difference between G^^^^"^^ and the tree-level G^ t h a t is seen in neutrino scattering, along with the calculation of [1] and the two S A M P L E measurements. As an aside, it should be noted t h a t , assuming t h a t a determination of the nucleon axial form factor can straightforwardly be related to electron-quark interactions, the two S A M P L E measurements can be recast in terms of the two electron-quark couplings C2U and C2d' Prior to the S A M P L E measurements, experimental limits on these were from the original SLAG DIS parityviolation experiment [21], and from the parity-violating quasielastic elecron scattering experiment on ^Be carried out at Mainz [22]. T h e two S A M P L E measurements are sensitive to the combination C2U — C2d' These are modified by 1-quark radiative corrections, and in the case of elastic e-A^ scattering the multiquark corrections as well. In order to compare directly to the SLAG DIS data, the multi-quark radiative corrections must be removed, which although small, dominate the uncertainty. T h e resulting values from the 200 MeV and 125 MeV d a t a sets, respectively, are C2u - C2d = - 0 . 0 4 2 C2u - C2d = - 0 . 1 2

0.040 0.05

0.035 0.05




where the first two uncertainties are statistical and experimental systematic, the third is t h a t due the radiative corrections, and, for the 125 MeV case, the last corresponds to variations in G^j^ by 6 because it is unde-

E. Beise: The axial form factor of the nucleon






measurements. In P V electron scattering, the axial form factor is substantially modified and very little is known about the Q^ behavior of the higher order terms. T h e GO experiment will uniquely be able to provide the higher Q^ d a t a through quasielastic scattering from a deuterium target.

Zhu calc. A SAMPLE 125 MeV SAMPLE 200 MeV

1.0 P 0.5



h References

-.-0.5 h ^-1.0 h < -1.5 h

n GO projected uncert.

-2.0 0.0


0.2 Q2





Fig. 2. The difference between the axial form factor seen by an electron in parity-violating electron scattering and Gj^(Q'^), the tree-level form factor. Shown are the calculation of [1], SAMPLE data, and projected uncertainties in the GO experiment

termined at this m o m e n t u m transfer. These values are in good agreement with the Standard Model prediction [4], and represent a significant improvement over the earlier data.

4 Conclusion In summary, while much attention has been focused on determination of the neutral weak vector form factors, in order to extract strange quark effects in the nucleon, there are variety of experimental avenues to pursue in the near future to improve our knowledge of the nucleon's axial form factor. T h e tree-level form factor is now known reasonably well at low m o m e n t u m transfers from neutron b e t a decay, from quasielastic neutrino scattering and from pion electroproduction. Its knowledge at higher mom e n t u m transfer, including potential deviations from a generic dipole behavior, can be improved with new neutrino scattering experiments, and these experiments will help provide the required precision cross section information needed for the next generation of neutrino oscillation

1. S.-L. Zhu, S.J. Puglia, B.R. Holstein, M.J. Ramsey-Musolf: Phys. Rev. D 62, 033008 (2000) 2. D.O. Riska: NucL Phys. A 678, 79 (2000) 3. C M . Maekawa, U. van Kolck: Phys. Lett. B 478, 73 (2000); C.M. Maekawa, J.S. Viega, U. van Kolck: Phys. Lett. B 488, 167 (2000) 4. K. Hagiwara et al.: Review of Particle Properties, Phys. Rev. D 66, 010001 (2002) 5. H. Budd, A. Bodek, J. Arrington: arXiv:hep-ex/0308005 6. Y. Nambu, D. Lurie: Phys. Rev. 125, 1429 (1962); Y. Nambu, E.Shrauner: Phys. Rev. 128, 862 (1962) 7. A. Liesenfeld et al.: Phys. Lett. B 468, 20 (1999) 8. V. Bernard, L. Elouadrhiri, U.-G. Meissner: J. Phys. G 28, R l (2002) 9. Minerz/a proposal: K. McFarland, spokesperson 10. Jefferson Laboratory PAC25 Letter of Intent LOI-04-006: A. Deur, contact 11. M.J. Musolf, T.W. Donnelly, J. Dubach, S.J. Pollock, S. Kowalski, E.J. Beise: Physics Reports 239, 1 (1994) 12. L.A. Ahrens et al.: Phys. Rev. D 35, 785 (1987) 13. G.T. Garvey, W.C. Louis, D.H. White: Phys. Rev. C 48, 761 (1993) 14. S. Pate: Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 082002 (2004) 15. FiNeSSE proposal, R. Tayloe, B. Fleming: contacts 16. T. Ito et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 102003 (2004) 17. L. Diaconescu, R. Schiavilla, U. van Kolck: Phys. Rev. C 63, 044007 (2001) 18. R. Schiavilla, J. Carlson, M. Paris: Phys. Rev. C 67, 032501 (2003) 19. C.P. Liu, G. Prezeau, M.J. Ramsey-Musolf: Phys. Rev. C 67, 035501 (2003) 20. GO Backward angle proposal: D. Beck, contact. Uncertainties were projected based on 80 yit A of (normal time structure) beam on a 20 cm deuterium target, along with uncertainties achieved in the forward angle measurement that was carried out in 2004 21. C.Y. Prescott et al.: Phys. Lett. B 84, 524 (1979) 22. W. Heil et al.: NucL Phys. B 327, 1 (1989)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 47-50 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-010-6

EPJ A direct electronic only

Parity violating electron scattering at the M A M I facility in Mainz The strangeness contribution to the form factors of the nucleon F.E. Maas, for the A4-Collaboration Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz, Institut fiir Kernphysik, J.J.Becherweg 45, 55299 Mainz, Germany e-mail: maasQkph. uni-mainz. de

Received: 15 December 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. We report here on a new measurement of the parity violating (PV) asymmetry in the scattering of polarized electrons on unpolarized protons performed with the setup of the A4-collaboration at the MAMI accelerator facility in Mainz. This experiment is the first to use counting techniques in a parity violation experiment. The kinematics of the experiment is complementary to the earlier measurements of the SAMPLE collaboration at the MIT Bates accelerator and the HAPPEX collaboration at Jefferson Lab. After discussing the experimental context of the experiments, the setup at MAMI and preliminary results are presented. PACS. 12.15 Electroweak interactions - ll.30.Er Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete - 13.40.Gp Electromagnetic form factors - 25.30.Bf Elastic electron scattering

1 Strangeness in the nucleon T h e understanding of q u a n t u m chromodynamics (QCD) in the nonperturbative regime of low energy scales is crucial for understanding the structure of hadronic m a t t e r like protons and neutrons (nucleons). T h e successful description of a wide variety of observables by the concept of effective, heavy ( ^ 350 MeV) constituent quarks, which are not the current quarks of Q C D , is still a puzzle. There are other equivalent descriptions of hadronic m a t t e r at low energy scales in terms of effective fields like chiral perturbation theory ( x P T ) or Skyrme-type soliton models. T h e effective fields in these models arise dynamically from a sea of virtual gluons and quark-antiquark pairs. In this context the contribution of strange quarks plays a special role since the nucleon has no net strangeness, and any contribution of strange quarks to the nucleon structure observables is a pure sea-quark effect. Due to the heavier current quark mass of strangeness (m^) as compared to u p (mu) and down (m^^) with rris ~ 140 MeV ^ rriu^rad ^ 5-10 MeV, one expects a suppression of strangeness effects in the creation of quark-ant iquark pairs. On the other hand the strange quark mass is in the range of the mass scale of Q C D {rris ~ ^QCD) SO t h a t the dynamic creation of strange sea quark pairs could still be substantial. T h e topic of the strangeness content of the nucleon has been widely discussed in other contributions to this conference from J. Ellis, A. Silva, B. Kubis and others. Parity violating (PV) electron scattering off nucleons provides experimental access to the strange quark vector current in the nucleon {N\s'^ij^s\N) which is parameterized in the

electromagnetic form factors of proton and neutron, G% and G ^ [1]. Recently the SAMPLE-, H A P P E X - and A4collaboration have published experimental results. A direct separation of electric (G|;) and magnetic {G%^) contribution at forward angle has been impossible so far, since the measurements have been taken at different Q^-values. T h e experimental details of the S A M P L E , H A P P E X , A4 and GO collaboration is discussed in greater detail in many long and short contributions of this conference proceedings. A determination of the weak vector form factors of the proton ( G ^ and C ^ ) by measuring the P V asymmetry in the scattering of longitudinally polarized electron off unpolarized protons allows the determination of the strangeness contribution to the electromagnetic form factors G% and G%^. T h e weak vector form factors &^ ^ of the proton can be expressed in terms of the known electromagnetic nucleon form factors G^^j^ and the unknown strange form factors Gl; ^ using isospin symmetry and the universality of the quarks in weak and electromagnetic interaction ^^E,M

= i^^E,M ~ ^"E.M)

~ "^Si^

^W G^E,M ~ ^E,M'


interference between weak (Z) and electromagnetic (7) amplitudes leads to a P V asymmetry ALR{ep) = {aR — (^L)/{(^R -\- CFL) in the elastic scattering cross section of right- and left-handed electrons {CFR and w


Gl^ + GT


Hall A Proton Parity 5^eriment

Fig. 1. Schematic of HAPPEX-H experiment

In Hall A, elastically scattered electrons are focused onto two detectors by two identical magnetic spectrometers. Inelastic events are cleanly rejected by being focused out of the detector acceptance. T h e high rate in the detectors would result in significant dead time issues for a counting experiment. Instead, we integrate the detector signals over each helicity window using custom built integrating ADCs and a d a t a acquisition system triggered at 30 Hz. T h e beam position, energy, and intensity are measured using various detectors in the Hall A beam line and these signals are also integrated over each helicity window. T h e physics asymmetry is given by


and A^^ is sensitive only to G|;. H A P P E X - H e scatters polarized electrons from a high pressure ^He target with the same kinematics as H A P P E X - H : ^ ~ 6 degrees, Q^ ^ 0 . 1 GeV^. W i t h o u t strange quark effects, the predicted asymmetry is 8.4 ppm, and the goal is to measure this asymmet r y to 2.2% statistical and 2 . 1 % systematic. Both H A P P E X - H and H A P P E X - H e began d a t a taking in Summer 2004. T h e parity violating asymmetry in elastic scattering of polarized electrons from a heavy nucleus is sensitive to the ratio Rn/Rp of the neutron and proton radii for t h a t nucleus. T h e lead radius experiment, P R E X (Experiment EOO-114) [14], will measure this asymmetry with a ^^^Pb target. Kinematics will be ^ ~ 6 degrees, Q^ ~ 0.01 GeV^, with an expected asymmetry ^4^^ ~ 0.5 ppm. Our goal is to measure this asymmetry with statistical and systematic errors of 3 % and 1.1%, respectively, yielding a 1% measurement of Rn/Rp. P R E X is conditionally approved. A schematic of the H A P P E X - H experiment is shown in Fig. 1. Polarized electrons are produced at the source using circularly polarized light incident on a GaAs crystal. Polarization is set at 30 Hz, with a randomly chosen polarization followed by its complement to make a pair of opposite helicity "windows" each about 30 ms in length.



AQ + aAE + 2_^



Here Adet = {S^ - S^)/{S^ + S^) is the helicity correlated asymmetry in the integrated detector signals S^^^^ for right (left) polarized beam. T h e remaining terms are corrections for systematic effects. AQ and AE are the helicity correlated relative differences in the b e a m intensity and energy, respectively. Axi is the helicity correlated difference in beam parameter Xi, where the four parameters are horizontal and vertical positions and angles at the target, a and Pi are the responses of the detector to changes in beam energy and position or angle x^, respectively. This equation is correct under the assumptions t h a t the detectors and beam monitors are linear and t h a t there are no additional sensitivities to higher order parameters, such as spot size.

3 Beam and instrumentation upgrades In order to meet the challenging goals of these experiments, we must control and understand our systematics at a more precise level t h a n in the past. A number of upgrades and improvements to the polarized source, beam transport, and experimental instrumentation are required.

R.S. Holmes: The next generation HAPPEX experiments Table 1. HAPPEX beam requirements. "Jitter" is RMS width for signals integrated over 30 ms; "Difference" is size of helicity correlated difference averaged over the data set Property




Energy Current Position Angle Halo @ 3 mm

3.2 GeV 100 M 0 0 CQCD



T h e dynamics t h a t governs the confinement of quarks and gluons into hadrons is of notoriously nonperturbative nat u r e for which an analytic t r e a t m e n t is still missing. Although various quark models help understanding quite a number of phenomena of hadronic interactions, it should be stressed t h a t a covariant quark model t h a t solves simultaneously confinement and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking has never been constructed. Other t h a n quark models, much effort has been put in building the effective theories of Q C D , valid for specific ranges of low energy scale. Those theories are built upon some symmetry property of the Q C D lagrangian in some specific limit. T h e most prominent example is the chiral (left-H-right) symmetry, SU{Nf)L 0 SU{Nf)ji, t h a t is manifest when the quarks are massless. T h a t symmetry is spontaneously broken down to SU{Nf)y, resulting in the appearance of N'i — 1 Goldstone bosons ('pions'). Chiral perturbation theory ( C h P T ) provides us with an effective description of Q C D t h a t incorporates these features and, in addition, allows one to account for the explicit chiral symmetry breaking corrections, namely those generated by the non-zero quark mass terms in the Q C D lagrangian. T h e computation of such corrections, unfortunately, generates a bunch of low energy constants t h a t are supposed to be obtained from the matching procedure of appropriately chosen amplitudes computed b o t h in C h P T and in Q C D , at some energy scale at which C h P T can be trusted and at which direct Q C D computations can be

made. This is where lattice Q C D is expected to provide information to the Q C D piece in this matching. In the above discussion Nf stands for the number of light quark flavors. Today we are confident t h a t C h P T provides an adequate framework to describe the dynamics of strange-less hadrons {Nf = 2), whereas the situation with the strange quark {rris) is still unclear [1]. This is not only because rris is about 25 times larger t h a n rriq = {rriu + md)/2mu [2], but also because it is not much smaller t h a n the hadronic 3361^^ MeV [3]. W h a t do we Q C D scale, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = ' ^ know about TTI^? This is one of the highlights of the lattice Q C D achievements over the past decade which is why I decided to briefly discuss it here. T h a t discussion will also allow me to introduce the methodology but also the challenges of lattice Q C D .

1.1 Lattice QCD and the strange quark mass T h e numerical solution to the problem in hands, namely to compute the hadronic spectra numerically from the Q C D lagrangian only (1), does exist. T h e crucial first step in t h a t direction is to make the analytic continuation to the euclidean metric {XQ^ -^ ^^o^), in which the Q C D generating functional reads

Z[A,q,q] = JVAVqVqexp{-S[A,q,q]}



In euclidean space the Q C D action is real and bounded from below. Discretization of the euclidean space and time, L = Nsa and T = Nta, allows for an equivalence between the generating functional and the partition function, so t h a t the Monte Carlo methods can be employed. SU{3) gauge fields are placed on the links of the lattice whereas the quark degrees of freedom are sitting on the sites. A particularly important feature, while discretizing the Q C D action, is t h a t the gauge invariance is preserved at every stage of calculation. T h e price to

D. Becirevic: Getting to grips with hadrons


pay is t h a t the lattice spacing a ^ 0 breaks the Lorentz invariance, which is however recovered once we take the continuum hmit, a -^ 0 (i.e. after we send the UV cut-off to infinity). Finally, after the continuum limit has been taken appropriately, we should worry about the finite volume effects and work out the limit L^T ^ oo (i.e. send the IR regulator to zero). This is a very challenging task for numerical simulations, and it requires a lot of clever ideas and a huge computing power. W h a t is important to retain is t h a t - i n principle- the Q C D simulations on the lattice offer a first principle approach to the physics of hadrons. In other words the solution to nonperturbative Q C D is provided without introducing any additional parameter except for those t h a t appear in the Q C D lagrangian, namely the quark masses and the SU{3)c gauge coupling. In practice, however, various approximations are often necessary in order to make the calculation feasible on the present day computing resources. Importantly though, all those approximations are controllable and, for the most part, we can get rid of t h e m by increasing the computing power. T h e most infamous (least controllable) is the socalled quenched approximation. It consists in neglecting the dynamical quark loops while producing the gauge field configuration. This is certainly a serious drawback of the most of currently available lattice results, but it nevertheless make a good case for developing the methodology for the computation of various physical quantities on the lattice. One way to compute the quark mass on the lattice is via the axial Ward identity -^, d^Ai^{x) = 2mqP^{x). One computes the following two correlation functions: (^9^^(x)7^75^(x) X


0(0)) '


Table 1. Strange quark mass obtained from the quenched QCD simulations on the lattice. Results by various collaborations [6] refer to the continuum limit (a —) 0) collaboration JLQCD Alpha & UKQCD QCDSF CP-PACS SPQcdR

^(2 GeV) 106(7) MeV 97(4) MeV 105(4) MeV

Ultl MeV 106(2)(8) MeV

by various lattice collaborations have been obtained by means of high statistics simulations, by implementing the non-perturbative renormalization on fine grained lattices, so t h a t the continuum limit could be taken. Finite volume effects have also been examined and shown to be tiny, i.e., at the level much smaller t h a n the errors they quote. T h e results, listed in Table 1, are obtained in the quenched approximation. I m p o r t a n t qualitative outcome from the lattice studies is t h a t the quark masses are indeed small and t h a t the light hadron masses are mostly due to Q C D interaction rather t h a n to their valence quark content. Finally notice t h a t the first lattice studies in which the effects of dynamical quarks are included show t h a t the strange quark mass gets even smaller [7], but we are not yet at the stage of providing the precision unquenched computation of m..

( ^ ^ ( x ) 7 5 g ( x ) 0(0)) , X



where O is a bilinear quark operator with q u a n t u m numbers J^ = 0~, and after having properly renormalized the axial current and the pseudoscalar density, the ratio of these two correlation functions gives the quark mass. Various ways to nonperturbatively renormalize the composite quark operators on the lattice have been developed (see [4]) and they are implemented in most of the present day quark mass calculations. Besides the ratio of the above correlation functions, from the exponential dependence of the second correlator one can read off the corresponding pseudoscalar meson mass. At this point it should be stressed t h a t the lattice results are consistent with the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner (GMOR) formula, rn^^ = 2Bomq. Surprisingly, however, although the G M O R formula is expected to be valid for very small quark masses (it receives the m^-corrections and higher), the lattice Q C D results (with Wilson fermions) display a rather impressive consistency with the leading G M O R formula while working with heavy pions ( m p ^ > 500 MeV). T h e strategy to reach the physical quark mass is to t u n e the quark mass in the Q C D action in such a way t h a t the corresponding pseudoscalar meson mass coincides with the physical kaon mass. T h e resulting strange quark mass ^ For alternative strategies and lattice actions to compute the strange quark mass, please see [5].

2 Hadron spectrum Lattice Q C D is particularly well suited to study the spect r a of hadrons. In the previous section we already mentioned t h a t the pseudoscalar meson masses were necessary to identify the strange quark mass. One can also study the correlation functions with the interpolating bilinear quark operators carrying other q u a n t u m numbers and thus extract the vector, axial-vector, tensor and even scalar mesons (for the last the valence quarks should be non-degenerate in order to have the correlator with a discernible signal).

2.1 Glueballs In spite of the quenched approximation, some long standing problems can still be tackled. One such a problem is the existence of the mass gap in the pure Yang-Mills theory. This problem is stated as one of Seven Millenium M a t h Prize Problems [9], to which an analytical solution is missing. On the other hand, many lattice analyses performed so far show t h a t the glueball states indeed exist. Nowadays even the spectrum of such states has been established. This is a very important prediction of lattice Q C D . T h e spectrum shown in Fig. 1, is given in multiples of ro, a quantity t h a t is defined from the condition r dV{r)/dr\^^^^ = 1.65 [10], where V{r) is the potential

D. Becirevic: Getting to grips with hadrons



^ 10 [





^ 4

3*' 1.5

8 ["






E = 6 ^2-



i 3




^ 2 0"

^ 1.0 ^ 1


Fig. 2. The spectrum of baryons produced by JLQCD both in quenched (Nf = 0) and in unquenched (Nf = 2) QCD [11]. Physical (experimentally established) masses [12] are marked by the horizontal lines

Fig. 1. The spectrum of glueball states as estabhshed from the extensive quenched lattice QCD simulations in [8]. The widths of the lines reflect the error bars of lattice results

between two infinitely heavy quarks, which can be (and has been) accurately studied on the lattice. To convert to physical units, a commonly assumed value is ro = 0.5 fm (orro = 2.5GeV"^). 2.2 Baryons

As we already mentioned, from the exponential fall-off of various correlation functions (made with various interpolating operators consisting of quark and gluon fields), one can extract the hadron masses with quantum numbers carried by the considered composite operator. The operators used to extract the proton mass (and its coupling to these interpolating operator) are

J{X) = £«'"= [ul{x)Cdb{x)]




Jix) = e""" [ul{x)Cj5db{x)]


u,{x), j5Uc{x),


where C stands for the charge conjugation operator. Neutron mass is simply obtained by replacing one u quark by c/, whereas the S state arise after replacing u and d by two s quarks, and so on. The spectrum of lowest baryon states computed on the lattice is shown in Fig. 2. Strange quark mass is fixed from the physical kaon mass, as explained in the previous section. The most striking feature of that plot is that the baryon spectrum, as deduced from the quenched simulations is essentially unchanged after unquenching the QCD vacuum fluctuation by Nf = 2 dynamical quarks. This probably indicates that the most significant effect of quenching has been absorbed in the conversion of results from the lattice to physical units. Second important feature is the nucleon mass that in both cases is larger than that of the physical nucleon. To discuss the reasons for that effect we should

stress that the nucleon mass is not obtained directly on the lattice but rather after a long extrapolation. This is so because the lattice simulations are performed with the light quarks rriq > m^^^^ /2, with ruq rud, while m,, the physical limit is mq/rris = 0.04. Since the sector of light quark masses over which one has to extrapolate is expected to be highly sensitive to the effects of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, it is not enough to extrapolate the linear (or quadratic) quark mass dependence observed with the directly accessible quarks (i.e. in the 'heavy pion world'). Therefore, the task, that the lattice community approached very seriously, is to reduce the value of simulated quark ('pion') masses. The trouble is that reduction is very costly in computing power. Even if we manage to create clever algorithms to work closer to the chiral limit the artifacts due to finiteness of the lattice size (L) become more pronounced and the chiral extrapolations should be made by using the formulae derived by using the chiral perturbation theory in the finite volume. That issue attracted quite a bit of attention in the lattice community over the past couple of years [13]. In the case of nucleon, the leading order chiral lagrangian ^(1) "N




is consisted of the nucleon field iZ^, the covariant derivative D/^ = ^M + I K ^ ^yu*?]? in which the Goldstone boson fields enter via i7 = ^^, and ^^ = i^^d/^U^^. The standard axial coupling is used, QA = 1-2. One-loop chiral corrections to the self energy of the nucleon propagator produce the shift to the bare nucleon mass, mo, as ^^9A

rriN = rno — 4cim^




:m^ {^Truy-




> O

1.6 ¥UC NP imp. clover Wilson DWJ'

1.2 O.S




















Fig. 3 . The chiral extrapolation of the lattice QCD results with Nf = 2. Solid and dashed curves correspond to the socalled infrared regularization and to the non-relativistic treatment of the nucleon. For more information, please see [15]




L .






/H^ (GeV^) 2.8









where C{A) is the counter-term which cancels the yl-dependence t h a t otherwise arises from the renormalization of the ultraviolet divergences in the chiral loops. It t u r n s out, however, t h a t the two conventional descriptions lead to quite different results when applied to the lattice d a t a with TV/ = 2, and t h a t they coincide only for very light pions, namely TTITT


3 Generalized parton distributions (GPD)





m u ^ ^ l * * t '1 ^ 1.5


Lattice Q C D also offers the possibility to study the matrix elements of the local operators sandwiched by the hadron states. This is particularly important for the studies of the CP-violation in the Standard Model. For the recent review on t h a t topic, see [25]. A particularly interesting case to the nuclear physics community is the possibility to get some information about the G P D ' s of the nucleon. In particular, the matrix elements needed to study the 1^* moment have been studied by two lattice groups [26,27].


O *






15 1.3


















0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ^P'\OU}\P) - {{P'\m,



Fig. 5. Results of [23]. Plot similar to those shown in Fig. 4

< Tnfj{^

) < mN'{^

), although the mass difference,

"f^N' (^ ) — '^Tv (^ )' cippears to be smaller as the quark mass is lowered. If naively extrapolated to the chiral limit, the level crossing can be envisaged too, i.e. after extrapolation rriN'i^ ) — ^ 7 v ( i ) ^ ^ y become negative. T h a t is what [23] claimed to see from their lattice study (see Fig. 5). However, as we saw with the nucleon mass, one should make sure t h a t the finite volume effects and the chiral behavior is well under control. While for the nucleon mass the help in t h a t respect comes from C h P T , there is no such effective theory t h a t provides a similar help for the nucleon excitations. For those reasons I personally think t h a t one should make a better control over various sources of systematic uncertainties in the lattice study of excited nucleons before claiming to observe the level crossing between the nucleon's orbital and radial exitations. This is the point at which one should mention t h a t the clean extraction of the mass of radially excited state has been for a long time a subject to controversies in the lattice community. A recent proposal of [24] provides a possible remedy. T h e idea is simple and it consists to consider the s t a n d a r d correlation function G(i) = ( ^ J ( x ) j t ( 0 ) ) = £ z 2 e -




We need not only to disentangle the excitations from the leading/dominant contribution (i.e. the one to the ground state), but - of all excitations- we want to isolate the piece corresponding to the first radial excitation only. T h e proposal of [24] is to consider G{t) = G{t + l)G{t - 1) -

+Cl{A^)—u{p')u{p)A^^A,y, rriN

where A = p — p' ^ and the operator is traceless and symmetrised over the indices in the curly brackets. T h e form factors ^ 2 , ^ 2 and C2 can be extracted for several kinematic configurations which then allows one to study their Z\^-dependence. Both groups fit their d a t a {X = A2^B2^C2) to a dipole ansatz X(Z\2)

X(0) (1 - M^/Z\2)2 '



t h a t unfortunately does not provide us with more insight in physical mechanism t h a t governs the Z\^-dependence. ^ It should be stressed, however, t h a t the calculation of the above matrix elements on the lattice is demanding for many reasons. One of the most involving problems is renormalization of the operators on the lattice containing the covariant derivative. T h e reason is t h a t at non-zero lattice spacing the Lorentz group in Euclidean space SO {A) is replaced by the group of discrete hypercubic rotations H{A)^ which additionally complicates the renormalization mixing p a t t e r n among various combinations of operators with covariant derivatives. Particularly interesting physics information from the first lattice Q C D studies of G P D ' s is the fraction of the total angular m o m e n t u m of the nucleon carried by the valence quarks. T h e total angular m o m e n t u m of a quark q in the nucleon can be expressed via [28]

j , = \[Am+Bim.





In [26], the following values have been reported: A^{{}) = 0.40(2), ^ f (0) = 0.15(1), and 5 ^ ( 0 ) = 0.33(11), 5 | ( 0 ) = - 0 . 2 3 ( 8 ) , and therefore Ju = 0.37(6) and Jd = - 0 . 0 4 ( 4 ) .

SO t h a t for large time separation the ground state contributes less, and the first radial excitation is then more accessible. T h e first numerical studies also seem to be encouraging in t h a t respect.

^ Resonances in the crossed t-channel are poles in the dispersion relations for these form factors. Apart from the convenient fit formula, no reasonable physical significance could be given to the resulting M^^^ ^.

2 2 ^ ^i2-je-(™'+™^'*, i>i=0


D. Becirevic: Getting to grips with hadrons

In other words, about 30% of the (quenched) proton's angular m o m e n t u m is carried by the gluons. T h e situation in the world with Nf = 2 dynamical quarks seems to show t h a t the fraction of the total angular m o m e n t u m carried by the valence quarks is even smaller. A more definite conclusion on this issue necessitates a more control over the chiral extrapolations t h a t are involved in these calculations.

7. 8. 9.


4 Conclusion


In conclusion I would like to point out the main benefits of the lattice Q C D approach:

12. 13.

— Lattice Q C D offers a unique possibility to study the physics of hadrons on the basis of the Q C D lagrangian only. — T h e high statistics numerical simulations of Q C D on the lattice have so far been done in the so called quenched approximation. Nowadays more and more studies are made by including the effects of dynamical quarks. — T h e methodology to extract the physically interesting information from the d a t a produced on the lattice is developed in the world with heavy pions. It is highly important to extend the range of directly accessible quark masses on the lattice to lighter ones in order to confront the quark mass dependence observed on the lattice with the expressions obtained by means of ChPT. — Many phenomenologically relevant question in particle physics have been studied by using lattice Q C D . If we are to make the precision calculation of hadronic quantities on the lattice, we first need to solve the above mentioned problems. More computing power, better algorithms, more clever physical ideas and the combination of all three aspects are essential in reaching t h a t goal.


15. 16. 17.

18. 19.



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Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 79-84 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-017-y

EPJ A direct electronic only

Systematic uncertainties in the precise determination of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon D.B. Leinweber^'2, S. B o i n e p a l l i \ A . W . Thomas^'^, A.G. W i l l i a m s \ R.D. Young^'^, J . B . Z h a n g \ and J.M. Zanotti^ ^ Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, and Department of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Austraha ^ Jefferson Lab, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606, USA ^ John von Neumann-Institut fiir Computing NIC, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany Received: 1 December 2004 / Pubhshed Online: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. Systematic uncertainties in the recent precise determination of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon are identified and quantified. In summary, GM — —0.046 dz 0.019 fiNPACS. 13.40.Em Electric and magnetic moments - 12.38.Gc Lattice QCD calculations - 12.39.Fe Chiral Lagrangians

1 Introduction Recent low-mass lattice Q C D simulation results combined with new chiral extrapolation techniques and t h e principle of charge symmetry have enabled a precise determination of t h e strangeness magnetic moment of t h e nucleon G%f [1]. In this paper, t h e systematic errors of t h e approach are explored and quantified. In particular, we examine t h e sensitivity of G%^ and t h e magnetic moments of t h e baryon octet t o t h e regulator-mass scale of finiterange regularized chiral effective field theory, t h e lattice scale determination, t h e finite-volume of t h e lattice, and the quenched approximation.

2 Charge symmetry T h e approach [1] centres around two equations for t h e strangeness magnetic moment of t h e nucleon, Gl^^ ^M^ obtained from charge symmetry l-QS



2p + n-


p + 2n-




1 - 'm


Here t h e baryon labels represent t h e experimentally measured baryon magnetic moments and ^R% = G%^/^GJ^ is the ratio of s- and cZ-quark sea-quark loop contributions, depicted in t h e right-hand diagram of Fig. 1. ^Rl lies m the range (0,1). T h e ratios uF ju^ and nP' ju^ are ratios of valence-quark contributions t o baryon magnetic moments in full Q C D as depicted in t h e left-hand diagram of Fig. 1. T h e latter are determined by lattice Q C D calculations [1, 3,4,5,6].


Fig. 1. Diagrams illustrating the two topologically different insertions of the current within the framework of lattice QCD. These skeleton diagrams for the connected (left) and disconnected (right) current insertions are dressed by an arbitrary number of gluons and quark loops

Equating (1) and (2) provides a linear relationship between uP ju^ and u^/u^ which must be obeyed within Q C D under t h e assumption of charge symmetry - itself typically satisfied at t h e level of 1% or better [2]. There are no other systematic uncertainties associated with this constraint. Figure 2 displays this relationship by t h e dashed and solid line. Since this line does not pass through t h e point (1.0,1.0), corresponding t o t h e simple quark model assumption of universality, there must be an environment effect exceeding 12% in b o t h ratios or approaching 20% or more in at least one of t h e ratios. To determine t h e sign of C ^ , it is sufficient t o determine where on this constraint curve, Q C D resides.

3 vPlu^

and u^/u^


Our present precise analysis has been made possible by a significant breakthrough in t h e regularization of t h e chiralloop contributions t o hadron observables [7,8,9]. Through

D.B. Leinweber et al.: Systematic uncertainties

80 1.-4:




1 Finite Vol. QQCD QQCD Valence Sector Full QCD

1.3 1.2 -



" " * .





0.9 1












(GeV^) Fig. 2. The straight hne {dashed GM{0) < 0, solid G'M(O) > 0) indicates the constraint on the ratios u^ jvP and u^ ju^ imphed by charge symmetry and the experimentahy measured magnetic moments. The assumption of environment independent quark moments is indicated by the square. The dependence of the extrapolated ratios from lattice QCD simulations on the parameter A — 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 GeV, (governing the size of pion-cloud corrections) is illustrated by the cluster of points with A increasing from left to right

Fig. 3. The contribution of a single u quark (with unit charge) to the magnetic moment of the proton. Lattice simulation results {square symbols for m^ > 0.05 GeV^) are extrapolated to the physical point {vertical dashed line) in finite-volume QQCD as well as infinite volume QQCD. Estimates of the valence u quark contribution in full QCD and the full i^-quark sector contribution in full QCD are also illustrated. Extrapolated values at the physical pion mass {vertical dashed line), are offset for clarity

the process of regulating loop integrals via a finite-range regulator (FRR) [8,10], the chiral expansion is eflPectively re-summed to produce an expansion with vastly improved convergence properties. T h e chiral expansion for the 7x-quark contribution to the proton magnetic moment in quenched Q C D (QQCD), has the form

runs through the lattice results corresponds to replacing the discrete m o m e n t u m sum by the infinite-volume, continuous m o m e n t u m integral. For all but the lightest quark mass, finite volume effects are negligible. Having determined the analytic coeflficients a^^A ^^^ ^ particular choice of vl, one can correct the chiral properties of the pion-cloud contribution from Q Q C D to full Q C D [9, 13] by changing the coefl^icients of the loop integrals, Xr]'^ XTTB, XKB of (3), to their full Q C D counter parts [11, 12]. Valence quark contributions in full Q C D are indicated by the long-dash-dot curve in Fig. 3 (i.e. sea-quark loop charges are zero) and the full i^-quark sector including the ix-sea-quark loop contributions are indicated by the short-dash-dot curve for yl = 0.8 GeV. Figures 4, 5 and 6 show similar results for the u quark in n, U^ ^ and E^ respectively. T h e importance of correcting for b o t h finite-volume and quenching artifacts is illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8, where the one s t a n d a r d deviation agreement between the chirally corrected lattice Q C D simulation results and the experimentally measured baryon magnetic moments is highlighted.



A) -\-a2ml-\-

a^ m ^ .


where the repeated index, B^ sums over allowed baryon octet and decuplet intermediate states. T h e dependence of the unrenormalized coefl&cients, a^, and the associated dipole-vertex regulated loop integrals, I{m^,A), on the regulator parameter, A, is emphasized by the explicit appearance of A. T h e loop integrals are defined as lB{m,A)

--[ 37r J Irj>{m^,A)



(2Vfc2 + m2 + ABN)


(fc2 + m2)3/2 (^fc2 _,_ ^ 2 _,_ z i g ^ ) ' k* = - / -u{k,A), dk(fc2+m2) Jo


where ABN is the relevant baryon mass splitting and the function u{k,A) is the dipole-vert ex regulator. T h e coefficients, X5 denote the known model-independent coeflficients of the non-analytic terms for TT and K mesons in Q Q C D [11,12]. Figure 3 illustrates a fit of F R R , quenched chiral perturbation theory ( x P T ) to our fermion lattice results (solid curve), where only the discrete momenta allowed in the finite volume of the lattice are summed in evaluating the chiral loop integrals. T h e long-dashed curve t h a t also

4 Systematic errors 4.1 Regulator dependence It is important to investigate systematic errors associated with the regulator-mass dependence of F R R xPT . T h e extrapolated results of finite-volume quenched chiral effective field theory should be insensitive to the choice of regulator parameter. W h e n working to sufficient order in

D.B. Leinweber et al.: Systematic uncertainties

81 1

Finite Vol. QQCD QQCD Valence Sector Full QCD


Finite Vol. QQCD QQCD Valence Sector - Full QCD J_




m 2 (GeV^) Fig. 4. The contribution of the u quark (with unit charge) to the magnetic moment of the neutron. Curves and symbols are as described in Fig. 3

Fig. 6. The contribution of the u quark (with unit charge) to the magnetic moment of the S^ hyperon. Curves and symbols are as described in Fig. 3

2.2 3.2

Finite Vol. QQCD QQCD Valence Sector Full QCD

3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4






0.3 0.4 m^2 (GeV^)




1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0










^*} - \ \



\ 1








A u. u„ V n Fig. 5. The contribution of a single u quark (with unit charge) Fig. 7. The one standard deviation agreement between the to the magnetic moment of U~^. Curves and symbols are as for chirally corrected lattice QCD simulation results {square symFig. 3 bols) and the experimentally measured baryon magnetic moments {circular symbols) having positive values. Finite-volume quenched results {crossed boxes) and infinite-volume quenched the chiral expansion, changes in the regulation of loop in- results {diamonds) are also illustrated to highlight the importegrals should be absorbed by changes in the unrenormal- tance of correcting for both finite-volume and quenching artiized coefficients, (IQ2A'> i^ ^ manner which preserves the facts invariant renormalized coefficients. T h e latter are reflected in Fig. 9 which illustrates the insensitivity of quenched Because the strangeness magnetic moment of (1) baryon magnetic moments in a finite-volume to the reguand (2) depends only on ratios of magnetic moments, most lator parameter A. This systematic error is small relative of this A dependence cancels in the final ratios, as illusto the statistical error. Since the finite-volume and quenching corrections are t r a t e d by the close clustering of points in Fig. 2. applied only to the loop integral contributions, the final results are A dependent. In this case, the regulator of the loop integral has become a model for the axial-vector form factor of the nucleon, describing the coupling of pious to a core described by the analytic terms of the F R R expansion. This approach describes the relation between quenched and full Q C D N and A mass simulation results as a function of TTI^^ very accurately [13]. Figures 10 and 11 display results for positive and negative baryon magnetic moments in full Q C D respectively. One-standard deviation agreement is achieved for 0.7 < ^1 < 0.9.


H° H"

4.2 Role of the decuplet in x P T It is often argued t h a t next-to-leading-order non-analytic (NLNA) contributions from the baryon decuplet are essential in describing the mass dependence of nucleon magnetic moments. While the decuplet baryon contributions are not necessarily small, we find the non-analytic curvature induced by these contributions is sufficiently subtle t h a t it may be accurately absorbed by the analytic terms

D.B. Leinweber et al.: Systematic uncertainties

82 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2.0 -2.2











i' li














H° E"





u^ u»

Fig. 8. The one standard deviation agreement between the chirally corrected lattice QCD simulation results and the experimentally measured baryon magnetic moments having negative values. Symbols are as in Fig. 7 3.5 3.0 r 2.5 2.0 1.5 la; 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 I -1.0 -1.5 l -2.0 L -2.5










Fig. 10. The dependence of positive octet-baryon magnetic moments on the parameter A = 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 GeV, governing the size of pion-cloud corrections associated with the finite-volume of the lattice and artifacts of the quenched approximation. Experimental measurements, illustrated at left by the filled circle for each baryon, indicate that optimal corrections are obtained for 0.6 < A < 0.9 GeV

-\ J

S"" S



u^ u^

Fig. 9. The FRR x P T regulator mass dependence of finitevolume quenched chiral effective field theory. Experimental measurements are illustrated at left for each baryon for reference. Results for A = 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 GeV are illustrated from left to right for each baryon. The small systematic dependence on A relative to the statistical error bars illustrated indicate the order of the chiral expansion is adequate for this analysis

of the chiral expansion. Figure 12 illustrates the insensitivity of finite-volume quenched chiral effective field theory to NLNA decuplet-baryon contributions. Figure 13 confirms t h a t the NLNA decuplet-baryon contributions are indeed large in some cases and as such are important in correcting the artifacts of the quenched approximation. However, other more highlyexcited baryon resonances have small couplings to the ground-state baryon octet relative to t h a t for the decuplet and provide negligible corrections.

4.3 Scale dependence Setting the scale in quenched Q C D simulations is somewhat problematic. Different observables lead to different

Fig. 1 1 . The dependence of negative octet-baryon magnetic moments on the parameter A = 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 GeV, governing the size of pion-cloud corrections associated with the finite-volume of the lattice and artifacts of the quenched approximation. Experimental measurements, illustrated at left by the filled circle for each baryon, indicate that optimal corrections are obtained for 0.7 < A < 0.9 GeV

lattice spacings, a. If one is explicitly correcting the oneloop pion-cloud contributions to hadronic observables, as we are here, then clearly one must set the scale using an observable insensitive to chiral physics. This excludes observables such as the rho-meson mass, nucleon mass, or the pion decay constant commonly used in the literature to hide the artifacts of the quenched approximation. On the other hand, the heavy-quark phenomenology of the static-quark potential provides an optimal case. In particular, the Sommer parameter, TQ, is ideal as it sets the scale by equating the force between two static quarks in Q Q C D and full Q C D at a precise separation of TQ = 0.49 fm.

D.B. Leinweber et al.: Systematic uncertainties 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5


1.0 0.5




• ••



:l 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5

















.ii* •••^

• ••A-

•••A • ••A •••A •••A









u^ u^

Fig. 14. The dependence of octet-baryon magnetic moments on the matching criteria for determining the lattice spacing, a. While ttro — 0.128 fm set by ro (square symbols) is the preferred method for determining the scale, results for aa = 0.134 fm set by the string tension (triangles) and a third spacing of 0.122 fm (diamonds) are also illustrated. Experimental measurements (filled circles), are illustrated at left for each baryon

third-order single-elimination jackknife analysis, one finds .Mi



= 1.092

0 and —.





1.0 0.5

Using the experimental magnetic moments, one observes t h a t (2)

:3. 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 " -1.5 -2.0 -2.5


u^ u^

Fig. 12. The insensitivity of finite-volume quenched chiral effective field theory to NLNA decuplet-baryon contributions. Results including decuplet intermediate states in chiral effective field theory (squares) are compared with results excluding the decuplet (diamonds). Experimental measurements (circles), are illustrated at left for each baryon for reference

3.5 3.0 .ij 2.5 2.0 1.5 -

3.5 3.0 .1** 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 1 -2.5


••• •••





• |1

p n E E H H A u ^ ' ^ w Fig. 13. The dependence of octet-baryon magnetic moments on the inclusion of NLNA decuplet-baryon contributions in the process of correcting the pion cloud of quenched chiral effective field theory. Preferred results including decuplet intermediate states in chiral effective field theory (squares) are compared with results excluding the decuplet (diamonds). Experimental measurements (circles), are illustrated at left for each baryon for reference

T h e string tension might also be used, but screening of the potential in full Q C D makes this measure poorly defined. However, we consider it here as a measure of the systematic error encountered in setting the scale of the lattice Q C D results. Figure 14 illustrates this scale dependence on baryon magnetic moments and Fig. 15 illustrates the rather minor impact this systematic uncertainty has on the valence-quark moment ratios vital to determining the sign of G%^. Collecting the variation of the valence-quark moment ratios from variations in A (which maintain one-standarddeviation agreement with experiment), variations in setting the lattice scale and statistical errors determined by a






is least sensitive to variation in the valence-quark moment ratio, and hence provides the most precise determination for G ^ . Figure 16 plots G ^ as a function of ^i?^ with s t a n d a r d error limits provided by (6).

5 Estimating T h e symmetry of the three-point correlation function [14] describing the sea-quark loop contributions to the nucleon, depicted in the right-hand side of Fig. 1, ensure t h a t the chiral expansion for this quantity is identical for all three quark flavours, u p to simple charge factors. For the d- or 5-quark loop contributions, the only difference t h a t can arise is whether one evaluates the chiral expansion at the pion or kaon mass. T h e leading non-analytic contribution to the chiral expansion involves two pseudoscalar meson propagators, and therefore one expects contributions to ^i?^ in the ratio rn^/m^^ ~ 0.1. To be more precise, one can use the same successful (single-parameter) model, previously used to correct the quenched simulation results to full Q C D , as highlighted in Figs. 7 and 8, to provide an estimate for ^i?^. Evaluating the loop integrals with A = 0.8 0.2 GeV yields ^Rl = 0.139 with 0.096 < ^R'^ < 0.181. This uncertainty dominates the final uncertainty in G ^ .

D.B. Leinweber et al.: Systematic uncertainties


Table 1. Sources of uncertainty and their contribution to the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon, C M , in units of nuclear magnetons, /J^N- Uncertainties are documented for G^ obtained from the valence-quark ratio u'^/u^ in (1), from the valence-quark ratio u^ ju^ in (2) and from a statistically weighted (SW) average of these two determinations

Uncertainty Source

Parameter Range

Statistical Errors Chiral corrections Scale Determination ^i^J Determination

0.7 < yl < 0.9 G e V 0.122 < a < 0.134 fm 0.096 < ^Rl < 0.181

Total Uncertainty

u^lu'', (1) G'M = -0.045

u^'lu^, (2) G'M = -0.046

SW Average G'M = -0.046

0.016 0.001 0.001 0.016

0.009 0.002 0.002 0.017

0.008 0.002 0.002 0.017




Table 1 summarizes the sources of uncertainty and their contributions to the final determination



0.019 fiN ,


for the strange quark contribution to the magnetic moment of the nucleon.



Fig. 15. The charge symmetry constraint line (dashed GM{0) < 0, solid GM{0) > 0) on the ratios u^/u^ and u'^/u^. The dependence of the ratios from chirally-corrected quenched lattice QCD on the scale parameter, a = 0.134, 0.128, and 0.122 fm, is illustrated by the cluster of points with a decreasing from left to right

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


Fig. 16. The dependence of G%f on the strange to light seaquark loop ratio R^- Standard error limits have there origin in the systematic error summary of 6

Acknowledgements. We thank the Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC) for generous grants of supercomputer time which have enabled this project. Support from the South Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (SAPAC) and the National Facility for Lattice Gauge Theory is also gratefully acknowledged. DEL thanks Jefferson Lab for their kind hospitality where the majority of this research was performed. This work is supported by the Australian Research Council and by DOE contract DE-AC05-84ER40150 under which SURA operates Jefferson Lab.

References 1. D.B. Leinweber et al.: arXiv:hep-lat/0406002 2. G.A. Miller, B.M. Nefkens, I. Slaus: Phys. Rept. 194, 1 (1990) 3. J.M. Zanotti et al.: Phys. Rev. D 65, 074507 (2002) [heplat/0110216] 4. D.B. Leinweber et al.: Eur. Phys. J. A 18, 247 (2003) [nuclth/0211014] 5. J.M. Zanotti et al.: hep-lat/0405015 6. J.M. Zanotti et al.: hep-lat/0405026 7. R.D. Young et al.: Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 50, 399 (2003) [hep-lat/0212031] 8. D.B. Leinweber, A.W. Thomas, R.D. Young: Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 242002 (2004) [hep-lat/0302020] 9. R.D. Young, D.B. Leinweber, A.W. Thomas: arXiv:heplat/0406001 10. J.F. Donoghue, B.R. Holstein, B. Borasoy: Phys. Rev. D 59, 036002 (1999) 11. D.B. Leinweber: Phys. Rev. D 69, 014005 (2004) [heplat/0211017] 12. M.J. Savage: Nucl. Phys. A 700, 359 (2002) [nuclth/0107038] 13. R.D. Young et al.: Phys. Rev. D 66, 094507 (2002) [arXiv:hep-lat/0205017] 14. D.B. Leinweber: Phys. Rev. D 53, 5115 (1996) hepph/9512319

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 85-88 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-018-x

EPJ A direct electronic only

Current status of parton charge symmetry J . T . Londergan Dept. of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 47404, USA Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Itahana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. We review constraints on parton charge symmetry from various experiments. Recently charge symmetry violation (CSV) has been included in a global fit to high energy data. We show that CSV compatible with all high energy data would be able to remove completely the NuTeV anomaly. PACS. ll.30.Hv Flavor Symmetries - 13.15.+g Neutrino Interactions cross-sections, including deep inelastic structure functions

1 Experimental limits on parton CSV


13.60.Hb Total and inclusive



+ qj{x)]


= [u,d,s,c]

Charge symmetry is a restricted form of isospin invariance involving a rotation of 180° about the "2" axis in isospin space. For parton distributions, charge symmetry involves interchanging u p and down quarks while simultaneously interchanging protons and neutrons. In nuclear physics, charge symmetry is generally obeyed at the level of a fraction of a percent [1,2]. Charge symmetry violation (CSV) in p a r t o n distribution functions (PDFs) arises from two sources; from the difference Sm = rud — rriu between down and u p current quark masses, and from electromagnetic (EM) effects. Since charge symmetry is so well satisfied at lower energies, it is natural to assume t h a t it holds for p a r t o n distributions. At present, there is no direct experimental evidence of substantial violation of charge symmet r y in parton distribution functions ( P D F s ) . In a recent paper [3], we have reviewed experimental and theoretical estimates for parton CSV, and have discussed potential corrections to the extraction of the Weinberg angle in neutrino deep inelastic scattering (DIS). We summarize our arguments here. T h e most stringent upper limits on p a r t o n CSV come from comparing the structure —w _ function F2 , the average of u and u charged current reactions, and the structure function F2 for charged lepton DIS, on isoscalar targets (A^o)- In leading order (LO), F2 depends on the squared charges of the quarks, while ^ 2 ^ depends on the quark weak charges. Assuming charge symmetry gives a simple relation between the structure functions, defined as the "charge ratio" Rc{x,Q'^). To lowest order in the (presumably small) CSV terms Rc{x)


+ X {s{x) + s{x) - c{x) - c{x)) / 6 5^2



Zx (5u{x) + 5u{x) — 5d{x) — 5d{x)) lOQ(x)

Send offprint requests to: [emailprotected]

1 introduces the CSV parton distributions, 6u{x) = uP{x)-d''{x);

6d{x) = (P{x)-u''{x),


with analogous relations for antiquarks. Deviation of Rc{x) from unity would indicate a CSV contribution. T h e most precise neutrino measurements were obtained by the C C F R group [4], who extracted the F2 structure function for u-Fe and V-Fe reactions. Muon DIS measurements were obtained by the N M C group [5,6], who measured F2 structure functions for muon interactions on deuterium at muon energies E^ = 90 and 280 GeV. Taking into account many corrections (relative normalizations; heavy quark threshold effects; nuclear effects; corrections for excess neutrons in iron; contributions from s and c quarks), C C F R obtained results consistent with unity at about the 2 — 3 % level, in the range 0.1 < J: < 0.4. From (1), this gives an upper limit to parton CSV effects in the 6 — 9% range. At smaller x, Re appeared to deviate significantly from unity. However, upon re-analysis [7] the ratio agrees with unity at the 2 — 3 % level down to X ~ 0.03, as significant effects were found from NLO treatment of charm mass corrections, and separation of the F2 and F3 structure functions in v DIS. Other limits on p a r t o n CSV can come from measurements of W^ asymmetry in d^p—p collider. Since u quarks carry more m o m e n t u m t h a n d quarks, the direction of the W^ and p tend to be aligned, as do the W~ and p. Measurement of the W charge asymmetry is thus quite sensitive to the proton's u and d distributions. Conversely, charged lepton DIS on an isoscalar target tends to be more sensitive to u^ t h a n to d^, as it is more heavily weighted due to the squared quark charge. Comparison of, say, the C D F W charge asymmetry [8] and N M C // - D DIS can constrain some aspects of parton CSV.

J.T. Londergan: Current status of parton charge symmetry



Fig. 1. The valence quark CSV function from [9], corresponding to best fit value K = —0.2 defined in 3. Solid curve: x6dv{x); dashed curve: xSuv{x)

2 Phenomenology and theory of parton CSV Because CSV effects are typically very small at nuclear physics energy scales, all previous phenomenological P D F s have assumed the validity of p a r t o n charge symmetry. However, Martin, Roberts, Stirling and Thorne (MRST) [9] have recently studied the uncertainties in parton distributions arising from a number of factors, including isospin violation. M R S T chose a specific model for valence quark charge symmetry violating P D F s : Su^{x) = -Sd^(x)

= /^(l - x)^x-^-^(x

- .0909).


At b o t h small and large x the M R S T CSV P D F s have the same form as the valence distributions. T h e first moment of the M R S T valence CSV function is zero; this must be the case since, e.g., the integral (Suy) is just the total number of valence up quarks in the proton minus the number of down quarks in the neutron. T h e second moment of this function represents the CSV m o m e n t u m asymmetry; SU^ = {xSu^{x)) is the difference in total m o m e n t u m carried by < and < . T h e M R S T valence CSV distributions require t h a t Su^ and Sd^ have opposite signs at large x, in agreement with theoretical predictions. This condition also insures t h a t valence quarks in the proton and neutron carry an equal amount of total m o m e n t u m (this is strictly true only at the starting scale, since the moment u m asymmetry is not constant under Q C D evolution; however M R S T find t h a t it does not change very much over a fairly wide Q^ range). The overall coefficient K was varied in a global fit to a wide range of high energy data. T h e value K = —0.2 minimised x^. Their x^ had a shallow minimum with the 90% confidence level obtained for the range —0.8 < n < +0.65. In Fig. 1 we plot the valence quark CSV P D F s corresponding to the M R S T best fit value n = —0.2. W i t h i n the 90% confidence region for the global fit, the valence quark CSV P D F s could be either four times as large as in Fig. 1, or it could be three times as big with the opposite sign. CSV distributions with this shape, and for K within this range, will not disagree seriously with any of the high energy d a t a used to extract quark and gluon P D F s . T h e M R S T group also searched for CSV in the sea quark sector. Again, they chose a specific form for sea quark CSV, dependent on a single parameter, i.e., u''{x) = dP{x)[l + 6]

= uP(x) [1 - 6]


Somewhat surprisingly, evidence for sea quark CSV in the global fit was substantially stronger t h a n for valence quark CSV. T h e best fit was obtained for 5 = 0.08, corresponding to an 8% violation of charge symmetry in the nucleon sea. This is considerably larger t h a n theoretical estimates of sea quark CSV [10]. T h e x^ foi" this value is substantially better t h a n with no CSV, primarily because of improvement in fits to the N M C /i — D DIS d a t a [5,6] and to the E605 Drell-Yan d a t a [11], when sea quark CSV is included. T h e M R S T best-fit values will necessarily give reasonable agreement with the charge ratio of (1), since b o t h the C C F R i/ X-sections and N M C muon DIS are included in the global fit. T h e M R S T group also includes the C D F W charge asymmetry measurements [8], so t h a t the M R S T global fit P D F s including CSV are compatible with all d a t a sets t h a t are most sensitive to charge symmetry violating effects. T h e M R S T phenomenological CSV distributions agree rather well with two earlier predictions using quark models. T h e Adelaide group [12] developed a m e t h o d for calculating twist-two valence P D F s from quark model wavefunctions. Unlike earlier calculations, this model guaranteed correct support for the P D F s . Rodionov et al. [13] extended this model to calculate valence quark CSV. Sather [14] approximated the dependence of valence quark P D F s on the quark and nucleon masses, and obtained analytic approximations relating valence quark CSV to derivatives of the valence P D F s . Although there are several differences between the models of Sather and Rodionov, their predictions of valence quark CSV are quite similar. In Fig. 2, we show the theoretical valence quark CSV prediction of Rodionov. T h e solid curve is xSu^{x), while the dot-dashed curve is xSd^{x), b o t h evolved to Q^ = 10 GeV^. Qualitatively, the results of Rodionov et al. are very similar to the best-fit phenomenological CSV distribution of M R S T , shown in Fig. 1. T h e sign and relative magnitude of b o t h Sd^{x) and Su^{x) are quite similar in b o t h phenomenology and theory. T h e second moments of the CSV P D F s (which give the total m o m e n t u m asymmetry between, e.g., u^ and d^) of the M R S T and Rodionov distributions are equal to within 10%.

3 Parton CSV and the NuTeV anomaly In 1973, Paschos and Wolfenstein [15] suggested t h a t the ratio of neutral-current (NC) and charge-changing (CC) neutrino cross sections on isoscalar targets could provide an independent measurement of the Weinberg angle (siii^Ow)- T h e Paschos-Wolfenstein ( P W ) ratio R~ is given by R-



(5) In 5, {cr^^^) is ^^^ ^ ^ inclusive total cross section for neutrinos on an isoscalar target. T h e quantity po is one in the Standard Model.

J.T. Londergan: Current status of parton charge symmetry 0.006



Only valence quarks contribute to (6), and the correction depends on the second moment of valence P D F s , where Q {x{q — q)). T h e numerator of (6) is equal to the mom e n t u m asymmetry between u p quarks and down quarks in an isoscalar nucleus, i.e., Ul^-\-U^ — {D^-\-D^). However, estimates based on the P W ratio do not accurately predict contributions to the NuTeV result. T h e NuTeV group measures the N C / C C ratios R^ and R^. Since these ratios have different cuts and acceptance corrections, one cannot simply combine t h e m as in (5). To obtain the magnitude of a given effect on the NuTeV result for the Weinberg angle, it is necessary to fold t h a t effect with f u n c t i o n a l generated by NuTeV [27]. Thus, sea quark CSV makes a correction to the NuTeV extraction of the Weinberg angle, although it is much smaller t h a n t h a t from valence quark CSV. Using the best-fit M R S T values for sea quark and valence quark CSV, would remove roughly 1/3 of the NuTeV anomaly. T h e value K = — 0.6, within the 90% confidence limit found by M R S T , would completely remove the NuTeV anomaly, while the value K = + 0 . 6 would double the discrepancy. T h e M R S T results show t h a t isospin violating P D F s are able to completely remove the NuTeV anomaly in the Weinberg angle, or to make it twice as large, without serious disagreement with any of the d a t a used to extract quark and gluon P D F s . T h e model CSV predictions t h a t we discussed earlier suggest t h a t isospin violating corrections would tend to decrease the NuTeV anomaly for the Weinberg angle. Both the Rodionov [13] and Sather [14] theoretical models would remove about 1/3 of the NuTeV anomaly. There are other models t h a t predict substantially smaller CSV effects on the NuTeV result [27,28,29], but all theoretical predictions are well within the phenomenological limits estabhshed by M R S T . The magnitude of CSV effects al-

J.T. Londergan: Current status of parton charge symmetry lowed by the M R S T fit makes isospin violation one of the only viable explanations for the NuTeV anomalous value for the Weinberg angle. If CSV effects are sufficiently large to remove the Weinberg angle anomaly, such effects should be visible in various other experiments. Several possible experiments to test parton CSV were reviewed by Londergan and T h o m a s [30]. We briefly review three such possibilities. T h e first would be a comparison of Drell-Yan (DY) reactions from charged pions interacting with an isoscalar target. Comparison of, say, 7r+-D and 7r~-D DY reactions would be sensitive to the presence of p a r t o n CSV. A study of these DY reactions [31] predicted CSV effects of about 2% in magnitude. Another experiment t h a t could detect CSV effects would be semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) on an isoscalar target. A study of semiinclusive 7r+ and TT" leptoproduction on deuterium [32] predicted measurable effects from CSV. However, the ability to measure CSV effects in SIDIS reactions requires accurate knowledge of "favored" and "non-favored" fragmentation functions. In the studies of b o t h DY and SIDIS reactions, the CSV effects were three times smaller t h a n those necessary to explain the NuTeV anomaly. If isospin violating effects are really the explanation of the NuTeV effect, b o t h of these reactions should produce effects at the several percent level. This is currently under investigation. A third possible test of parton isospin violation would be the measurement of W asymmetries in high-energy p — D reactions. This could be carried out at R H I C if deuteron beams were available [33]. We are currently investigating the feasibility of this reaction, and the asymmetries t h a t would be allowed by M R S T phenomenological fits including CSV. In conclusion, despite recent progress in constraining p a r t o n isospin violation, experimental d a t a still allows p a r t o n CSV terms at the several percent level. This has been demonstrated by the M R S T global fit t h a t incorporates isospin violation, although the form of the CSV terms was fixed in their global fit. It is clearly of great interest to investigate this issue experimentally, either to decrease the allowed upper limits on isospin violating P D F s , or to measure isospin violating effects t h a t might explain the anomalous NuTeV value for the Weinberg angle. Theoretical work cited here was carried out with A.W. Thomas. T h e author t h a n k s W. Melnitchouk, K. McFarland, S. Kretzer, F . Olness, W-K Tung and R. Thorne for useful discussions.

References 1. G A . Miller, B.M.K. Nefkens, I. Slaus: Phys. Rep. 194, 1 (1990)

2. E.M. Henley, G.A. Miller in Mesons in Nuclei, eds. M. Rho, D.H. Wilkinson (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1979) 3. J.T. Londergan, A.W. Thomas, arXiv:hep-ph/0407247 4. CCFR Collaboration, W.G. Seligman et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1213 (1997) 5. NMC Collaboration, P. Amaudruz et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2712 (1991); Phys. Lett. B 295, 159 (1992) 6. NMC Collaboration, M. Arneodo et al.: Nucl. Phys. B 483, 3 (1997) 7. CCFR Collaboration, U.K. Yang et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2742 (2001) 8. CDF Collaboration, F. Abe et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 8 1 , 5754 (1998) 9. MRST Collaboration, A.D. Martin et al.: arXiv:hepph/0308087 10. C.J. Benesh, J.T. Londergan: Phys. Rev. C 58, 1218 (1998) 11. E605 Collaboration, G. Moreno et al.: Phys. Rev. D 43, 2815 (1991) 12. A.I. Signal and A.W. Thomas: Phys. Lett. B 191, 205 (1987); Phys. Rev. D 40, 2832 (1989) 13. E. Rodionov, A.W. Thomas, J.T. Londergan: Mod. Phys. Lett. A 9, 1799 (1994) 14. E. Sather: Phys. Lett. B 274, 433 (1992) 15. E.A. Paschos, L. Wolfenstein: Phys. Rev. D 7, 91 (1973) 16. NuTeV Collaboration, G.P. Zeller et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 091802 (2002) 17. D. Abbaneo et al.: arXiv:hep-ex/0112021 18. S. Davidson, S. Forte, P. Gambino, N. Rius, A. Strumia: JHEP 202, 037 (2002) 19. J.T. Londergan: arXiv:hep-ph/0408243 20. D.Yu. Bardin, V.A. Dokuchaeva: report JINR-E2- 86-260, unpublished 21. K-P.O. Diener, S. Dittmaier, W. Hollik: Phys. Rev. D 65, 073005 (2004) 22. M. Hirai, S. Kumano, T-H. Nagai: arXiv:hep-ph/0408023 23. CCFR Collaboration, A.O. Bazarko et al.: Z. Phys. C 65, 189 (1995) 24. NuTeV Collaboration, M. Goncharov et al.: Phys. Rev. D 64, 112006 (2001) 25. S. Kretzer: arXiv:hep-ph/0405221; S. Kretzer et al.: arXiv:hep-ph/0312322; F. Olness et al.: arXiv:hepph/0312323 26. K. McFarland: these procedings 27. NuTeV Collaboration, G.P. Zeller et al.: Phys. Rev. D 65, 111103 (2002) 28. C.J. Benesh, T. Goldman: Phys. Rev. C 55, 441 (1997) 29. E.G. Cao, A.I. Signal: Phys. Lett. B 559, 229 (2003) 30. J.T. Londergan, A.W. Thomas: in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Volume 41, p. 49, ed. A. Faessler: (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1998) 31. J.T. Londergan, G.T. Garvey, G.Q. Liu, E.N. Rodionov, A. W. Thomas: Phys. Lett. B 340, 115 (1994) 32. J.T. Londergan, A. Pang, A.W. Thomas: Phys. Rev. D 54, 3154 (1996) 33. C. Boros, J.T. Londergan, A.W. Thomas: Phys. Rev. D 59, 074021 (1999)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 89-92 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-019-9

EPJ A direct electronic only

Pion-nucleon interaction and the strangeness content of the nucleon M.E. Sainio ^ Helsinki Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland ^ Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. A brief review of the pion-nucleon sigma-term is given. PACS. 13.75.Gx Pion-baryon interactions - 14.20.Dh Protons and neutrons

1 Introduction

where the numerator is proportional to the octet breaking piece in the hamiltonian. To first order in SU(3) breaking we have now

Sigma-terms are proportional to the matrix elements {A\mqqq\A)

;q = u,d,s

; A =



of scalar quark currents in the framework of Q C D . These matrix elements are of interest, because they are related — to the mass spectrum, — to scattering amplitudes through Ward identities, — to the strangeness content of A, — to quark mass ratios. In the following the status of the TTN system is considered and the implications to the strangeness content in the nucleon are outlined.

rris + Trtz; — 2mN

TTis — rh


T h e pion-nucleon sigma-term is a measure of explicit chiral symmetry breaking in Q C D and it is defined as —


(J =-—{p\uu-\-dd\p),




in terms of the kaon and pion masses. Chiral perturbation theory ( C h P T ) allows us to determine the combination

= m{p'\uu^dd\p),

t = {p'-


'^{v\ss\p) {p\uu-\- dd\p)

— 2ss\p)


36=b7 MeV, 0{ml)


33=b3MeV, ©(m^)


(2) where the difference in the last two determinations is the regularization m e t h o d used, dimensional regularization [2] or cut-off [3]. W i t h the help of the Feynman-Hellmann theorem the sigma-term can be extracted from the nucleon mass

(3) (7 =

(the OZI rule would imply 7/=0). Algebraically a can be written in the form rh {p\uu-\-dd

26 MeV (leading order)


i.e. cr = cr(t = 0). T h e nucleon mass is denoted by m. T h e strangeness content of the proton can be defined as



35=b5 MeV, 0 ( m g / ^ ) [1]

771= -{mu-\-md),

which is the t = 0 value of the nucleon scalar form factor a{t)



from the baryon spectrum. For (7 we have:

2 T h e TTN sigma-term


l ~ y '

where the quark mass ratio takes the value

(7 = a ( l - y)



^ dm m—:r. am


Equivalently, employing M ^ = 2mB^ (4)




M.E. Sainio: Pion-nucleon interaction and the strangeness content of the nucleon


where B is the scalar vacuum condensate. T h e quark mass expansion of the nucleon mass [4] m = mo + kiM'^ + k2M^ + feM^ In

and AR is the remainder, which is formally of the order M^ [6]. To one-loop in C h P T {0{q^)) [7]

M' ^


= 0.35 MeV.

One-loop in H B C h P T (0(q^)) ^k^M^^O(M^)


gives the upper limit [8]

(10) ARC^2



yields for a and here it is notable t h a t no logarithmic contribution to order M^ appears. This allows us to write


a = kiM'^ + -k2M^

+ k3M^{2 In ^ + 1} mt{ + 2/c4M^ + 0 ( M ^ ) .




Here the factors ki contain the low-energy constants appearing in the respective chiral order. Numerically

W h a t remains to be fixed in order to determine the a is the form factor difference A,



cr = (75 - 23 - 7 + 0) MeV = 45 MeV,


C h P T to one loop gives [7] where the O ( M ^ ) term, /ci, has been fixed by taking a to have the value 45 MeV [5].




Dispersion analysis yields [9]

3 The TTN amplitude

A^ = 15.2 =b 0.4 MeV.

To relate the sigma-term discussion to the scattering information the s t a n d a r d representation for the TTN amplitude is adopted T^N = u'[A[iy, t) + ]p^{q + q')^B{v,



T h e definition of the crossing variable is s —u t (13) ^ = ~; =cj + -—, 4m 4m where LJ is the pion laboratory energy. T h e amplitude D is defined as D{iy,t) = A{v,t)




and its imaginary part can be related to the total cross section through the optical theorem, Iml}(cc;,t = 0) = /ciab cr. T h e isoscalar ( + ) and isovector (-) amplitudes D^ can be written in terms of the amplitudes in the physical channels as


Becher and Leutwyler obtain [4] A^ = 14.0 MeV + 2M%,


where 62 is a renormalized coupling constant appearing in the C^^ C^ lagrangian. T h e constant 62 is expected to be small [4].

5 The Z'-term Inside the Mandelstam triangle it is convenient to employ the subthreshold expansion [10], where D^ is expanded in powers of v^ and t

T h e curvature t e r m Ajj is defined as U = F ^ ( d + + 2 M ^ 4 , ) ^AD

= IJd^AD


and it is dominated by the TTTT cut giving the result [9] D^ =


Chiral symmetry allows us to write at the Cheng-Dashen point, i.e. at (i/ = 0,t = 2 M ^ ) , = F 2 5 + ( Z / = 0, t = 2Ml)

= 11.9

6 MeV.


T h e linear part Ud is a sensitive quantity due to the cancellation of the (ioQ and (ij^ pieces in

4 A low-energy theorem



= cr{2Ml) + AR,


where F^^ is the pion decay constant, D^ is the isoscalar D-amplitude with the pseudovector Born t e r m subtracted

rrf(A) = ( - 9 1 . 3 + 138.8) MeV ~ 48 MeV


^ ^ ( B ) = ( - 9 4 . 5 + 144.2) MeV 2^ 50 MeV


corresponding to the two solutions (A and B) discussed in [5]. These numbers lead to i7 ~ 60 MeV, which is consistent with the old result of Koch [11] T = 64 =b 8 MeV based on hyperbolic dispersion relations.

M.E. Sainio: Pion-nucleon interaction and the strangeness content of the nucleon 50

6 The strangeness content of the nucleon


P u t t i n g all these pieces together leads to a determination of the strangeness content of the proton

30 L




10 0

and numerically with the solution A


(60 - 2 - 15) MeV,






f ^

-40 -50

1 \j 0,5


V 1 k (GeV/c)







Fig. 1. The real part of the C^-amplitude. The crosses refer to the tabulated values in [10]

T h e analysis discussed in Sect. 5 was based on the KH80 solution of the Karlsruhe group [12]. T h e d a t a basis used there contained mainly pre-meson-factory-era d a t a and, therefore, it is of great interest to perform a new analysis with the new d a t a in the spirit of the Karlsruhe group incorporating fixed-t constraints. This would hopefully help in fixing the value of H more accurately. In the forward direction it is feasible to solve the dispersion relations directly, but for t < 0 it is more practical to use the expansion m e t h o d [10]. E.g., for the C^ amplitude

{C = A +



11 f

f 1

7 Partial wave analysis


-20 -30

which gives 7/ :^ 0.2 with a sizeable error. This value of y corresponds to about 130 MeV in the proton mass being due to the strange sea.


1 n

20 =



v/{l-t/4.m^)B) N


= C + ( i / , i ) + H{Z,t)




where C^(z^, t) is the Born term, the function H is adjusted to the asymptotic behaviour of the amplitude and Z is the conformal mapping





« + V^4 - ^^


where Vth = M^^ + t/^m and a is a real parameter. T h e convergence and smoothing is taken care of by a convergence test function

1 k (GeV/c)


Fig. 2. The 7r~^p total cross section but indications are [14] t h a t the number could be 20-30 % larger t h a n the numbers quoted above.

8 The relation S ^H^ threshold



\Y,cl{n+lf, n=0

which is one component in the x^ expression to be minimized. Other contributions include 'XJ:,ATA ^ ^ ^ Xpw^ where the latter is calculated from the previous iteration of the partial wave solution. To demonstrate the working of the expansion method at t = 0 with N = 4 0 , Figs. (1) and (2) display Re C+(cj, t = 0) and crj+ . For the real part of the C+-amplitude there are three d a t a points at low energy as input and they fix the subtraction constant appearing in the dispersion relation for the (7+. T h e V P I / G W U group has recently published a partial wave analysis [13], which does employ fixed-t constraints. T h e publication does not, however, give a value for the U,

T h e issue of relating the U to the values of threshold parameters is an old one [15]. In general, U can be expressed in terms of the threshold parameters [16] E = F^[L{ai,T)

+ {l + ^)Tj+]+6, (32) m where L{ai,T) is a linear combination of the threshold parameters a/, r is a free parameter to single out individual scattering lengths and J + is the integral over the isoscalar combination of the total cross section. T h e remainder, S, contains contributions from the Born term, the A and the loop corrections. T h e approach of Altarelli et al. [15] corresponds to choosing r = — 1, but without loops. However, at present, one has to rely on dispersion methods to extract the threshold parameters anyway, so the value of any such formula is limited.

M.E. Sainio: Pion-nucleon interaction and the strangeness content of the nucleon



9 Lattice results C h P T permits a study of the quark mass dependence of the nucleon mass. This makes it possible to have a connection to the lattice data, where, currently, only unphysically high quark masses can be dealt with. New accurate d a t a from the CP-PACS, J L Q C D and Q C D S F - U K Q C D collaborations (dynamical quarks, two flavours) give [17]

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

cr = 49 =b 3 MeV

(33) 6.

to 0{q^) in C h P T . Another approach including the leading nonanalytic and next-to-leading nonanalytic behaviour yields [18]

7. 8.

0- = 35 - 73 MeV.

(34) 9.

10 Conclusions


T h e challenge at present seems to be in determining U. T h a t involves a number of questions — one has to deal with conflicting sets of data, — one has to rely on the Tromborg [19] formalism for the electromagnetic corrections even though there are indications [20] t h a t further improvements in this sector should be incorporated, — the extrapolation from the low-energy region to the Cheng-Dashen point could, to some extent, be sensitive to the d-waves, which otherwise cannot be fixed with the low-energy scattering information [21]. T h e new direction with the lattice calculations is gradually getting very interesting as far as the sigma-term is concerned. However, further improvements, i.e. smaller 772g-values, will still be needed.

11. 12. 13.

Acknowledgements. I wish to thank P. Piirola for providing the figures and A.M. Green for useful comments on the manuscript. Support from the Academy of Finland grant 54038 and the EU grant HPRN-CT-2002-00311, EURIDICE, is acknowledged.

14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

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Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 93-96 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-020-4

EPJ A direct electronic only

Strange form factors of the nucleon in the chiral quark-soliton model A. Silva^ ^, D. Urbanoi'2, H.-C. K i m ^ and K. Goeke^ Centre de Fisica Computacional, Departamento de Fisica da Universidade de Coimbra, P-3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, R. Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, P-4200-465 Porto, Portugal Department of Physics, Pusan National University, 609-735 Pusan, Republic of Korea Institut fiir Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The results for the strange electromagnetic and axial form factors in the chiral quark-soliton model are reviewed. The roles of a new quantization method and of the meson asymptotic behaviour are discussed. Predictions for the A4 and GO experiments are presented. PACS. 12.40.-y Other models for strong interactions tromagnetic form factors

14.20.Dh Protons and neutrons - 13.40.Gp Elec-

1 Introduction

2 The chiral quark-soliton model (CQSM)

T h e question of the strange content of the nucleon is a very important one in the understanding of hadron structure, which eventually is to be settled by experiment. Indeed, on one hand there is no obvious theoretical reason why strange s's pairs should not contribute to the nucleon properties. On the other hand the theoretical mechanism and the actual contribution of strange quarks are not yet understood as well. Early results about the strange quark bilinears in the nucleon included the analysis of the sigma t e r m [1] and polarized DIS. These first results indicated strange quark nonvanishing contributions to the nucleon's mass and spin, respectively. T h e strange vector currents associated with electromagnetic form factors were discovered to be accessible by means of weak neutral current experiments [2,3, 4]. For reviews see [5,6]. Due to its importance, the question of the strange form factors has been addressed before in the context of the chiral quark-soliton model (CQSM) [7,8]. This work reviews the CQSM results [9,10] for the strange electromagnetic form factors and presents also the strange axial form factor. These form factors are obtained using a new quantization m e t h o d [11] and studied phenomenologically in terms of the effects of the asymptotic behavior of the meson fields.

T h e chiral quark-soliton model (CQSM) has been applied successfully to the description of many baryon observables, b o t h in flavours SU(2) and SU(3). See [12,13] for reviews. T h e Lagrangian of the CQSM reads,

^ Financial support from the organization of PAVI04 and from the Center for Computational Physics (CFC) for the participation in PAVI04 is kindly acknowledged. The work of A.S. has been partially supported by the grant PRAXIS XXI BD/15681/98.

C =



where m = diag(m^, 772^^,777,5) is the current quark mass matrix and M the constituent quark mass. M is the only free parameter in the model. T h e main property of the model in relation with hadron physics is chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking. T h e auxiliary chiral fields JJJ5 = g*7 [j^ (^i^^ -jr^^y ]^Q interpreted as physical meson fields and, thus, the Lagrangian (1) corresponds to a theory of constituent quarks interacting through the exchange of mesons. However, the field description embodied in (1) is not renormalizable. A regularization method is therefore necessary to completely define the model. This work uses the proper-time regularization, which introduces one cutoff parameter into the model. T h e remaining parameters of the model are the current quark masses. In this work isospin breaking effects have been neglected and therefore the current mass parameters are the equal current masses (m) of the u and d quarks and the current mass (rris) of the strange quarks. In order to fit these parameters, one calculates the pion and kaon masses as well as the pion decay constant in terms of the parameters of the model. Equating the model results for these quantities with their experimental values allows to fix the parameters of the model: the current nonstrange quark masses, the strange quark mass and the cut-off come out around 8 MeV, 164 MeV and 700 MeV, respectively.

A. Silva et al.: Strange form factors of the nucleon in the chiral quark-soHton model


3 The model baryon state

T h e collective coordinate Hamiltonian is

In broad terms, the construction of the model baryon states necessary to compute baryon matrix elements are obtained in a projection after variation procedure, with the variation referring to the mean field solution. Taking the large Nc limit of the correlation function of two baryon currents and neglecting the strange quark mass lead to an effective action from which the mean field solution is obtained. At this level the effective action is proportional to the energy of the mean field, S^^ [U] ~ A^ [t/], which is a functional of the chiral fields U: Ai[U] = A^c^v [U] -\- es [U], with ey the energy of the valence level, occupied by Nc quarks, and eg the regularized energy of the Dirac sea. Both result from the solution of the Dirac one-particle problem e^ [U] = {n\ h (U) \n) with h (U) = -ij^-f'di

+ j^MU^'



U = e^Pir) E L i ^" 1



T h e quantization of the mean field is achieved in the context of collective coordinates. T h e collective coordinates are the orientations of the soliton in configuration as well as in flavour spaces (related by the hedgehog) and the position of the center of mass. These coordinates are most suited to describe the rotational zero modes, i.e. unconstrained large amplitude motion, which should be treated exactly. T h e model calculation neglects modes normal to the zero modes, which are subjected to restoring forces and hence suppressed. T h e time dependent solutions are constructed on the basis of the restriction to the zero modes by the ansatz^ A{t)Uc{x)A\t)


with the collective coordinates contained in A. In the laboratory system the Dirac operator becomes D{U)

= A \D{UC)

+ A U + j^A^mAl

= v-s{r^'^'-D^SiA).


with u = ( y , T , T 3 ) and ly' = {Y',J,J^) standing for the q u a n t u m numbers of the baryon state {Y' = —1). T h e symmetry breaking part of the Hamiltonian leads to a representation mixing, in first order perturbation theory, from which the baryon wave function \B^%Y^ picks terms from higher order representations [14]. 3.2 Asymptotics of the meson fields and symmetry conserving quantization T h e question of the asymptotics of the meson fields originates in the fact t h a t the embedding (3) forces all the meson fields to have a common asymptotic behavior. This is not satisfactory in the SU(3) case due to the large mass difference between pions and kaons. In order to have some information on how large these effects may be, one exploits in this work the fact t h a t there is no prescription to fix the multiples of the unity mass matrices in (2) and in the symmetry breaking piece 6m of (5): l^D{Uc)

3.1 Quantization

U{x) ^


i.e. it is composed by a flavour symmetry conserving (sc) and a symmetry breaking (sb) pieces. While the first is treated exactly, the second is treated perturbatively. T h e wave functions of the symmetry conserving part are the Wigner SU(3) matrices. For the octet


In order to solve such problem one further restricts the mesons to the hedgehog shape, TT r = P (r)h - r, with a profile function P(r) vanishing at large distances. T h e minimization of the action corresponds to a profile function Pc{r) which represents the mean field soliton. T h e formalism in flavour SU(3) is built upon the embedding of the SU(2) hedgehog into an SU(3) matrix [14]:

H = M{Uc) + H[coll -r ^ c o l l '



which clearly shows the two expansion parameters used in this work: the angular velocity A'^A (t) = i i 7 g A " / 2 and the strange mass related parameter J m , discussed below, in Sect. 3.2, in connection with the asymptotic meson behaviour effects. Not showing translational zero modes explicitly.

+ A^5mA

= -i^di

+ MU^'

+ m + A^5mA


where Sm = Mi -\- MgA^, with M i = (m^ - m ) / 3 and Ms = (m — ms)/V^. In this case one may obtain larger mass asymptotics of the meson fields, by, in (8), increasing m at the expense of a lower Mi. T h e pion asymptotics will be denoted in the following by /x -^ 7r(~ 140 MeV) and the kaon asymptotics by // ^ i ^ ( ~ 490) MeV). T h e symmetry conserving quantization [11] used in this work avoids the problem which is encountered in this model by using the ansatz (4) to compute the relation between isospin (T) and spin (S) operators. While the result from (4) reads

T -'-a

-^S (^) Jp

V S D i l ' (A) ^ ,


the correct relation implies I2 = 0. T h e symmetry conserving quantization identifies the terms like I2 in the expressions for observables on the basis of the quark model limit of the CQSM.

4 Strange electromagnetic form factors T h e knowledge of the form factors of the octet vector currents is enough to provide the form factors for each flavour: V^ = uj^u

+ d-/^d + s-f^s ,

(10) (11)

d-f^d - 257^5.


A. Silva et al.: Strange form factors of the nucleon in the chiral quark-soHton model Table 1. Strange magnetic moment (in n.m.) and electric and magnetic radii (in fm^). The constituent quark mass is 420 MeV and the strange quark mass 180 MeV. TT and K stand for the two asymptotic descriptions of the mesons as discussed in Sect. 3.2. TV


-0.220 0.074 0.303

-0.095 0.115 0.631


(r^>fe Ms {r^M









Q^ [GeV^] Fig. 2. Strange magnetic form factor in nuclear magnetons. Conventions and model parameters as in Table 1.

positive value, similarly to what is observed in other models by maintaining just the SU(3) structure [16]. 0.2





4.1 The SAMPLE, HAPPEX, A4, and GO experiments

Q2 [GeV2] Fig. 1. Strange electric form factor of the nucleon. Conventions and model parameters as in Table 1.

The experimental value for the magnetic form factor obtained by the SAMPLE collaboration [17] is ^1^(^2 = 0.1) = +0.37=b0.20=b0.26zb0.07 (n.m.). (14)

In this work the form factors for these currents were first obtained for the two asymptotic behaviours. The effects of the asymptotics was then studied at the level of baryon form factors by combining flavour form factors with pion asymptotics for nonstrange quarks with kaon asymptotics for strange form factors, i.e. by taking -^UB{TT) (



Gi ""E^uiQ ) — ^E,M (Q ) + ^E,M (Q ) + ^E,M

(Q ) '

(13) The most significant consequences of this ansatz for the baryon octet electromagnetic form factors is the improvement in the overall description of magnetic form factors and the neutron electric form factor. This supports the expectation that the strange form factors are better described in terms of kaon (// -^ K) rather than in pion (// -^ TT) asymptotics. The results for {ii -^ TT) are nevertheless always presented. The strange magnetic moment and the radii are presented in Table 1 and the strange electric and magnetic form factors in the CQSM are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively. A particular aspect of these results is the positive value for the strange magnetic moment, which seems to be at variance with many theoretical calculations based in different approaches. The CQSM seems nevertheless to be able to accommodate higher values of this quantity, up to 0.41 n.m., as is found in the "model independent analysis" of [15]. This pinpoints the SU(3) structure of the rotational and mass corrections as the reason for such

The CQSM results of this work underestimates this experimental result, still falling however within the error bar, shown in Fig. 2 at Q^ = 1. The HAPPEX result [18] {G'E + 0 . 3 9 2 G | ^ ) ( Q 2 = 0.477) = 0.014 =b 0.030,


is, on the contrary, overestimated in the CQSM, with the nearest result (kaon asymptotics) being 0.073. Using the necessary form factors, one may study the combination G%{Q^) + (3{Q'^, 0)GI^{Q^), with /3(Q^ 0) = TG^j;i/eGl\ T = Q^/{AM%), 6-1 = l + 2(l + r)tan2(^/2), for the values of 0 and Q^ used in current or near future experiments. Figure 3 compares the model predictions with the recent forward data. ( G | + 0.225G1^)(Q2

(C;| + 0.106G^)(O2

:0.23) = 0.039 zb 0.034 0.10) = 0.074 zb 0.036,

(16) (17)

with (16) from [19] and (17) from [20], by the A4 Collaboration and gives predictions for the backward angle. Figure 4 gives predictions for the GO experiment.

5 Strange axial form factor The axial currents of interest are expressed in term of flavour components in the same way as (12). The axial form factors for the octet axial currents have also been computed in the model with the same accuracy of the

A. Silva et al.: Strange form factors of the nucleon in the chiral quark-sohton model





0 = 145



0.00 I



y ^










-0.05 -=r ' ^ ^.--"""""""^

y^ yU^^^--^


/i ^





H ^



0.20 0.10







^... 4M^) since the three-body final state has an essentially unrestricted virtual photon mass q^ > 4Mg ~ 0. Previous theoretical studies using vector meson dominance [VMD] have predicted t h a t the p ( 7 r ~ , e + e ~ ) n [1,2] and ^ ( 7 , e + e ~ ) p [3] cross sections b o t h exhibit a dramatic, dual peaked resonant signature for time-like virtual photon four-momentum spanning the vector meson masses {q^ ~ My for V = p^uo^cj)). This paper extends the work of [3] by calculating the competing Bethe-Heitler [BH] process, 7p -^ 77vP -^ e+e~p, and documenting t h a t it is only important for small |t|, significantly below the interesting high |t| region where the s and u channel processes embodying the V M D resonant signature dominate.

used for b o t h the V M D proton form factor and T V C S cross section predictions discussed below. If there is no or insignificant nucleon strangeness then (j)N coupling should be suppressed due to the dominant ss structure of the (j) and the OZI rule. However, significant OZI violations have been observed in inelastic fip and elastic vp scattering, pp annihilation experiments and measurements of the TiN sigma term, which collectively suggest appreciable strangeness in the proton. Evidence for nucleon strangeness is further discussed and reviewed in [4]. Related, a previous analysis [3] of space-like neutron electric form factor d a t a and high \t\ (f) photoproduction d a t a yielded gX^^^i — 1-3, 9^NN — ' Accurate T V C S measurements at high |t| will permit extraction of these couplings which quantify the degree of nucleon strangeness.

2 Hidden strangeness

3 Predictions for TVCS

In addition to mesons, other eigenstates of the Q C D Hamiltonian also contain hidden strangeness. One clear example is the ground state vacuum with non-zero quark condensates {0\ss\0) - {0\uu\0) - A^^^. Of current intense interest and debate is nucleon hidden strangeness which is completely specified by the n = 1, 2 ... 16 matrix elements, {N\srns\N), involving the Lorentz bilinear ^ E-mail address: [emailprotected]

As detailed in [3] the nucleon form factors were calculated using a generalized V M D model. A good description of the baryon octet form factors was obtained, especially the sensitive space-like neutron electric form factor and the proton E M form factors in b o t h the space-like and timelike regions as depicted in Fig. 1. Note the resonant peaks in the unmeasured time-like vector meson region, in particular the 0 peak which scales with the (pN coupling.

S.R. Cotanch: Time-like compton scattering and the Bethe-Heitler process

102 i(r








10 p^UP


p(7-7v)P ^


= 4,0 GcV



!0' 10"



^ ]()






^ ] ( ) - ^ l /







w .6






















6^^,,^"^ [deg]

Fig. 1. Data and VMD (absolute value) for the proton electric ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^

T , ^ rr^Tr^n / N rx^n ^. ^ TT^TT-^ Fig. 2. VMD prediction for TVCS, ^(7,7^)^. The smaller angle (j) peak quantifies the proton's strangeness

T h e form factor peaks are reflected in the T V C S cross section displayed in Fig. 2. A novel, dual peak proflle arises from the quadratic relation between q^ and the recoil proton lab angle. T h e smaller angle (j) peak corresponds to high |t| and is dominated by the u channel proton propagator with QcfyNN coupling (sparse dotted curve). T h e magnitude of this peak represents the degree of the proton's strangeness. T h e other two peaks near 30^ entail lower |t| and involve (j) and uo coupling, respectively, to TT (dense dotted curve) and rj (short dashed curve) t channel exchange. These two peaks represent the expected (j) production background since they are based upon established results. This dual peak (j) signature follows from only V M D and should occur in other dynamic models. Therefore V M D predicts t h a t a measurement of the high |t| T V C S cross section ratio R = a[q^ = M^)/a{q'^ = M^) is proportional to g'^NN/d^NN- "^^^^ ^^^ been numerically conflrmed in this model giving R = 0.14 / (where f is a kinematic quantity of order unity) which is an order of magnitude larger t h a n the OZI prediction [4], R = tan'^ S f = 0.0042 / , where S = 3.7^ is the deviation from the ideal quark flavor mixing angle in the 0. T V C S measurements would therefore appear to be an excellent probe of the proton's strangeness content.

C-parity -1 (single photon production) while for the theoretically known BH process they have C = 1 (two photon production). For the kinematics listed in Fig. 2, the calculated BH cross section dominates the T V C S cross section for \t\ < 0.01 G e V ^ is comparable for |t| up to 0.04 GeV^ and is an order of magnitude smaller for |t| > 0.06 GeV^. Hence the charge asymmetry measurement will only be necessary for small |t| where meson and pomeron (long dashed curve in Fig. 2) exchange dominate the T V C S process. To extract the (pN couplings at high |t|, the T V C S cross section is sufl&ciently large for direct measurement without competition from the BH process.

4 The Bethe-Heitler process Because the BH and T V C S processes compete it is necessary to assess their relative magnitudes. Even if the amplitudes are comparable it is still possible to extract the TVCS amplitude by measuring the charge asymmetry (cr(e+e~) — cr(e~e+)) since in TVCS the e+e~ pair has

5 Conclusion W i t h GeV electron facilities, such as Jlab, T V C S experiments appear quite feasible, providing an opportunity to obtain the unknown nucleon on and off-shell time-like form factors. If V M D is valid the ^A/" couplings can then be extracted which in t u r n permits a direct assessment of nucleon hidden strangeness. R. A. Williams and C. W. Kao are acknowledged. This work was supported by D O E grant DE-FG02-97ER41048.

References 1. R.A. WilUams, S.R. Cotanch: Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1008 (1996) 2. S.R. Cotanch, R.A. WilUams: Nucl. Phys. A 631, 478 (1998) 3. S.R. Cotanch, R.A. Wilhams: Phys. Lett. B 549, 85 (2002) 4. J. Ellis, M. Karliner, D.E. Kharzeev, M.G. Sapozhnikov: Phys. Lett. B 353, 319 (1995)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 103-103 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-023-l

EPJ A direct electronic only

Corrections to the nuclear axial vector coupling in a nuclear medium G.W. Carter and E.M. Henley Department of Physics,Box 351560, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1560, USA Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The temporal component of the weak axial vector current in nuclei is increased due to meson exchange currents. We consider further corrections from pions and the sigma mean-field. PACS. 23.40.-s Beta decay; double beta decay; electron and muon capture - 23.40.Bw Weak interaction and lepton (including neutrino) aspects

T h e weak axial current j ^ is not conserved in a nuclear medium or nucleus; t h e space component is reduced whereas t h e time component, g\ increases by 50 — 100% [1]. Already in t h e 1970's it was shown [2] t h a t nuclear exchange currents are responsible for t h e major part of the increase of g^^. A simplistic explanation is t h a t t h e pion adds an extra 7^ which makes t h e space component of 0{p/M), whereas t h e time component becomes of 0 ( 1 ) . Pion exchange currents have been examined by several authors [3]. Some aspects of t h e exclusion principle have been included in pion exchange calculations, e.g., via use of t h e shell model. However, t h e theoretical enhancement falls about 10% short of t h e measurements [4]. There is, to the same order, t h e one nucleon pion loop contribution. It differs from t h e free nucleon counterpart by t h e effect of t h e Pauli exclusion principle. It is this effect we have examined in order to see whether it might contribute t h e missing ^ 10% of g^. We use t h e chiral Lagrangian of Carter, et al. [5], treating t h e a field in mean field theory. -Ng 1 D L2


(cr + i r

7r75) + - ^ ' 7 ^ ^


TV, (1)


[7^r . [TT X Z\^7r + 75(crZ\^ TT - irA^a)]] N , (2) (3) ^^^



where g' is t h e coupling to t h e chiral vector mesons p and ^ 1 , and bold characters indicate isospin vectors. To start with, t h e nucleon has a m o m e n t u m < kpSince we need t h e propagators in t h e presence of t h e nucleus, they have to be above t h e Fermi sea (e.g. | p | > kp)-

T h e effect of t h e in-medium sigma field is to reduce the nucleon mass, M -^ M* ~ 0.8M. We assume t h a t t h e pion coupling to t h e nucleon has a dipole form factor with a cutoff A = 0.9 or 1.1 GeV. T h e constant D is fixed t o fit gA = 1.26 for t h e free nucleon. gA


where CTQ is t h e vacuum expectation value of t h e cr field, (To = 102 MeV, and a is t h e mean field result at finite density. We fnd t h a t g\ = ^ A ( 1 + S), with 6 = - . 1 3 ( - . l l ) for A = 1.1(0.9) GeV. Thus, t h e omitted eflFect is indeed of the order of magnitude required (10-15%), b u t with t h e wrong sign. These corrections only serve to increase t h e discrepancy between theory and experiment. T h e authors t h a n k Mary Alberg for helpful comments. This work was supported by t h e U. S. Department of Energy grant DE-FG02-97ER4014.

References 1. See, e.g., D.H. Wildenthal, M. S. Curtin, B. A. Brown: Phys. Rev. C 28, 1343 (1983) 2. L. Kubodera, J. Delorme, M. Rho: Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 755 (1978) 3. See e.g., T-S. Park, H. Jung, D-P. Min: Phys. Lett. B 409, 26 (1997) 4. E.K. Warburton: Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1823 (1991); Phys. Rev. C 44, 233 (1991) 5. G.W. Carter, P.J. Ellis, S. Rudaz: Nucl. Phys. A 603, 367 (1996), [Erratum-ibid., 608, 514] (1996)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 105-105 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-024-0

EPJ A direct electronic only

Strangeness-conserving effective weak chiral Lagrangian Hee-Jung Lee^, Chang Ho Hyun^, Chang-Hwan Lee^, and Hyun-Chul Kim^ ^ Departament de Fisica Teorica, Universitat de Valencia E-46100 Burjassot (Valencia), Spain ^ Institute of Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea ^ Department of Physics and NuRI, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. We consider the strangeness-conserving effective weak chiral Lagrangian based on the nonlocal chiral quark model from the instanton vacuum. We incorporate the effect of the strong interaction by the gluon into the effective Lagrangian. The effect of the Wilson coefficients on the weak pion-nucleon coupling constant is discussed briefly. PACS. 12.40.-y, 14.20.Dh Effective chiral Lagrangian, Wilson coefficients, weak pion-nucleon coupling constant

In this work, we briefly illustrate the AS = 0 effective weak chiral Lagrangian from the instanton vacuum, which is essential to study the weak interaction of hadrons at low-energy regions. Since parity violation (PV) can provide high-precision tests of the electro-weak s t a n d a r d model (SM) [1], a great deal of attention has been paid to P V in the SM. It is known t h a t there is discrepancy in the weak charge between measurements in atomic physics and the prediction from the SM [2]. Moreover, it is well known t h a t there is still disagreement theoretically as well as experimentally [3] in determining the weak pion-nucleon coupling constant h^.. Recently, Meissner et al. [4] studied /i^ within the SU(3) Skyrme model, based on the effective c u r r e n t current interaction which is equivalent to a factorization scheme at the leading order in Nc. However, processes such as nonleptonic weak processes defy any explanation from the factorization. Therefore, we first derive the AS = 0 effective weak chiral Lagrangian, incorporating the effective Hamiltonian [5] within the nonlocal chiral quark model from the instanton vacuum. Using the derivative expansion, we obtain the effective weak Lagrangian to order 0{p^) and to the n e x t - t o - l e a d i n g order (NLO) in Nc. We will use this derived effective weak chiral Lagrangian as a starting point for investigating h\. We include two effects from the strong interaction in the effective Lagrangian : T h e first one is the Q C D vacu u m effect which is implemented in the chiral quark model from the instanton vacuum, and the other is the perturbative gluon effect (the strong enhancement effect) which is encoded in the Wilson coefficients [5]. T h e terms at the leading order of Nc in the effective Lagrangian are expressed in terms of the current-current interactions which correspond to the factorization scheme. It can be easily

shown t h a t they are identical to those in [4] when the perturbative gluon effect is turned off. On the other hand, the NLO terms from the non-factorization scheme have a more complicated form. T h e explicit form of the AS = ^ effective weak Lagrangian with the Wilson coefl&cients to the NLO can be found in [6]. T h e role of the Wilson coefl[icients can be investigated by calculating h\ from the effective weak chiral Lagrangian. As done in [4], we employ the chiral soliton with the zero-mode quantization. T h e pion which couples to the nucleon can be introduced from the meson fluctuation around the soliton fleld. W h e n the perturbative gluon effect is turned off and NLO terms are not considered, h\ t u r n s out to be the same as t h a t in [4]. On the other hand, if the strong enhancement effect is taken into account at the leading order in A^c, a rough estimation of the effect shows t h a t h\ is enhanced by 20 %, compared to t h a t without the Wilson coefficients. However, it should be noted t h a t if we restrict ourselves to SU(2), h\ vanishes anyway. T h e investigation in the SU(3) flavor space is under progress.

References 1. M.A. Bouchiat, C.C. Bouchiat: Phys. Lett. B 48, 111 (1974) 2. C.S. Wood et al.: Science 275, 1759 (1997); S.C. Bennett, C.E. Wieman: Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2484 (1999) 3. W.S. Wilburn, J.D. Bowman: Phys. Rev. C 57, 3425 (1998) 4. U.G. Meissner, H. Weigel: Phys. Lett.B 447, 1 (1999) 5. B. Desplanques, J.F. Donoghue, B.R. Holstein: Annals Phys. 124, 449 (1980) 6. H.-J. Lee et al.: hep-ph/0405217

IV Experimental techniques in PV electron scattering IV-1 Beam asymmetry

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 109-114 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-025-y

EPJ A direct electronic only

Overview of laser systematics Gordon D. Gates, Jr. Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA Received: 15 January 2005 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. This paper discusses systematic effects in parity experiments that originate from the laser and optics system that are used in a polarized electron source. Covered are both the sources of systematics, as well as strategies for their minimization. PACS. 29.25.Bx Electron sources - 29.27.Hj Polarized beams - 42.25.Ja Polarization - 42.25.Lc Birefringence - ll.30.Er Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete symmetries

1 Introduction

2 The various types of systematics

In general, experiments t h a t study parity violation in electron scattering utilize a polarized electron source t h a t is based on photo-emission from various types of gallium arsenide (GaAs) crystals. T h e photo-emission is induced using circularly polarized light from a laser. Because the helicity of the electron beam is determined by the polarization state of the laser light, the electron polarization can be reversed or "flipped" quickly and in a quasi-random manner by using an electro-optical device such as a Pockels cell to circularly polarize the light. Parity experiments typically measure tiny helicity-dependent asymmetries in the scattering of polarized electrons off unpolarized targets. T h e asymmetries themselves might range from 0.1 parts per million (ppm) to 100 ppm, and it is sometimes necessary to control helicity-correlated systematic effects at the level of parts per billion. In experiments where electronic crosstalk is sufficiently under control, the helicitycorrelated changes in the parameters of the electron b e a m generally originate in helicity-correlated changes in the light used to induce photo-emission. Laser systematics are thus critical to achieving increasingly accurate measurements of parity violation in electron scattering. Ever since the first pioneering experiment t h a t observed parity violation in electron scattering [1], the understanding of laser-based systematics has grown. It is now possible to catalog some of the dominant effects, including how they can be diagnosed, and in some cases corrected. Indeed, the improvement of our understanding of laser systematics has played a critical role in making increasingly sensitive parity experiments possible. This paper will examine some of the laser systematics t h a t were dominant during several experiments with which the author was involved [2-5], as well as discussing strategies for their minimization.

In the absence of any effort to control them, the largest systematic in a parity experiment will generally be helicity-correlated asymmetries in the charge delivered to the target. While it is certainly important to measure and correct for "charge asymmetries" this can only be done up to a point. Beam current measuring devices will always have nonlinearities at some level. Even if one had a perfect device for measuring b e a m current, there is still the possibility t h a t through interaction with the accelerator, such as beam loading, charge asymmetries could be translated into other helicity-correlated effects. Fortunately, it is reasonably straightforward to "balance" the charge delivered to the target over the course of an experiment at the level of a few hundred parts per billion (ppb) resulting in systematic uncertainties in the parity violating asymmetry of a few ppb. If charge asymmetries are the "zeroth-order" effects, the first-order effects are then helicity-correlated differences in the b e a m position. Since charge asymmetries are reasonably straightforward to control, these "position differences" end u p being a more troublesome problem. Many recent parity experiments have had significant contributions to their systematic errors from helicity-correlated position differences [4,5]. Even if charge and position differences are reduced to negligible levels it is still possible to be troubled by higherorder effects. For instance the spot size of the laser can systematically change while position and charge are held fairly constant. One issue t h a t needs to be considered is whether the elimination of lower-order effects simply results in the increase of higher-order effects. This makes it desirable to have diagnostics for higher-order effects even if there is no obvious way to control them.


G.D. Gates, Jr.: Overview of laser systematics

3 The sources of systematics 3.1 Charge asymmetries Charge asymmetries result when the average current associated with one helicity state is different from the average current associated with the other helicity state. T h e dominant mechanisms associated with this effect are well understood, and have been described in some detail for b o t h simple [6] and more complex [7] optics setups. T h e asymmetries stem from the fact t h a t when making circularly polarized light, there are always small admixtures of linear polarization which cause a small degree of ellipticity. W h e n the helicity of the light is flipped, it is often the case t h a t the major axis of the polarization ellipse will rotate by 90°. Since most optics systems have many elements (for instance mirrors) t h a t transport one linear polarization better t h a n another (a property we will refer to as a transport asymmetry), flipping the helicity can cause a change in the efficiency with which the light delivered to the cathode. Historically, this type of effect has sometimes been referred to as the "PITA" effect, where PITA is an acronym standing for "polarization induced transport asymmetry" [6]. T h e P I T A effect thus results from the fact t h a t the optics system has an "analyzing power" with an accompanying analyzing-power axis. In polarized electron sources, the optics transport syst e m is not the only component with an analyzing power. Bulk GaAs has a theoretical maximum polarization of 50%, and values of 35-45% are typical. Recently it has become common to use modified GaAs crystals such as strained GaAs or super-lattice GaAs because in such crystals a degeneracy associated with the valence band is broken raising the theoretical maximum polarization to nearly 100%, with values of 70-82% being typical. T h e improved polarization of these photocathodes comes at a price. W h e n irradiated with linearly polarized light, these photocathodes have a q u a n t u m efficiency (QE) t h a t depends on the orientation of the light's polarization axis with respect to an axis t h a t lies in the plane of the crystal's surface. T h e crystal itself thus has an analyzing power. Figure l a illustrates the direction of the analyzing-power axis. T h e Q E anisotropy associated with the analyzingpower axis can be as much as 15%. T h e analyzing power of the crystal has essentially the same effect on beam current as does a t r a n s p o r t asymmetry. W h e n the crystal is illuminated with elliptically polarized light, the photo-emitted current depends critically on the position of the major axis with respect to the analyzing-power axis. If the polarization ellipses associated with the two helicity states are as indicated in Fig. l b , a maximal charge asymmetry will result. If the polarization ellipses are oriented as indicated in Fig. Ic, a minimal charge asymmetry will result. W h e t h e r a charge asymmetry results from a laserb e a m transport asymmetry, or from an anisotropy in the photocathode's QE, it is straightforward, and useful, to characterize the effect quantitatively. For definiteness, we will assume t h a t the device used to produce circular polarization is a Pockels cell, oriented so t h a t its fast axis

a) A GaAs crystal with an "analyzing-power" axis as indicated.

b) Most ser\s\Y\we orientation for polarization ellipses.

c) Least ser\s\Y\ve orientation for polarizaton ellipses.

Fig. 1. a Illustrated is a GaAs crystal with a quantum efficiency that is sensitive to the orientation of linear polarization with respect to the indicated analyzing-power axis, b Polarization ellipses for nominally positive and negative helicity light resulting in maximum charge asymmetry, c Polarization ellipses for nominally positive and negative helicity light resulting in minimum charge asymmetry

is at ° with respect to horizontal. We will further assume t h a t prior to traveling through the Pockels cell, the light is linearly polarized in the horizontal direction. It is convenient to parameterize the phases introduced by the Pockels cell as (1)


f W) ds'



is the accumulated b e t a t r o n phase, (j) is the initial phase, e is the emittance, and (3{s) is referred to as the b e t a function or amplitude function. So, the transverse position of the b e a m at a given point along the central orbit (e.g. at the target) depends on the initial position and angle of the b e a m as well as on the intervening optics (the integrated b e t a function along the orbit). T h e solutions for x and x' can be combined in the form 7(5) x'^{s) + 2 a{s) x{s) x'{s) + (5{s) x''^{s)


which defines a phase-space ellipse in the x — x' plane. T h e three parameters t h a t characterize this ellipse (a, (3 and 7) are referred to as the "Twiss parameters". Note t h a t these parameters are functions of the p a t h length s along the central trajectory, so the phase-space ellipse can change shape as the particle moves along its orbit. T h e area of this phase-space ellipse is simply Tre, where e is the emittance. For the case of no acceleration, Liouville's theorem states t h a t the area of the phase-space ellipse (and therefore the emittance) remains constant. W h e n there is acceleration, and the relative moment u m changes are small over the scale of the optical element

x{s) = ^/e^J(3[s)J—

cos {'0(s) + 0 } ,


where po and p are the initial and final b e a m particle momenta, respectively. This reduction in the amplitude of the b e t a t r o n motion as the beam m o m e n t u m is adiabatically increased is referred to as adiabatic damping. Therefore the acceleration of the machine gradually reduces the amplitude of the b e t a t r o n oscillation, and the transverse displacement from the central orbit can be reduced further at a given point by controlling the overall accumulated b e t a t r o n phase. In practice, one works to achieve the minimum possible helicity-correlated position and angle differences in the beam in the injector by proper alignment and configuration of elements in the polarized injector laser p a t h as described in reference [1]. One then expects additional reduction in the position and angle differences observed at the experimental target by the adiabatic damping factor - A/PO/P- T h e full expected adiabatic damping factor is often not achieved due to an optically mismatched beam transport system. In a perfectly matched system, the Twiss parameters after passing through each beamline element match the design parameters. As discussed in the next section, various types of imperfections in the transport system lead to a deviation from this ideal case.

D.H. Beck, M.L. Pitt: Beam optics for electron scattering parity-violation experiments I Betatron phases 3 REFRESH


ll\1 '

/ y^




/^ j

-. .

Q_X J. i J .




D a.


iJ. .1.






J\ /

, /

117 -iPixj








^ _ _ , . , J - ^

' j f



J.L . i i 3 l e D i s a J B l , e « l f a l . n l a n J . Jl.. .IJ.fl . i. A .


-inlxj REFRESH


Fig. 3 . Calculated effects of the phase trombone in the Hall A beam line at Jefferson Lab. The upper panel shows a difference in the phase of the Px function of 60° (upper curves at right: ^x and ^x) for slightly different tunings. The small difference in the tuning can be seen in the lower panel where the nearly identical pair of curves show /3aj, /^^ for the two cases. The y functions are unaffected T h e result of a mismatched t r a n s p o r t setup are shown schematically in Fig. 1. At a given location, t h e phasespace ellipse preserves its area, b u t in a badly matched system t h e ellipse becomes distorted leading t o a larger b e t a t r o n amplitude ("orbit blow-up") t h a n ideal adiabatic damping would predict.

3 Active feedback of beam position difference In t h e GO experiment, t h e relatively large bunch charge (running at 31 MHz pulse rate, necessitated by time-offiight measurements, see [2]) required a non-standard tuning of t h e injector which made reduction of t h e helicitycorrelated beam position differences with t h e standard damping difficult t o achieve. Nominally, with 3 GeV incident energy, t h e damping from t h e injector t o t h e target would be 3 GeV 95 (5) 355 keV However t h e damping factors measured in t h e x a n d y directions were typically 25 a n d 10, respectively as shown in Fig. 2.

T h e precise cause of the reduced damping is not clear; however, there are several likely contributors. In order for the damping t o be realized, t h e beam, characterized by its Twiss parameters, must have t h e envelope t o which the subsequent optical elements are matched. In practice, correction elements are used t o restore t h e envelope after sections of the beamline (e.g. linac, arc, etc.). Matching is particularly important in t h e injector where t h e relative acceleration is large, b u t is particularly difficult because of t h e focusing effects of t h e accelerating sections. T h e impact of this focusing is larger in t h e injector because of t h e lower energy of t h e beam; it is further complicated by t h e focusing components t h a t mix t h e x a n d y phase spaces. Work continues t o make improvements in this difficult tuning problem [4]. During t h e GO experiment, t h e lack of damping was overcome with active feedback on t h e beam position at the target [5]. Helicity-correlated beam position difference measurements were made near t h e target a n d used to move t h e polarized source laser beam (using a piezoelectric actuator t o move a reflecting mirror) in a helicitycorrelated manner t o null t h e error signal. In practice, this feedback was somewhat more difficult as t h e b e a m current and motions in t h e x a n d y directions were fully coupled.


D.H. Beck, M.L. Pitt: Beam optics for electron scattering parity-violation experiments

e.g. changing the y position of the laser b e a m at the source changed the x and y positions at the target, as well as the b e a m current. Successful operation of the feedback system required periodic calibration of this "response" matrix, as well as some optical adjustments to insure t h a t the matrix was non-singular.

4 Phase trombone In the most recent run of the H A P P E X experiments [6], beam position differences were mitigated using different techniques. As H A P P E X ran with the s t a n d a r d bunch charge (499 MHz pulse rate), the tuning of the injector was more s t a n d a r d and larger damping factors (though not the theoretical values) were routinely obtained. T h e position differences of the laser beam on the polarized source crystal were also reduced through a combination of a new, larger diameter Pockels cell (the electro-optic A/4 plate t h a t sets the laser beam polarization) and more careful optical alignment. In the current run, a newly developed technique was also initiated. Starting with reduced position differences at the target, the H A P P E X group, in collaboration with the J L a b Accelerator Division used a group of eight quadrupole magnets in the arc to adjust the b e t a function phase advance at the target (hence the name phase trombone) to t r a d e off helicity-correlated position and angle differences (see Fig. 3). T h e basic idea is to change the phase advance periodically during the experiment to trade, e.g., a large position difference for a large angle difference or even to reverse the sign of a position difference to cancel the effect in an earlier part of the run. Technically, this amounts to rotating the phase space ellipse t h a t describes the beam envelope. Development of this tool is also continuing.

5 Conclusion Because the asymmetries in parity-violating experiments are small, careful control of the b e a m is required to reduce false asymmetries to acceptable levels. Therefore, in a real sense, the a p p a r a t u s for these experiments involves the entire accelerator as an integral part. Among other accelerator challenges, controlling helicity-correlated beam positions and angles at the target at a level of a few n m and a few nrad, respectively, requires sophisticated control mechanisms. Achieving the natural (due to acceleration) damping of motion in the transverse planes is becoming easier as new sources of optical mismatches are identified. In the GO experiment, active feedback was used with some success to reduce the position and angle differences, although changing b e a m conditions required periodic adjustments. T h e present H A P P E X run has seen the beginning of development of a new optical tool to allow position and angle differences to be traded off, reducing the overall effect on the experiment. Continued development of these techniques will be important to the success of future measurements of even smaller asymmetries. We gratefully acknowledge contributions to this presentation from A. Bogacz, Y. Chao, K. Nakahara, and K. Paschke.

References 1. G. Gates: this workshop 2. P. Roos: this workshop 3. K. Wille: The Physics of Particle Accelerators: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, New York 2000) 80ff 4. Y. Chao et al.: proceedings of the 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, 2004 5. K. Nakahara: this workshop 6. R. Holmes: this workshop

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 119-120 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-027-9

EPJ A direct electronic only

GO beam quality and multiple linear regression corrections Kazutaka Nakahara University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1110 West Green St. Urbana, IL 61801, USA e-mail: nakaharaOjlab. org Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The GO experiment measures parity-violating elastic e-p scattering asymmetries to probe the strange quark content of the nucleon. The goal is to measure the asymmetries with an overall uncertainty of 5% of the measured asymmetries which will be of order 10~^ to 10~^. In order to achieve the above precision, systematic effects which can induce false asymmetries must be controlled. One such systematic error is helicity-correlated changes in beam parameters, which, coupled with the sensitivity of the GO spectrometer to such beam variations, can induce false asymmetries. Beam parameters monitored for helicity-correlation are beam current, beam position, beam angle, and beam energy. A feedback loop was successfully used to reduce the helicity-correlation in beam current and beam position. The sensitivity of the GO spectrometer to fluctuations in beam parameters has also been measured, and the false asymmetries have been determined to be of order 10~^. This contribution will address the sensitivity of the GO spectrometer to changes in beam conditions, the performance of the feedback loops as well as the resulting parity quality of the GO beam, and the resulting false asymmetry. PACS. 29.27.HJ Polarized beams- 13.60.-r Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons - 25.30.-c Elastic electron scattering

1 Introduction

contribution will detail the methods specifically used by the GO collaboration to reduce these false asymmetries.

T h e physics process responsible for the asymmetry measured in the GO experiment is the weak parity-violating amplitude in elastic scattering [1]. A = ( o - + - a _ ) / ( a + + o-_)

2 Parity quality beam


where cr+/- are the elastic e-p cross sections in the positive/negative helicity states of the electron beam. Thus, the measured asymmetries are susceptible to helicity correlated fluctuations in b e a m conditions. These fluctuations can alter the measured cross section in a manner unrelated to the physics process we wish to probe, and consequently appear as unwanted false asymmetries. As parity-violation experiments strive to achieve greater precision in the measurements of their asymmetries, the tolerance on helicity-correlated fluctuations in b e a m conditions have become more stringent. However, recent developments in improving beam quality for such experiments have yielded significant results in reducing false asymmetries coming from helicity-correlated beam fiuctnations. These developments, together with the s t a n d a r d multiple linear regression analysis techniques, have rendered such false asymmetries to be a well-controllable systematic effect [2,3]. Although there have been many improvements made b o t h in controlling the helicity-correlation at the source as well as through improved b e a m transport, this

Processes which can induce helicity-correlation in the beam may include effects such as an imperfect circular polarization of the laser, helicity-correlated laser motion at the cathode, and beam loading effects in the accelerating cavities [4]. In the GO experiment the cumulative effect from all such processes was measured, and an active feedback device was used to null out the resulting helicitycorrelated differences. An IA (intensity attenuator) cell and a P Z T (piezo-electric transducer) mirror were used to modulate the intensity and position of the laser at the cathode in order to null out any charge asymmetry and position differences t h a t exist within the beam. Existing correlations between charge, position, angle and energy made it possible to reduce all 6 helicity-correlated differences simply by feeding back on the above 3 parameters, although it was not guaranteed t h a t the energy difference would be reduced. A halfwave plate was inserted/retracted at the source to reverse the circular polarization of the laser every few days to monitor any further systematics effects coming from polarization reversal.

K. Nakahara: GO beam quality and multiple linear regression corrections


Slopes vs. Oclantt Detector 1


i f




< NE3M IN Call OUT Co.l IM


Table 1. The false asymmetries from the helicity-correlated differences as well as the sensitivity of the spectrometer




Slopes (octant






1-0 05


1 -0 1 **-0i5











1 I



4 nm

-1 to 1 % / m m




4 nm

-1 to 0.8 % / m m


Ox 6y


0.3 m a d

-6 to 8 % / m r a d



0.5 nrad

-4 to 5 % / m r a d



4 eV

-0.01 to 0.02 % / M e V

10"^ 10-9



~10-3 %/nC


0.28 ppm



I 0 02 I


n 1 1

1 11


t t

! 1

i L

Fig. 1. Linear regression slopes determined from natural beam motion (NBM) and coil modulation show consistent results. The beam current slopes shows a large odd vs even octant dependence due to differing deadtimes from the 2 distinctly separate electronics that were used in those octants

3 Multiple linear regression In order to determine how much false asymmetry results from the helicity-correlation in the beam, the sensitivity of the GO spectrometer to changes in beam parameters was measured. T h e false asymmetry resulting from the helicity-correlated parameter differences is thus, [2] Afalse = ^d/Y

* {dY/2dPi)

* SPi


where Y is the yield seen on the detectors, SPi denotes the helicity-correlated differences in the six beam parameters, and dV/dPi is the slope which characterizes the sensitivity of the spectrometer yield to fluctuations in the beam. T h e spectrometer is composed of 8 azimuthally symmetric octants, each with an array of 16 detectors which corresponds to different Q^, so the false asymmetry contribution due to position and angular motion of the beam tends to cancel out when summed over all octants. In addition to determining the slopes with the n a t u r a l motion of the beam, a set of steering coils were used upstream of the target to modulate the b e a m by large amounts in order to gain more dynamic range in determining the sensitiv-

ity of the spectrometer to beam position and angle. T h e two methods have shown consistent results throughout the run and the expected octant-dependence is seen. Figure 1 shows the determined sensitivity to changes in the 6 beam parameters for one particular detector element. T h e resulting false asymmetries coming from the slopes and the helicity-correlation in the 6 beam parameters are summarized on Table 1.

4 Conclusions T h e parity b e a m feedback system for the GO forward angle production was successfully implemented, and parity quality b e a m was achieved to the level where the resulting false asymmetry of order 0.01 p p m is considered a negligible contribution to the 5% overall uncertainty t h a t the GO experiment aims for in the determination of its parityviolating asymmetries. Acknowledgements. Thanks to Doug Beck, Mark Pitt, Matt Poelker, Joe Grames, Yu-Chu Chao, Reza Kazimi, and the Jefferson Lab HallC and Accelerator groups for their tireless effort and support.

References 1. Douglas H. Beck, Barry R. Holstein: International Journal of Modern Physics E (2001), p. 5-10 2. Damon Spayde: Thesis at the U. of Maryland, Measurement of the Strange Magnetic Form Factor of the Proton using Elastic Electron Scattering, (2001) p. 55 and p. 101-117 3. K.A. Aniol, et al.: Phys. Rev. C 69, 065501 (2004), p. 4-6 4. P.A. Souder et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 694 (1990), p. 695697

IV Experimental techniques in PV electron scattering IV-2


Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 123-126 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-028-8

EPJ A direct electronic only

M0ller polarimetry with atomic hydrogen targets E. Chudakov^^ and V. Luppov^^ ^ Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA23606, USA ^ University of Michigan Spin Physics Center, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2036, USA Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. A novel proposal of using polarized atomic hydrogen gas, stored in an ultra-cold magnetic trap, as the target for electron beam polarimetry based on M0ller scattering is discussed. Such a target of practically 100% polarized electrons could provide a superb systematic accuracy of about 0.5% for beam polarization measurements. Feasibility studies for the CEBAF electron beam have been performed. PACS. 07.60.Fs Polarimeters - 29.25.Pj Polarized targets - 67.65.+Z Spin-polarized hydrogen and helium

1 Motivation Precise electron beam polarimetry will become increasingly important for the next generation of parity violation experiments. T h e systematic errors (polarimetry excluded) and statistical errors of some of these experiments will become better t h a t 0.5%. For example, the measurement of the neutron skin of the ^^^Pb nucleus, proposed at Jefferson Lab [1], requires a 1% polarimetry accuracy for the 850 MeV, 50 /xA polarized electron beam, and would benefit from a polarimetry accuracy of 0.5%. Compton polarimetry, while accurate enough at the energies > 4 GeV [2, 3] has difficulties at low energies ^ 8 0 0 MeV and a 1% accuracy has not been achieved so far. M0ller polarimetry does not depend considerably on the beam energy, but the accuracy is limited by the choice of the polarized electron target. Ferromagnetic foils, used so far, provide electron polarization of about 8%, known either with an accuracy of about 2-3% (see, for example [4,5,6]) if the foil is magnetized along its surface in a a field of 10-30 m T , or with an accuracy ^ 0 . 3 % , if it is magnetized in a very strong field of ^ 4 T [6]. There are other systematic errors, associated with ferromagnetic targets. A kinematics difference in scattering on the external and internal a t o m shells lead to a systematic error (the so-called Levchuk effect [7]). T h e target heating limits the b e a m current to 2-3^A, a factor of 10-30 below the typical currents needed for the experiments. Also, the dead time gives a systematic error. ^ This work was supported by the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA), which operates the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-84ER40150. Now with Janis Research Company, Wilmington, MA 01887-0696

W i t h all this in mind it seems very attractive to use atomic hydrogen gas, held in an ultra-cold magnetic t r a p [8], as the source of 100% polarized electrons. M0ller polarimetry with such a target would be free of the accuracy limitations discussed above. T h e target polarization would be close enough to 100% and there will be no need to measure it. There will be no Levchuk effect or noticeable dead time. Here, a feasibility study of such an option is presented.

2 Polarized atomic hydrogen target 2.1 Hydrogen atom in magnetic field T h e magnetic field Bs and the hyperfine interaction split the ground state of hydrogen into four states with different energies. T h e low energy states are \a) = | ^ ^ ) - cos^—| f^) s i n ^ and \b) = \ |4^), where the first and second (crossed) arrows in the brackets indicate the electron and proton spin projections on the magnetic field direction. As far as the electron spin is concerned, state \b) is pure, while state I a) is a superposition. T h e mixing angle 0 depends on the magnetic field Bs and t e m p e r a t u r e T: tan 20 ^ 0.05 T/Bs. At Bs = 8 T and T = 0.3 K the mixing factor is small: s i n ^ « 0.003. State \b) is 100% polarized. State I a) is polarized in the same direction as \b) and its polarization differs from unity by ^ 10~^.

2.2 Storage cell In a magnetic field gradient, a force — V ( / / H B ) , where I^H is the atom's magnetic moment, separates the lower and the higher energy states. T h e lower energy states are pulled into the stronger field, while the higher energy states are repelled from the stronger field. T h e 0.3 K cylindrical storage cell, made usually of pure copper, is located


E. Chudakov, V. Luppov: M0ller polarimetry with atomic hydrogen targets


Fig. 1. A sketch of the storage ceU

in the bore of a superconducting ~ 8 T solenoid. T h e polarized hydrogen, consisting of the low energy states, is confined along the cell axis by the magnetic field gradient, and laterally by the wall of the cell (Fig. 1). At the point of statistical equilibrium, the state population, p follows the Boltzmann distribution: p oc exp



where jj^e is the electron's magnetic moment (IHH ~ Me) and k = ks is the Boltzmann constant. T h e cell is mainly populated with states \a) and \b), with an admixture of states \c) and \d) of exp (-2//e5/A;T) ^ 3 10"^^. In the absence of other processes, states \a) and \b) are populated nearly equally. T h e gas is practically 100% polarized, a small ( ^ 10~^) oppositely polarized contribution comes from the | t ^ ) component of state \a). T h e atomic hydrogen density is limited mainly by the process of recombination into H2 molecules (releasing ~ 4 . 5 eV). T h e recombination rate is higher at lower temperatures. In gas, recombination by collisions of two atoms is kinematically forbidden but it is allowed in collisions of three atoms. On the walls, which play the role of a third body, there is no kinematic limitation for two a t o m recombination. At moderate gas densities only the surface recombination matters. In case of polarized atoms, the cross section for recombination is strongly suppressed, because two hydrogen atoms in the triplet electron spin state have no bound states. This fact leads to the possibility of reaching relatively high gas densities for polarized atoms in the traps. A way to reduce the surface recombination on the walls of the storage cell is coating t h e m with a thin film (~50 nm) of superfiuid ^He. T h e helium film has a very small sticking coefficient^ for hydrogen atoms. In contrast. ^ The sticking coefficient defines the atom's adsorption probability per a collision with a surface.

hydrogen molecules in thermal equilibrium with the film are absorbed after a few collisions and are frozen in clusters on the metal surface of the t r a p [9]. T h e higher energy states are repelled from the storage cell by the magnetic field gradient and leave the cell. Outside of the helium-covered cell, the atoms promptly recombine on surfaces into hydrogen molecules which are either p u m p e d away or are frozen on the walls. Some of the higher energy states recombine within the cell and the molecules eventually are either frozen on the heliumcoated wall, or leave the cell by diffusion. T h e cell is filled with atomic hydrogen from an R F dissociator. Hydrogen, at 80 K, passes through a Teflon^ pipe to a nozzle, which is kept at ~ 3 0 K. From the nozzle hydrogen enters into a system of helium-coated baffles, where it is cooled down to ^ 0 . 3 K. At 30 K and above, the recombination is suppressed because of the high temperature, while at 0.3 K it is suppressed by helium coating. In the input flow, the atoms and molecules are mixed in comparable amounts, but most of the molecules are frozen out in the baffles and do not enter the cell. T h e gas arrives at the region of a strong field gradient, which separates very efficiently the lower and higher atomic energy states, therefore a constant feeding of the cell does not affect the average electron polarization. This technique was first successfully applied in 1980 [10], and later a density^ as high as 3-10^^ atoms/cm^ was achieved [8] in a small volume. So far, the storage cell itself has not been put in a high-intensity particle beam. For the project being discussed a normal storage cell design can be used, with the beam passing along the solenoid axis (Fig. 1). T h e double walls of the cylindrical copper cell form a dilution refrigerator mixing chamber. T h e cell is connected to the b e a m pipe with no separating windows. T h e tentative cell parameters are (similar to a working cell [11]): solenoid m a x i m u m field of Bs = 8 T , solenoid length of Ls = 30 cm, cell internal radius of To = 2 cm, cell length of Lc = 35 cm and t e m p e r a t u r e of T = 0.3 K. T h e effective length of such a target is about 20 cm. For the guideline, we will consider a gas density of 3 10^^ cm~^, obtained experimentally [12], for a similar design.

2.3 Gas properties I m p o r t a n t parameters of the target gas are the diffusion speed. At 300 m K the RMS speed of the atoms is ^ 8 0 m / s . For these studies we used a calculated value [13] of the hydrogen atoms cross section a = 42.3 10~^^ cm^, ignoring the difference between the spin triplet and singlet cross sections. This provided the mean free p a t h i = 0.57 m m at density of 3 10^^ cm~^. ^ Teflon has a relatively small sticking coefficient for hydrogen atoms. ^ This parameter is called concentration, but we will use the word density in the text, since the mass of the gas is not important here.

E. Chudakov, V. Luppov: M0ller polarimetry with atomic hydrogen targets T h e average time, Td for a "low field seeking" a t o m to travel to the edge of the cell, assuming its starting point is distributed according to the gas density, is^: Td ~ 0.7 s. This is the cleaning time for an a t o m with opposite electron spin, should it emerge in the cell and if it does not recombine before. T h e escape time depends on the initial position of the atom, going from ^--^ 1 s at z = 0 to 0.1 s at z = 8 cm. T h e average wall collision time is about 0.5 ms.

2.4 Gas lifetime in the cell For the moment we consider the gas behavior with no b e a m passing through it. Several processes lead to losses of hydrogen atoms from the cell: thermal escape through the magnetic field gradient, recombination in the volume of gas and recombination on the surface of the cell. T h e volume recombination can be neglected u p to densities o f - 10^^ c m - 2 [8]. T h e dominant process, limiting the gas density, is the surface recombination. In order to keep the gas density constant the losses have to be compensated by constantly feeding the cell with atomic hydrogen. Our calculations, based on the theory of such cells [8], show, t h a t a very moderate feed rate of (^ — 1 10^^ a t o m s / s would provide a gas density of 7 10^^ cm~^. This can be compared with the measurement [12] of 3-10^^ cm~^. T h e average lifetime of a "high field seeking" a t o m in the cell is — 1 h.

2.5 Unpolarized contamination T h e most important sources of unpolarized contamination in the target gas in absence of b e a m have been identified: 1) hydrogen molecules: — 10~^; 2) high energy atomic states \c) and \d): r^ 10~^; 3) excited atomic states < 10~^^; 4) other gasses, like helium and the residual gas in the cell: - 10-^ T h e contributions l)-3) are present when the cell is filled with hydrogen. They are difficult to measure directly and we have to rely on calculations. Nevertheless, the behavior of such storage cells has been extensively studied and is well understood [8]. T h e general parameters, like the gas lifetime, or the gas density are predicted with an accuracy better t h a n a factor of 3. T h e estimates l)-3) are about 100 times below the level of contamination of about 0 . 1 % which may become important for polarimetry. In contrast, the contribution 4) can be easily measured with beam by taking an empty target measurement. Atomic hydrogen can be completely removed from the cell by heating a small bolometer inside the cell, which would remove the helium coating on this element, and catalyze a fast recombination of hydrogen on its surface. However, it is important ^ This time was estimated using simulation, taking into account the gas density distribution along z and the repelling force in the magnetic field gradient.


to keep this contamination below several percent in order to reduce the systematic error associated with the background subtraction.

3 Beam impact on storage cell We have considered various impacts the I^ = 100 /iA C E B A F b e a m can inflict on the storage cell. T h e beam consists of short bunches with r = CTT ~ 0.5 ps at a JT = 499 MHz repetition rate. T h e beam spot has a size of about ax ~ cry ^ 0 . 1 m m . T h e most important depolarization effects we found are: A) gas depolarization by the R F electromagnetic radiation of the beam: ~ 3 10~^; B) contamination from free electrons and ions: ^ 10~^; C) gas excitation and depolarization by the ionization losses: ~ 10~^; D) gas heating by ionization losses: ~ 10~^^ depolarization and a ^ 3 0 % density reduction. The effects A) and B) are described below.

3.1 Beam RF generated depolarization T h e electromagnetic field of the b e a m has a circular magnetic field component, which couples to the \a)^\d) and \b)^\c) transitions. T h e transition frequency depends on the value of the local magnetic field in the solenoid and for the bulk of the gas ranges from 215 to 225 GHz. T h e spectral density function of the magnetic field can be presented in the form of Fourier series with the characteristic frequency of ujo = 27rjr. The Fourier coeflficients are basically the Fourier transforms of the magnetic field created by a single bunch. T h e bunch length is short in comparison with the typical transition frequency {ujtrans^ ~ 0.1). T h e resonance lines of the spectrum (a reflection of the 499 MHz repetition rate) populate densely the transition range (see Fig. 2). T h e induced transition rate depends on the gas density at a given transition frequency. This rate was calculated taking into account the b e a m parameters and the field m a p of a realistic solenoid. Provided t h a t the field of the solenoid is fine t u n e d to avoid the transition resonances for the bulk of the gas in the cell (see Fig. 2), the depolarization described has the following features: - the transition rate is proportional to I^; - the average rate of each of the two transitions is about 0.5 10~^ of the target density per second; - at the center around the b e a m the full transition rate is about 6% of the density per second. In order to estimate the average contamination we take into account t h a t each resonance line presented in Fig. 2 corresponds to a certain value of the solenoid field and, therefore, affects the gas at a certain z. Using a realistic field m a p of the solenoid we obtained t h a t the average depolarization in the beam area will be reduced to about ^ 0.3 10~^ by the lateral gas diffusion and by the escape of the "low field seeking" atoms from the storage cell.


E. Chudakov, V. Luppov: M0ller polarimetry with atomic hydrogen targets






T r a n s i t i o n f r e q u e n c y v (GHz)

Fig. 2. Simulated spectra of the transitions on the axis of the hydrogen trap with the maximum field of 8.0 T. The density of atoms depends on the field as exp{—jieB/kT). The two curves show j^dN/dh'ad and -^dN/dubc - the relative number of atoms which can undergo \a) -^ \d) and \b) —^ \c) transitions at the given frequency, per one GHz. The resonant structure of the spectral function of the beam-induced electromagnetic field is shown as a set of vertical bars, 499 MHz apart

tion of < 0 . 0 1 % , coming from several contributions. T h e impact of the most important of these contributions can be studied, at least their upper limits, by deliberately increasing the effect. For example, the b e a m R F induced transitions can be increased by a factor of ~ 7 0 , by fine tuning of the solenoid magnetic field. T h e contribution from the charged particles in the b e a m area can be varied by a factor u p to ~ 10^, by changing the cleaning electric field. T h e systematic errors, associated with the present Hall A polarimeter, when added in q u a d r a t u r e give a total systematic error of about 3 % [5]. Scaling these errors to the hydrogen target option reduces the total error to about 0.3%.

5 Conclusion In order to study experimentally the depolarization effect discussed, one can t u n e the solenoid magnetic field to overlap a resonance line with the transition frequency of the gas at the cell center. This would increase the transition rate by a factor of ^ 7 0 .

3.2 Contamination by free electrons and ions T h e beam would ionize per second about 20% of the atoms in the cylinder around the beam spot . T h e charged particles would not escape the b e a m area due to diffusion, as the neutral atoms would do, but will follow the magnetic field lines, parallel to the beam. An elegant way to remove t h e m is to apply a relatively weak ~ 1 V / c m electric field perpendicular to the beam. T h e charged particles will drift at a speed ofv = 'Ex B / 5 ^ ~ 12 m / s perpendicular to the b e a m and leave the beam area in about 20 /is. This will reduce the average contamination to a 10~^ level.

4 Application of the atomic target to M0ller polarimetry This feasibility study was done for the possible application of the target discussed to the existing M0ller polarimeter in Hall A at J L a b [5].The results are, however, more generic and are largely applicable to other facilities with "continuous" electron beams. T h e b e a m polarization at J L a b is normally about 80%, at beam currents below 100 //A. Scaling the results of the existing polarimeter to to the hydrogen target discussed we estimated t h a t at 30 /iA a 1% statistical accuracy will be achieved in about 30 min. This is an acceptable time, in particular if the measurements are done in parallel with the main experiment. There is no obvious way to measure directly the polarization of the hydrogen atoms in the b e a m area. T h e contamination from the residual gas is measurable. T h e rest relies on calculations. All calculations show t h a t the polarization is nearly 100%, with a possible contamina-

T h e considerations above show t h a t a stored, longitudinally electron-spin-polarized atomic hydrogen can be used as a pure, 100% electron polarized gas target. A thickness of at least 6 10^^ electrons/cm^ can be reached with a target diameter of 4 cm and a length of 20 cm along the beam. T h e polarized hydrogen gas should be stable in the presence of a 100 ^ A C E B A F beam. A M0ller polarimeter, equipped with such a target would provide a superb systematic accuracy of about 0.5%, while providing a 1% statistical accuracy in about 30 min of running at a b e a m current of 30 fiA .

References 1. C.J. Horowitz, S.J. Pollock, P.A. Souder, R. Michaels: Phys. Rev. C 63, 025501-1-18 (2001), [arXivinuclth/9912038] 2. M. Baylac et al.: Phys. Lett. B 539, 8-12 (2002), [arXiv:hep-ex/0203012] 3. M. Woods [SLD Collaboration]: arXiv:hep-ex/9611005 4. RS. Cooper et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 1589-1592 (1975) 5. A.V. Glamazdin et al.: Fizika B 8, 91-95 (1999), [arXiv:hep-ex/9912063] 6. M. Hauger et al.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 462, 382-392 (2001), [arXiv:nucl-ex/9910013] 7. L.G. Levchuk: Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 345, 496-499 (1994) 8. LF. Silvera, J.T.M. Walraven: "Spin Polarized Atomic Hydrogen," in Progress in Low Temperature Physics, vol. X (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publisher B.V., 1986) 139370 9. LF. Silvera: Phys. Rev. B 29, 3899-3904 (1984) 10. LF. Silvera, J.T.M. Wahaven: Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 164168 (1980) 11. T. Roser et al.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 301, 42-46 (1991) 12. M. Mertig, V.G. Luppov, T. Roser, B. Vuaridel: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62, 251-252 (1991) 13. M.D. Miller, L.H. Nosanow: Phys. Rev. B 15, 4376-4385 (1977)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 127-128 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-029-7

EPJ A direct electronic only

Progress report on the A4 Compton backscattering polarimeter Yoshio Imai^, for the A4 Collaboration Inst, fiir Kernphysik, Universitat Mainz, J.-J.-Becher-Weg 45, D-55128 Mainz, Germany Received: 1 November 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The A4 collaboration at the Dept. of Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz, is conducting experiments on parity violation in the elastic electron-nucleon-scattering which require the use of polarized beams. In order to measure the absolute beam polarization, we have installed a Compton backscattering polarimeter in front of the target, using for the first time the internal cavity concept. A maximum intracavity intensity of 90 W has been measured, and in August 2003, first backscattered photons have been detected. This article describes the new design concept and the current status and results. PACS. 29.27.Hj Polarized beams - 41.85.Qg Beam analyzers, beam monitors and Faraday cups - 42.60.By Design of specific laser systems - 42.60.Da Resonators, cavities, amplifiers, arrays and rings

1 Introduction

Table 1. Luminosity requirements for green light, Pe=0.8

T h e A4 experiment at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) is designed to determine the strange quark contribution to the nucleon properties by measuring the parity-violating cross-section asymmetry in the elastic electron-nucleon scattering with polarized beams. T h e measured asymmet r y is related to the physics asymmetry via


= P. A.phys

2 Compton polarimetry T h e Compton cross-section for polarized light on polarized electrons can be written as follows [1]: dap



^ dQ


-vp;'""*' dn


Piong^ Ptr dcuotc the lougitudiual and transverse electron polarizations, Q, V the Stokes parameters describing the light polarization and (f the azimuthal scattering angle. W h e n using purely circular light {Q = 0), switching the light helicity {V = ) leads to an asymmetry in the spatial and energetic distributions of the backscattered photons, from which Piong ctnd Ptr can be extracted. T h e measurement time depends on the cross-section, the asymmetry, and the luminosity C via [2] t oc


C{a){A^) ^ comprises part of PhD thesis

10% 5% 3% 1%

C{Ee = SbbMeV) 1.15 4.59 12.76 114.86

kHz/barn kHz/barn kHz/barn kHz/barn

C{Ee = ^rOMeV) 2.51 10.05 27.91 251.16

kHz/barn kHz/barn kHz/barn kHz/barn


where Pg is the (longitudinal) b e a m polarization. For an absolute measurement of Pe? ^ Compton backscattering polarimeter using a new design concept has been installed in the A4 beamline.

da ~dQ



where (a) is the detector eflftciency-weighted average of the unpolarized cross-section over the energy range, and ( ^ ^ ) the cross-section- and efficiency-weighted mean-squared asymmetry. Asymmetry and cross-section are mostly fixed by kinematics and available devices, so only the luminosity can be optimized. Table 1 shows the luminosity required to achieve various accuracies within 15 min in absence of background. W h e n calculating the expected luminosity for reasonable setup parameters (green laser light, 10 W of o u t p u t power), the maximum value is about 4 k H z / b a r n even for optimum light focusing. It strongly depends on the crossing angle and decreases by a factor of 20 within 20 mrad. It is therefore desireable to use a collinear geometry and necessary to increase the laser intensity.

3 Polarimeter layout One possibility to increase the available intensity is to feed the laser beam into a Fabry-Perot resonant cavity. This concept has been reported to work successfully [3] but is difficult to build because the small bandwidth makes a frequency stabilization of the laser necessary. T h e A4 polarimeter implements for the first time the internal cavity concept [4]: lasers already consist of a F - P cavity with

Y. Imai: Progress report on the A4 Compton backscattering polarimeter


fibre detector

magnetic chicane

plasma tube I quadrant diode

Fig. 1. Schematic view of the laser resonator. It is installed in a magnetic chicane in front of the A4 target

Fig. 2. ADC spectra in the Nal calorimeter with and without laser beam. The intracavity power was 49W

4 Status and results a lasing medium, and the o u t p u t light is only a fraction of the internally circulating light. Our m e t h o d is to extend the cavity length, use high-reflecting mirrors on b o t h ends and guide the electron beam through the laser resonator where it interacts with the high intra-cavity power. Since the laser medium will adapt to cavity length fluctuations, no frequency stabilization is necessary; however, the achievable maximum power is lower t h a n with an external cavity. Figure 1 shows an overview drawing. T h e laser is an Ar-ion laser delivering 10 W at 514.5 n m in factory conflguration. T h e lens is used to preserve the original beam proflle in the medium while optimizing it in the interaction region. T h e cavity is now 7.8 m long and therefore vulnerable to vibrations of the optical elements. Since the influence of vibrations to the b e a m axis depends on the optics spacing and the vulnerability of the luminosity to b e a m axis fluctuations depends on the focusing, MonteCarlo simulations of the effective luminosity as a function of vibration amplitude have been performed for various focusings. T h e flnal value is a focusing oi ZR = 2.5 m. with a maximum luminosity of 2.1 k H z / b a r n per 10 W of power. Also, a stabilization system for the laser beam position has been designed. T h e position is measured with quadrant diodes and stabilized using piezo-actuated mirrors [5]. In the interaction region, three wire scanners measure the positions of b o t h beams simultaneously to establish overlap. T h e backscattered photons are detected in a Nal calorimeter. T h e electrons involved in the scattering lose energy and are displaced with respect to the main beam. A scintillating flbre array behind the chicane is used to detect t h e m in coincidence with the photons to improve the d a t a quality. T h e circular polarization of the light is created using two quarter waveplates, one being rot at able to select the helicity. Two waveplates are necessary because the polarization optics is installed inside a resonator. One of the vacuum windows is used as a beam splitter to measure the polarization state. T h e extracted light (0.6%) is transmitted through a rotating quarter waveplate and a Glan-Laser prism; the intensity is thereby modulated with modulation amplitudes proportional to the beam's Stokes parameters.

T h e magnetic chicane has been set up in December 2002. It does not affect the beam quality on the target. The laser system has also been installed and works reproducibly. After installation of the polarization optics, intra-cavity intensities of up to 90 W have been measured in singleline (514.5 nm) conflguration. Procedures to bring electron and laser beem to overlap have been established, and backscattered photon spectra have been recorded with the Nal calorimeter. A calibration procedure for the detector has been established which uses muons from cosmic radiation with trigger-deflned track lengths inside the detector. T h e flbre array detector has been commissioned, and the d a t a quality was improved by imposing a coincidence condition between electrons and photons. T h e signal-to-noise ratio was increased from 1:7.1 to 1:2.1. T h e laser beam stabilization system has been installed, and tests have shown a signiflcant reduction of beam axis fluctuations [5]. T h e measurement device for the laser Stokes parameters has been installed and tested. T h e next steps will comprise the improvement of the vacuum and an analysis of stress birefringence in the vacuum windows. T h e N a l calorimeter is (/^-averaging and the polarimeter therefore only sensitive to longitudinal polarization. It is planned to install a position-sensitive detector to measure also the transverse polarization. W i t h this setup, a statistical accuracy of 2.5% without and about 5% with background seems to be achievable in 15 min. Systematic uncertainties can arise from detector response and the Stokes parameter measurement. We are currently working to control and minimize them. This work has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the U.S. DoE.

References 1. F. Lipps, H. Tolhoek: Physica X X , (1954) 85-99, 395-405 2. G. Bardin et ah: Conceptual Design Report of a Compton Polarimeter for Cebaf Hall A (JLab, 1996) 3. N. Falletto et al.: N.I.M. A 459, 412-425 (2001) 4. M. Diiren: HERMES internal report 00-005, (2000) 5. J. Diefenbach: this volume

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 129-130 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-030-2

EPJ A direct electronic only

The transmission Compton polarimeter of the A4 experiment A simple simultaneous monitor for the longitudinal electron beam polarisation Christoph Weinrich^, for the A4 Collaboration Johannes-Gutenberg-Universtitat, Institut fiir Kernphysik, J.-J.-Becher-Weg 45, 55099 Mainz, Germany Received: 1 November 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. A transmission Compton polarimeter as a simultaneous, relative monitor for the longitudinal polarisation of a stabilised, polarised electron beam (polarisation degree ~ 80 %) has been constructed in a new design. It is located in the vacuum between the target and the beam dump of the A4 parity violation experiment at MAML The analysing power is ~ 80 ppm at 854 MeV and ~ 115 ppm at 570 MeV. The measurement precision for the polarimeter asymmetry (which is proportional to the longitudinal beam polarisation degree) is ~ 3 ppm within 5 min. at 854 MeV and ~ 7 ppm within 5 min. at 570 MeV and the systematical error is about 0.5 ppm + 1 - 2 %. This simple polarimeter consists mainly of two graphite scatterers, a water-cooled Samarium-Cobalt permanent magnet, an aluminum secondary electron emission monitor, an understructure and electronics. PACS. 29.27.Hj Polarized beams - 29.27.Fh Beam characteristics

1 Introduction T h e A4 collaboration at MAMI measures (parity violating) beam spin asymmetries in elastic electron-nucleon scattering. T h e transmission Compton polarimeter serves as a relative monitor for the longitudinal polarisation between the absolute M0ller polarimeter measurements and for spin angle measurements.

2 Functionality and setup In a transmission Compton polarimeter the polarised electron b e a m (with flipping polarisation direction) produces proportionally polarised bremsstrahlung in some target. T h e polarisation of the bremsstrahlung beam is then analysed by measuring the asymmetry in its transmission through a magnet, arising from the polarisation dependence of Compton scattering. T h e beam electrons superposing the bremsstrahlung b e a m have to be diminished in front of the magnet because they dilute the measured asymmetry. T h e quantitatively unknown background from electromagnetic shower production by the photons (and electrons) in the magnet make the polarisation measurement only relative. T h e A4 transmission Compton polarimeter is located in the 60 cm wide exit beam pipe between the target and the beam d u m p . Its compact design allows the b e a m to pass by and reach the beam d u m p without beeing dissipated too much. Electron background diminution is ^ comprises part of PhD thesis

achieved by scattering, i.e. spreading the electron beam to a limited extent. For space saving and background minimisation, a permanent magnet is used as analysing magnet and secondary electron emission for the transmission measurement. Dimensions and positions of the main polarimeter parts were optimised on the basis of calculations of electron scattering, bremsstrahlung and pair production and Compton scattering. Figure 1 shows the design of the polarimeter. Polarised bremsstrahlung is produced in the liquid hydrogen target and in two graphite scatterers. These also spread the electron beam and strongly reduce the number of electrons impinging the magnet. T h e analysing magnet is an axially magnetised Sm2Coi7 (Vacomax 225 H R ^ ^ ) permanent magnet. It is highly remanent and coercive and heat-proof. T h e estimated electron polarisation in the magnet is about 3.2 % [1]. T h e length of the magnet has been chosen in order to nearly minimise the relative error for the measured asymmetry. T h e magnet is cooled by water of the beam d u m p cooling water circuit. A c o p p e r / C u F e P body is shrink-fitted to the magnet and conducts the heat to the cooling pipes. T h e aluminum converter is used to measure the photons t r a n s m i t t e d through the magnet. Therein the photons produce electron-positron pairs, which generate a secondary electron emission signal. T h e signal of the 1^* scatterer is used as the reference (normalising) signal for the calculation of the transmission (which is the ratio of the photon flux in front of and behind the magnet). To allow the measurement of secondary electron emission currents, the scatterers, the magnet and the converter are electrically isolated by an aluminum shielded ceramic isolator. T h e

C. Weinrich: The transmission Compton polarimeter of the A4 experiment


\ -6000


Target, 0,012 radJength liquid hydrogen



f * Scatterer. 0,16radJength graphite

Cboffrig device \





2"'' Scatterer, 0,63 rad. length graphite



Converter. 1 rad. length aluminum y

Magnet, -3,6 rad. length Snfi2Co.,y

Beam dump, 0 50 cm

End flange Fig. 1. The design of the A4 transmission Compton polarimeter (all parts are symmetric around the 8

2"^ scatterer, the magnet and the converter are mounted on one adjustable ( M a y T e k ^ ^ ) aluminum carriage which can be rolled into the exit beam pipe and is kept in position by pins. T h e 1^* scatterer is mounted on a proper frame. T h e rods holding the scatterers are made of titanium for heat resistance. T h e signal cables t h a t are connected to the polarimeter pieces to conduct the secondary electron emission currents are radiation resistant in the rear ("hot") region. T h e polarimeter electronics consists of MAMI and A4 s t a n d a r d parts: amplifying current-volt age converters close to the signal source with differential output and integration-ADC- and histogramming-modules as designed for the A4 beam monitors (histogramming modules are used in timing mode). T h e signals are integrated over the 20 ms measurement gates between which the polarisation is flipped in the p a t t e r n ( + P , - P , - P , + P ) , the sign of P beeing chosen pseudo-randomly before repetition. T h e transmission asymmetry A^^^^ = (T+ - T - ) / ( r + + T ~ ) with T = SclSsi {Scisi- converter/1, scatterer signal; + / - : polarisation state) is calculated offline using the timings of the (pedestal corrected) signals. A challenge was the pedestal correction of the converter signal. This pedestal is strongly drifting probably caused by activation of the material. We solved this problem by measuring the signal ratio of the converter and 1^* scatterer signals c = AScI^Ssi in switching off the beam. The converter pedestal is then calculated ^^ S% = Sc — c- Ssi {Sc/sisignal averages over polarisation 4-tuple). Since the signal ratio is drifting slowly as well it has to be measured regularly in order to keep the systematical error small.

3 Results T h e measured analysing power of the polarimeter is about 80 p p m at 854 MeV and -- 115 p p m at 570 MeV beam energy. T h e variance (precision) of the measured polarimeter asymmetry (for 5 min. runs) is ^ 3 p p m at 854 MeV and ^ 7 p p m at 570 MeV. Sensitivity to helicity correlated b e a m parameters was found to be < 30 p p m / / i m for position differences (at target), < 0.015 p p m / p p m for current


I 100

1 '









1 '

A" 50




\ \ h 1















0 2.5 5 (Spin angle) Wien filter current / Ampere

Fig. 2. Result of the spin rotation measurement at 570 MeV with a cosine-fit. The ordinate is the current of the Wien filter dipole which is proportional to the spin angle. The abscissa is the polarimeter asymmetry

asymmetries and negligible for energy (preliminary, probably overestimated values at 570 MeV). Averaged over a d a t a sample (~ 500 runs) typical position differences are r^ 50 nm, typical current asymmetries are less t h a n 1 ppm. T h e signal ratio measurement error (used for pedestal correction) contributes as a systematical error of 1-2 % of the measured asymmetry. Runwise decorrelation of the measured polarimeter asymmetry of the beam parameters (based on the polarisation 4-tuples) had negligible effect under normal b e a m conditions. Figure 2 shows the result of a spin rotation measurement using a Wien filter. Spin rotation measurements were also used to determine the spin angle at the experiment.

References 1. M. Huth: personal communication

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 131-131 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-031-l

EPJ A direct electronic only

Stabilization system of the laser system of the A4 Compton backscattering polarimeter Jiirgen Diefenbach^ Institut fiir Kernphysik, Universitat Mainz, J. J. Becherweg 45, D-55099 Mainz, Germany Received: 1 November 2004 / Published Online: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The A4 Compton backscattering polarimeter is used to measure the degree of spin polarization of the 855 MeV electron beam provided by the MAMI accelerator facility. Therefore special care must be taken to optimize and stabilize the overlap of electron and laser beam in order to get the highest luminosity for shortest measurement times. For this purpose an active stabilization system for the laser beam position of our intra-cavity polarimeter's optical resonator has been developed and commissioned. PACS. 07.50.Qx Signal processing electronics - 29.27.Hj Polarized beams - 42.60.By Design of specific laser systems - 42.60.Lh Efl^iciency, stability, gain, and other operational parameters

1 Introduction T h e laser resonator of the A4 backscattering polarimeter has a total length of 7.8 m. Therefore the proper alignment of the laser mirrors is sensitive to any mechanical instabilities caused for example by seismic vibrations, the flow of cooling water through laser t u b e and dipole magnets, air turbulences etc. Furthermore there are slow drifts of the laser pointing stability due to small changes in the t e m p e r a t u r e of the laser's plasma tube, e.g. from changes in the t u b e current. All this affects the laser beam position and leads to variations of the overlap between electron and laser beam and of the laser power, b o t h causing changes in the luminosity of the polarimeter.

and the attached laser mirror, and has been measured as a transfer function. T h e n an active pole-zero cancellation circuit was t u n e d carefully to extinct electronically the resonance structure of the piezo platform measured before. T h e —6 dB bandwidth of the disturbance rejection of the stabilization system in a test setup has been increased from 210 Hz to 800 Hz by this method. T h e system is fully remotely programmable using MAMI s t a n d a r d electronics. T h e elements of the decoupling matrices and the control loop amplifications are respectively given by eighteen and six 12-bit multiplying DACs.

3 First results and outlook 2 Hardware These changes in the laser beam position and intra-cavity power have been measured using quadrant photodiodes installed along the laser cavity. To suppress the changes in the beam position, three of the four laser mirrors are mounted on piezo driven platforms. These platforms can be used to optimize the laser resonator alignment so t h a t the position of the laser beam and consequently its power can be stabilized. From the measured b e a m positions, tilt angles for the piezo mounted mirrors are calculated in the decoupling circuits. An automatic shutdown circuit protects the syst e m from resonant oscillations t h a t could cause damage to the piezo platforms. A passive single-pole lowpass filter at 35 Hz provides the control loops with stability. T h e mechanical resonance of each piezo platform depends on the geometry and the m o m e n t u m of inertia of the platform ^ comprises part of PhD thesis

T h e stabilization system has been operated so far for test purposes with four out of its six control loops running. W h e n reconceived in a naive picture, where all beam position noise is projected onto tilting vibrations of the (so far) two stabilizable piezo-mounted laser mirrors, one can compute the mean tilt amplitudes of the mirrors from the obtained laser beam position d a t a and decoupling matrices. Assuming this, the eflFective tilt amplitude was found to be reduced from about 90 ytxrad without stabilization to about 10 /irad with the stabilization system running and the pointing stability on the diodes from 8 to 12 /irad without to 0.8 //rad with stabilization. Long-term drifts of the beam went down from u p to 21 / / m / h to 0.3 /xm/h. Furthermore it should be possible to optimize the performance of the stabilization system by retuning the polezero cancellation circuits and then increasing the loop amplifications. Also a DAC module will be designed to add offsets to the position signals and thereby shifting the laser beam to provide fine-tuning of the overlap of b o t h beams.

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 133-133 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-032-0

EPJ A direct electronic only

Electron beam line design of A4 Compton backscattering polarimeter Jeong Han Lee^ Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz, Institut fiir Kernphysik, J.J. Becherweg 45, 55299 Mainz, Germany Received: 1 November 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Itahana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The new beam hue has been built to measure the polarization of the electron. The transverse position and emittance of the MAMI beam are determined from measurements of the beam size on three wire scanners. The position measurement has been done and the emittance measurement is still progressing. PACS. 29.27.Eg Beam handling; beam transport - 29.27.Fh Beam characteristics

1 Introduction T h e A4 collaboration measures the parity-violating asymmetry for elastic electron scattering off an unpolarized proton. To extract the physics asymmetry, it will be crucial to determine the polarization of the electron beam to high accuracy. For this reason, Compton polarimeter has been installed. T h e one of advantages of Compton polarimeter is t h a t it is not a destructive method. T h a t means the continuous on-line monitoring of the electron polarization would be possible with the same electron beam conditions.

2 Beam conditions in the chicane A b e a m line, which is called a chicane, was designed to measure the polarization of the electron. T h e chicane has the same four dipole magnets, which separate the scattered photons from the electrons, and contributes to the dispersion functions due to the magnets. T h e dispersion must be eliminated to preserve the same beam properties by introducing two quadrupoles. T R A N S P O R T [1], which uses a matrix formalism to design a beam transport system, was used to design the chicane. T h e chicane has been built and is fully operational. T h e motion of particles b e a m can be represented by the ellipse (e.g., Twiss) parameters, /3, a, and 7. For transport lines, there is no periodic boundary condition about the parameters, which depend on the initial b e a m profiles. However, although the chicane is the t r a n s p o r t line, two requirements must be fulfilled to achieve the good luminosity and to keep the same beam properties at the beginning and at the end of the chicane; the first one is t h a t the electron beam has a waist at the middle of the chicane(a^t; = 0 and P^ = 1/^w) and the second one is the Twiss parameters are the same at the beginning ^ comprises part of PhD thesis

and end of the chicane(/3/ = /?^, a / = a^, and 7 / = 7^). Moreover, it is necessary for the good luminosity to determine the Rayleigh length of the electron beam. T h e Rayleigh length can be determined by using the equation X = \/e{P — 2as -\- 75^), where e stands for the emittance, s denotes the location of the beam, and x is the beam size at s. T h e design value of the Rayleigh length is 9.617 meter.

3 Position and emittance measurement To make the scattering between the electron and the photon possible, it might be necessary to determine a transverse position of b o t h of the beams. Moreover, to get the actual values of the Twiss parameters and the emittance of the electron beam [2], it would be needed to measure the size of the beam. T h e achievement of the two purposes will be done by three wire scanners t h a t are the most commonly tool used to diagnose a b e a m profile in the middle of the chicane. However, the wire scanner, which A4 uses, is not the common type but the four-bar linkage type. T h e equation of motion of the wire scanner is therefore needed. T h e analysis of the wire scanner and the beam position measurement were done. T h e horizontal and vertical emittance of the MAMI electron beam are Ch = 7.7607r x 10~^mm m r a d and Cy = 1.0177r X 10~^mm mrad. T h e actual values of Twiss parameters and the emittance can be deduced from the measured electron beam profiles. It is a challenge to make t h e m coincide with their design values.

References 1. D.C. Carey, K.L. Brown, F. Rothacker: SLAC-R-0530 2. M.G. Minty, F. Zimmermann: Measurement and Control of Charged Particle Beams (Springer, 2003), 99

IV Experimental techniques in PV electron scattering IV-3


Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 137-140 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-033-y

EPJ A direct electronic only

Background substraction in parity violation experiments J. Van De Wiele and M. Morlet Institut de Physique Nucleaire/IN2P3/CNRS, F-91406 Orsay Cedex, France Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Itahana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The importance of the knowledge of the background in parity violating (PV) experiments is shown. Some improvements in Monte Carlo simulations are presented and discussed. PACS. 01.30.Cc Conference proceedings - 25.30.Bf Elastic electron scattering - 13.60.Le Meson production - 13.60.-r Photon and charged lepton interactions with hadrons

It is well known t h a t the asymmetry in P.V. experiments due to the exchange of the ZQ boson is small ( ^ 10~^ — 10~^). Much care has to be taken in the measurement of such a small quantity. Since a few years, impressive improvements in technical aspects have been achieved and some of t h e m have been presented in this workshop. W i t h o u t such improvements, the extraction of the physical quantity would be obtained with too large a systematic error and so would be meaningless. In any experiment, simulation of all the processes which populate the "good" events as well as some "background" events, is a good tool to be sure t h a t the experiment and in particular the experimental set-up is under control. Simulation of very small effects is not an easy task for many reasons: - T h e accuracy of the simulation depends strongly on the statistics and s t a n d a r d methods, which are time consuming, therefore may become inefficient. - Some of the physical effects, which are usually considered as small and therefore are neglected, may contribute. - It is necessary to improve the description of some processes which are usually treated only in an approxim a t e way. - Accurate models and d a t a needed do not exist. T h e basic formula is the following: iPhys


A - — /


Fig. 1. Typical measured spectrum. X is a measured quantity -energy or time of flightTable 1. Ratio Aphys/^Meas

as a function oi AI/AQ

for cfi/cfQ

=10% Ai/Ao

Aphys/AM eas

-3. -2. -1. 0. 1. 2. 3.

0.63 0.73 0.82 0.91 1.00 1.09 1.18

1 + Ei^i/^O ^i/^o) 1 + E^i/^O

In this expression the index " 0 " stands for the elastic events and the index "i^^O" stands for any background event. If the background asymmetry vanishes, the denominator acts as a dilution factor to the physical asymmetry. As can be seen in Fig. 1, any measured spectrum of a physical quantity (energy or time of flight) shows u p a the physical signal above some background events. In Table 1 Aphys/AMeas ^rc givcu as a function of AI/AQ if

the ratio of bad events to good events is equal to 10 %. In Fig. 2, this effect is plotted for different contamination rates. T h e change in the sign of Ai/Ao could be dramatic. In principle, it is possible to experimentally study the background but the statistical precision could be poor as compared to the elastic peak. In some cases, it is possible only to extrapolate the the background and the experimental study becomes less efficient (see Fig. 3)

J. Van De Wiele, M. Morlet: Background substraction in parity violation experiments


" 1 r^ T ^ M l


1 '

" i



0 ri

e' -\- n' -\- 7r+ reactions has because we need to invert the expression in the numerator been measured and calculations with effective lagrangians to get the physical quantity. To increase the efficiency of for Eg lower than 1 GeV are accurate enough. It is more the M.C. method, it is possible to introduce some weights difficult to calculate the number of photons coming from the TT^ decay. With an electromagnetic shower calorimeW to take into account of the cross-sections. ter, it is impossible to disentangle electrons and photons. Example 1: a + 6 —> 1 + 2 A part of these photons have the same energy as the elastic electrons and thus contribute to the background under ^1 ^Imin y^lmin the elastic peak. The standard method - calculation of the V, [Z10, [A0i TT^ electro-production followed by TT^ decay after Lorentz boost - is not appropriate to calculate the rate of photons if we want to take into account energy loss and ex«.- = A[^,.,(^*.l|^s.„«,. ternal radiative corrections. Furthermore, it is impossible ^1



J. Van De Wiele, M. Morlet: Background substraction in parity violation experiments e

= 0.6b0 GeV 1












1 p





f X


^ -

Gp=60 deg.


0p=6O (deg)



Solid line







. . . . . . ... 7^^"^"^^,..

/C =


IC S{E^-E^)

dQ^r-Q dE^

1 4^


Ery =^




dQ^o dE^




T h e TT^ differential cross-section, which depends on the helicity of the incident electron beam, is calculated through the models described above. From such accurate calculations, we conclude t h a t the photon contamination does not depend on the helicity and acts only as a dilution factor. We note here t h a t the inclusive pion or proton crosssections has to be calculated by replacing the usual flux factor r which is divergent when 6e' -^ 0 and mg = 0 by

T: a


Dashed line





a 87r2






T, (GeV)

to estimate the false asymmetry carried by the photons. Nevertheless, it is possible to include all these effects if we calculate directly the photon production cross-section (the lagrangian for the TT^ —> 27 is known):


DMled lirte rr" p


Fig. 4. Inclusive proton differential cross-section at 650 MeV







Tolo" cc-nLr-itutron (Sc-liJ line)

Rflol pl^Qton contribution {Dotled lire]



-t^^^ virt-

T h e expression of Fyirt is given in [1]. In G^ experiment phase I, with an electron b e a m at 3 GeV, we are interested to know the inclusive pion and proton cross-section. Unfortunately, at such an energy, the cross-section is not well known and the calculations performed with effective lagrangians on one hand, accurate at energies below 1 GeV, and with Regge models on the other hand, well suited at energies greater t h a n 5-6 GeV, are not very reliable. LightBody and O'Connel have devel-

Fig. 5. Comparison between our calculation and the EPC code developed by Light Body and O'Connel oped a code (EPC) to compute such cross-sections but it is based on high energy d a t a and the validity of the extrapolation to our energy is questionable. We have developed a code with an other approach. T h e inclusive spectrum is obtained by integrating the five times differential crosssection over the electron angles. Because of the exchange of a virtual photon in the electro-production reaction, the main contribution in the integration is expected to come from the terms with small values of q^. We then assume t h a t the square of the matrix element may be extracted from photo-production measurements which exist between 200 MeV and 3 GeV [2]. We have checked this approximation at an energy of 650 MeV where an exact calculation with an effective lagrangian can be used. T h e results are displayed in Fig. 4. T h e agreement between electroproduction and photo-production is better t h a n 5%. An event generator based on this model has been written for the G^ collaboration. T h e angular distribution of one pion photo-production d a t a have been included. For two pion (or more) photo-production reactions, there are only few angular distribution d a t a but several measurements of the total cross-section exist. All the channels u p to 3 pions have been included. A comparison with the E P C code is shown in Fig. 5. T h e Time of Fhght (TOE) proton spectrum includes, in addition to the electro-production, some contribution from photo-production reactions. This photo-production is due to the competition, in any material, between electro-production of the incoming electron and the real bremsstrahlung photons. T h e rate of inelastic protons is proportional to the number of bremsstrahlung photons, more precisely to I^{Eo, E^^t) which is the number of photons in the energy bin E^, E^-\-dE^ after an electron, initially with an an energy E'o? has passed through a target of thickness t measured in unit of the radiation

J. Van De Wiele, M. Morlet: Background substraction in parity violation experiments

140 —

















proximation, with g{y) = 1. Within this approximation, Tsai and Van Whitis have derived an analytical expres-

> -"


[I^{Eo,E^,t)] approx












^^ -






















Fig. 6. Value of I^{Eo, E^, t) for a LH2 target (t=20 cm, Eo= 3 GeV) as a function of E^\ Approximate formula {dotted line), complete screening approximation {dashed line) and exact calculation {solid line) length of the material [3]. This number of photons is also proportional to the bremsstrahlung cross-section:



1 / 2



, ,


where XQ is the radiation length of the material. In the s t a n d a r d calculations, we assume a complete screening ap-

1 E^


EQ ^



As was stated by Y. Tsai, this approximate expression may be a poor if the detailed shape at the high-energy tip of the Bremsstrahlung is needed. This is our case because high-energy inelastic protons, produced by highenergy photons, will have the same T O F compared to elastic protons. We have performed some exact calculations of I^{Eo,Ej,t) and new expressions have been derived for hydrogen and aluminium. For this material, we have used the Thomas-Fermi Moliere Model [3]. Comparison between the approximate expression, the complete screening case and the exact calculation for liquid hydrogen is shown in Fig. 6. T h e approximate formula or the complete screening calculations overestimate the high-energy number of photons.

References 1. S. Ong, J. Van de Wiele: Phys. Rev. C 63, 024614 (2001) 2. P. Corvisiero et al.: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 346, 433 (1994) 3. Y.-S. Tsai: Rev. Mod. Phys. 46, 815 (1974); Y.S. Tsai, Van Whitis, Phys. Rev. 149, 1248 (1966) 4. F.E. Maas et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett 93, 022002 (2004)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 141-141 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-034-x

EPJ A direct electronic only

Redesign of the A4 calorimeter for the measurement at backward angles Boris Glaser^, for the A4 Collaboration Institut fiir Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, J.-J.-Becher-Weg 45, 55099 Mainz, Germany Received: 1 November 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. Backward angle measurements of the parity violating asymmetry in elastic electron proton scattering are planned with the A4 calorimeter. At present the experiment measures at forward angles. For the measurement at backward angles the support of the PbF2-detector has to be redesigned. For this purpose it will be positioned on a rotatable platform, so that measurements at forward and backward angles will be possible with little effort. We will highlight the new experimental setup and its special features. PACS. 07.05.Fb Design of experiments - 13.40.Gp Electromagnetic form factors

1 Introduction Backward kinematics measurements in parity violating electron proton scattering on hydrogen and deuterium are planned with the A4 calorimeter. For this purpose the support for the PbF2-calorimeter will be positioned on a rotatable platform, so t h a t measurements at forward and backward angles will be possible.

Angular Acceptance Calorimeter Scattering Chamber


2 The calorimeter

3 The scattering chamber and the luminosity monitors Figure 1 shows the solid angle of the crystals of the calorimeter and of the luminosity monitors. An elongation chamber for the main scattering chamber will be installed, so t h a t the luminosity monitors have in forward and backward scattering position the same solid angle with respect to the target centre (Fig. 1). Comprises part of diploma thesis


Luminosity Monitors

Target Calorimeter

T h e A4 Calorimeter is at present mounted on a linear moveable platform. T h e support is used to adjust the focus of the crystal calorimeter on the target. A special requirement for a possible backward angle setup comes through the fact, t h a t not only the detector but also the cryogenic hydrogen target with its scattering chamber and the luminosity monitors have to be adjusted. A new support for the calorimeter and the scattering chamber is needed.

Angular Acceptance Luminosity Monitors

Scattering Chamber Elongation

Fig. 1. New Scattering Chamber. The electron beam comes from the left

4 The new experimental setup We have designed a new, common support structure so t h a t the calorimeter and the scattering chamber are supported on a rotatable platform. To ensure a vibration free, shock free and easy positioning of the platform, it is supported on three hydraulic oil sliding feet. By its small stroke (1/10 mm) contrary to air cushions (stroke some m m ) , an easy adjustment without impacts during set off is ensured. Vibrations during rotating, t h a t can damage the fragile crystals, are minimal too. T h e support platform, the scattering chamber elongation and the hydraulic oil sliding feet are already delivered and will be installed in December 2004. T h e new setup will be in operation by end of February 2005.

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 143-143 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-035-9

EPJ A direct electronic only

Performance of the G superconducting magnet system Steven E. Williamson, for the G^ Collaboration University of Illinois, with support from the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant PHY94-10768, USA Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. At the heart of the G° Spectrometer is the toroidal superconducting magnet system (SMS). The SMS has been in use at Jefferson Lab since the fall of 2002. Experience with the operation and reliability of the magnet over that period is reported. Some measured performance parameters are compared with the magnet specification. PACS. 29.30.Aj Charged-particle spectrometers: electric and magnetic

T h e G^ superconducting magnet system (SMS) is an ironfree toroid with zero magnification optics. Its field, peaking at 3.5 T (3 T in conductor) is generated by eight coils, each with 144 t u r n s (4X36 windings), in a common cryostat. T h e stored energy is 6.6 M J at the normal operating current of 5 kA. Coil locations were measured at room t e m p e r a t u r e after installation at Jefferson Lab using photogrammetry to locate 128 targets (16 on each coil). Design and measured target locations were compared, while adjusting the overall position and orientation of the magnet for a best fit. T h e average deviation of measurements from the ideal was found to be 1.6 m m , less t h a n the 2.0 m m specification. T h e locations of the coils, when cooled, were deduced from known coefficients of thermal expansion. A measurement of the Q^ associated with each focal plane detector was extracted [1] from the difference between the time-of-fiight of elastic protons and of TT"^ particles. This difference is sensitive to the particle trajectory through the magnet and thus to the magnetic field configuration. Measurements were compared to a simulation based on the design magnetic field and found to agree to a precision of 100 ps, which implies an uncertainty on Q^ within the 1% requirement of the experiment. T h e SMS cooldown, specified to take 7 days, actually required about 21 days. This rate was limited by the requirement t h a t Z\T between inlet and coil average be < 75 K. Heat load to LHe was specified to be < 40 W, but boiloff studies indicate a load of about 107 W. T h e steadystate LHe requirement of the magnet at full power was found to be about 8 g/s, consistent with the measured heat load with some additional load from the supply lines. During a fast d u m p of magnet stored energy, the current decays with a 10.4 s time constant into the 0.05 i? d u m p resistor. This implies an inductance of 0.52 H which matches the design inductance of 0.53 H. Redundant quench protection systems, a "digital" system ( D Q P ) , which relied on the operation of the control system pro-

grammable logic controller (PLC), and an independent "analog" system (AQP), were used to trigger a fast d u m p when a quench was detected. The D Q P initially suffered from the failure of series "safety" resistors on voltage t a p s due to thermal cycling. Circuitry was added to detect broken resistors. For each coil, a b a t t e r y provided an isolated current, which circulated through the coil and adjacent voltage t a p safety resistors. Diodes were used to ensure t h a t the isolated current was only seen by the corresponding input stage to the D Q P . Offsets voltages produced by the b a t t e r y current were measured and subtracted by the P L C software. The absence of the offset voltage was the signature for a broken resistor. After the first commissioning run (October 2002 to J a n u a r y 2003), the safety resistors were re-located outside of the cryostat. About 160 of the 3270 hours of available d a t a collection time during commissioning and production running were lost due to magnet problems. This is about 48% of all lost d a t a collection time. Most (70.3%) of the magnet problems were caused by radiation damage to control syst e m components. A typical failure began with a halt of P L C program execution due to a radiation-related memory error, which caused the "heart-beat" interlock to open. This shut down the power supply. A transient at the start of the shut-down caused the A Q P to erroneously detect a "quench" and initiate a fast-dump. Eddy-current heating then evaporated LHe in the coils and reservoir requiring a minimum 2.5-hour recovery time. LHe supply and return problems were the second largest cause (18.7%) of magnet related lost time.

References 1. G.Batigne: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, May 12-16, 2003

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 145-145 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-036-8

EPJ A direct electronic only

Cherenkov counter for the G^ backward angle measurements Benoit Guillon, for the G^ collaboration Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, 53 avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The G^ program consists of a set of parity violation experiments performed at Jefferson Lab (Va, USA) dedicated to the determination of the strange quark contribution to the charge and magnetization distributions of the nucleon [1]. This paper describes the final design of the Cherenkov counter used to reject the significant charged background of the G^ backward angle measurements. PACS. 29.40.Ka Cherenkov detectors

1 Introduction T h e main focus of the G^ experiment is to measure the neutral weak form factors G^ and Gf^ of the nucleon, over a large m o m e n t u m transfer range. This will allow us to determine the strange quark contributions to the charge and magnetization densities of the nucleon. For this purpose, parity-violating asymmetries in elastic e-p scattering have already been measured at forward angles over the Q^ range 0.1-1 (GeV/c)'^, and will be measured at backward angles for Q^ values of 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8 (GeV/c)'^. At backward angles we also measure quasi-elastic scattering from a LD2 target to extract precisely the axial form factor [1]. However, negatively charged pions, as well as their decay products (//~), will produce a significant background to the elastic and quasi-elastic rates detected by the G^ spectrometer. Aerogel Cherenkov counters aflFord the best ir/e discrimination at these energies and allow implementation in the current G^ setup. L P S C Grenoble has designed and constructed half of the 8 Cherenkov counters needed.

2 The aerogel Cerenkov counter T h e aerogel refractive index (n = 1.03) was fixed by the m o m e n t u m distributions of the background. It should be less t h a n 1//?, but as large as possible to maximize light yield. T h e aerogel was supplied by M a t s u h i t a Electric Works in the format of tiles (113x113x10 mm^). T h e geometry of the counter and the necessary number of photomultipliers ( P M T ) was studied by using simulations [2] (Geant, Litrani) and validated with measurements made on a prototype. To allow the mounting of the aerogel in France and a safe transportation to Jlab, the Cerenkov box (see Fig. 1) is composed of two parts. T h e first part is the aerogel radiator which is 5 cm thick, and the second one is the lightbox itself. To ensure the best photon collection




I*n ] 'j

nillitjort." I'ui>c^iLight Box


Fig. 1. Cherenkov design and magnetic shielding

using 4 P M T s , the inner parts of these two boxes are covered by three layers of diflFuse reflecting paper (Millipore). T h e XP4572b 5 inch tubes (Photonis) are very sensitive to magnetic fields. As they will be located in the fringe field of the G^ magnet (4.4 m T in the axial direction and 11 m T in the transverse one), eflicient magnetic shielding is needed. T h e design finally retained after tests at the LCMI Laboratory in Grenoble is made of three layers of 2 m m soft iron separated by 2 m m of air, and one layer of 0.8 m m of //-metal. During these tests, one had to find the best compromise (light yield and field) for the positioning of the tubes inside the shielding. It was found t h a t a backoff of 15 cm was suflftcient. The 4 Cerenkov counters have been also successfully tested with cosmic rays and typical total numbers of 8 photoelectrons were measured with a collection time lower t h a n 25 ns.

References 1. D.H Beck, the G^ collaboration: Jeff"erson Lab proposal E04-115 (originally E91-017) 2. G. Quemener, S. Kox: G^ Report GO-00-52 (2000)

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 147-147 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-037-7

EPJ A direct electronic only

A bin-per-bin dead-time control technique for time-of-flight measurements in the G experiment: The differential buddy L. Bimbot, for the G^ Collaboration Institut de Physique Nucleaire d'Orsay, BP n° 1, F-91406 Orsay-Cedex, France Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The general principle is presented. The application to the G° experiment [1] was enabled by the specificity of the time encoding ASIC component. On the poster, some encountered difl^iculties are exposed, together with a possible software remedy. An internal report is in preparation [2]. PACS. 01.30.Cc Conference proceedings - 25.30.Bf Elastic electron scattering - 07.05.Dz Control system - 07.05.Hd Data acquisition - 07.05.Kf Data analysis

Since PAVI02 the G^ experiment successfully passed its commissioning and the first phase of d a t a taking at forward angles [3]. This poster contribution aims to depict an experimental approach to control the dead-time in the time-of-flight histogramming of events. Every part of the electronics - Constant Fraction Discriminator (CFD), Mean Timer (MT) and Time to Digital Converter (TDC) - has its own dead-time contributing. Different types of events must be considered: single C F D (only one of the left or right C F D s sees an event), single M T (only one of the Front or Back M T s sees an event) and good events (4 C F D signals leading to T D C encoding). Only the last type is subject to the differential buddy t r e a t m e n t . T h e correction for dead-time from other types of events is done with the help of a slow, event by event, acquisition made in parallel with a fastbus setup, and giving the probability of each kind of event [4] . T h e s t a n d a r d procedure of linear regression [5] for helicity correlated b e a m properties will help to remove residual dead-time effects. T h e idea, here, is to measure the loss of good events resulting from acquisition blocking. T h e direct counting of these events is impossible because they occur when the electronics is busy, analyzing a previous event, but an image can be obtained by checking, for each event if an associated detector (buddy), supposed to count identically, is busy or not. This is experimentally possible because it involves two different channels. However, as one needs time to process the signals, the comparison is made after a delay corresponding exactly to one pulse of beam duration. There are two basic assumptions: t h a t counting is identical despite a spatial rotation (180°) and a time translation (32 nsec). After solving tuning and analyzing problems, it is possible to use the d a t a from the buddy histograms to estim a t e the dead-time of each detector and its stability (see figures below). T h e dead-time is the ratio, within proton

Fig. 1. Measured dead-time according to detector number

Fig. 2. Evolution of measured dead-time for specific channels peak limits, of the corrected number of events having encountered the b u d d y busy, to the total number of events. Special t h a n k s to J.C. Cuzon, A. Gauvin, H. Guler, G. Quemener, J. Lenoble and R. Sellem for discussions and technical assistance.

References 1. see 2., Internal report GO-04-009 3. P.G. Roos: talk at this workshop 4. G. Batigne: Thesis, LPSC 03-41, 2003, p. 147-172 5., A. Biselli et al.: G° Analysis replay engine, p. 29


Hadronic structure... and more

V-1 Test of the SM at low energy

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 151-154 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-038-6

EPJ A direct electronic only

A precise measurement of siri^Ow at low Q^ in M0ller scattering Antonin Vacheret and David Lhuillier, representing the E-158 Collaboration CEA-Saclay, Dapnia/SPhN, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France Received: 15 December 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. The E-158 experiment has performed the first measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry in electron-electron (M0ller) scattering using a 50 GeV polarized electron beam and a fixed unpolarized liquid hydrogen target in End Station A at SLAG. Our preliminary results is: Apv = —128^ 14{stat)^ 12(syst) x 10"^. From this quantity we extract sin^ OW{Q'^ = 0.026GeV/c^)j^ = , consistent with the Standard Model prediction. PACS. ll.30.Er Gharge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete symmetries - 12.15.Lk Electroweak radiative corrections - 12.15.Mm Neutral currents - 13.66.Lm Processes in other lepton-lepton interactions - 13.88.+e Polarization in interactions and scattering - 14.60.Gd Electrons

1 Introduction and physics motivation In the scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from unpolarized targets, the reversal of the helicity of incoming electrons is equivalent to applying the parity symmetry. Hence the quantity Apy = {o'R—(7L){aR-\-aL)j where a^^L is the cross section for incident right (left)-handed electrons, is a pseudo-scalar arising from the parity violating part of the interaction in the scattering process. To first order this corresponds to the interference of the neutral weak and electromagnetic amplitudes [1]. W h e n considering the M0ller process, Apy is proportional to the electron's weak charge, written at tree level as Q^^ = 1 — 4 sin^ Ow where Ow is the weak mixing angle. T h e motivation of the E l 5 8 experiment is to measure sin^ Ow at low energy [2], far away from the Z-pole (Q^ tQl AccurQcy

t>AQ T I M E - 77 days J!!

Fig. 3. Experimental statistics expected in a future experiment and the required acquisition time for data taking

Statistics obtained with the above mentioned parameters are presented in the diagram of Fig. 3. It is clear from this simple analysis, t h a t the D a t a Acquisition (DAQ) time needed to successfully perform such an experiment and to reach the required accuracy comes to the order of several months! T h e experimental a p p a r a t u s is shown in Fig. 4. T h e main detector has segmentation on the forward and the back parts to get sensitivity to the directional asymmetry in addition to P N C asymmetry in the total cross section. T h e expected high counting rate of the neutron detectors (~ 1^^'^Hz) will help to study tiny systematic effects. The choice of the spin flip frequency has to be optimized for minimum fluctuation of the beam energy and position.

3.2 The lASA electron accelerator A 10-MeV C W linear electron accelerator has been already installed at the Institute of Accelerating Systems & Applications (IASA), which is currently under commissioning. This machine comprises a thermionic electron gun, a 100 keV-Line with a buncher-chopping system followed by a 5 MeV Linac with R F structures of the side-coupled type and a 4m-booster section of the same type [14]. Both are powered with a 500 k W multi-cavity C W klystron amplifier at 2380 MHz. T h e machine is hosted in the basem*nt of the lASA building, which is extended with a new experimental hall (Fig. 5). T h e lASA accelerator meets exactly the needs for a future parity-violation experiment as previously discussed. T h e energy range is optimally covered by this machine and

E. Stiliaris: Parity violation in nuclear systems


Lead Shield Heovy Wcicr-

1 LCD,




N e u t r o n A Photon Detcctoi*5

D "-H D


Forbvard Photon D e t e c t o r


Detector Photon Beam D j m p

Fig. 4. Experimental setup for the study of the 7 + ( reaction in a future experiment

n-\-p Fig. 6. Experimental area in the accelerator vault. Indicated are the area reserved for the future parity experiments (PNC) together with the area devoted to novel radiation sources (RREPS)

a precise measurement of parity-violating forces seems to be feasible. T h e 10-MeV lASA electron accelerator could serve as a machine dedicated to this kind of research. Acknowledgements. I am indebted and would like to thank B. Desplanques from LPSC Grenoble, and B. Wojtsekhowski from JLab for the valuable suggestions and discussions on the deuteron parity-violation subject. I am also grateful to Prof. C.N. Papanicolas from the University of Athens for his continuous interest to this project. Fig. 5. The 10-MeV CW electron hnear accelerator at lASA

References the beam current and beam characteristics, already measured at 100 keV, could guarantee a high quality beam. At present, the beam is not polarized, but there are fut u r e plans for the installation of a high intensity polarized electron gun. Space has been already reserved in the accelerator vault for future parity experiments as indicated in Fig. 6. Taking into account the long acquisition time required by the parity-violation experiments, the I AS A 10-MeV electron accelerator could ideally be devoted to the research of the P N C studies in the deuteron photodisintegration.

4 Conclusion Parity Non-Conserving (PNC) experiments at low energy got large attention in the last years. W i t h the recent theoretical improvements in the calculation of the asymmetry in the deuteron photodisintegration induced by polarized photons a few MeV above threshold and with the technical progress in the accelerator domain with polarized beams.

1. B. Desplanques, J.F. Donoghue, B.R. Holstein: Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 124, 449 (1980) 2. B. Desplanques: Phys. Rep. 297, 1 (1998) 3. V.M. Lobashov et al.: Nucl. Phys. A 197, 241 (1972) 4. V.A. Knyazkov et al.: Nucl. Phys. A 417, 209 (1984) 5. V.M. Snow et al.: Nucl. lustrum. Methods A 440, 729 (2000) 6. V.M. Snow et al.: Nucl. lustrum. Methods A 515, 563 (2003) 7. E.D. Earle et al.: Can. J. Phys. 66, 534 (1988) 8. H.C. Lee: Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 843 (1978) 9. T. Oka: Phys. Rev. D 27, 523 (1983) 10. LB. Khriplovich, R.V. Korkin: Nucl. Phys A 690, 610 (2001) 11. C.-P Liu, C.H. Hyun, B. Desplanques: Phys. Rev. C 69, 065502 (2004) 12. M. Fujiwara, A.L Titov: Phys. Rev. C 69, 065503 (2004) 13. B. Wojtsekhowski, W.T.H. van Oers: JLab Letter-OfIntent 00-002 for PAC 17 (2000) 14. E. Stiliaris et al.: Proceedings of EPAC 2000, loP, pp. 866868

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 179-180 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-045-7

EPJ A direct electronic only

Parity violating asymmetry i n 7 + d ^ ^ n + p a t low energy C.H. H y u n \ C.-P. Liu^, and B. Desplanques^ ^ Institute of Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea ^ Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Zernikelaan 25, Groningen 9747 AA, The Netherlands 3 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (UMR CNRS/IN2P3-UJF-INPG), F-38026 Grenoble Cedex, France Received: 15 October 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. We calculate the parity-violating asymmetry in the 7 + d ^^ n + p process where the deuteron is disintegrated by circular photons. The photon energy is considered up to 10 MeV above threshold, where the lowest electromagnetic transition modes M l and El dominate. We employ the Argonne vl8 potential for the strong interaction and the DDH potential for the parity-violating weak interaction of the two-nucleon systems. The asymmetry is about 2.5 x 10~^ at threshold, and decreases rapidly to have magnitude of order 10~^ or less for photon energies larger than 3 MeV. The exchange of vector mesons dominates the asymmetry, while the pion contribution is negligible. PACS. 24.80.+y Nuclear tests of fundamental interactions and symmetries

1 Introduction T h e interest to test the s t a n d a r d model in the realm of nuclear and atomic physics becomes more and more growing and popular nowadays. T h e activeness of the subject has been driven by recent experiments: measurement of the anapole moment of ^^^Cs [1], parity-violating (PV) longitudinal asymmetry in p p scattering [2] and strange form factor of the nucleon from ep scattering [3]. In addition to these experiments, a P V asymmetry in up -^ 6/7 is being measured at LANSCE [4], and the possibility to measure a P V asymmetry in jd -^ np is also being discussed. These experiments provide important information about the weak interaction of hadrons at low energy. From the theoretical viewpoint, weak as well as strong interactions can be described by means of the one-boson exchange, which introduces P V meson-nucleon coupling constants. Knowing precise values of the P V coupling constants is an important ingredient to understand the nuclear weak interaction. Unfortunately, for some of the P V coupling constants, recent experiments mentioned above give incompatible values with those from other experiments or theory calculations. We expect t h a t future experiments will provide a way to resolve the present uncertainties, and shed light on the nuclear weak interaction problem. In this work, we calculate the P V asymmetry A^ in 7(i -^ np. Confronting the possibility of its experimentation, it is necessary to calculate A^ with u p d a t e d modern potentials, and compare it with old ones t h a t show significant difference. In our calculation, the strong interaction is accounted for by the Argonne v l 8 (Avl8) potential [5], and the P V potential given by Desplanques, Donoghue

and Holstein (DDH) [6] is employed for the weak interaction. In the next section, we briefly describe the basic formalisms. Numerical results are shown and discussions follow.

2 Result and discussion We consider the photon energies u p to 10 MeV above threshold, which leaves only a few low-orbital states in the final state sufficient for the result being without significant error. Opposite-parity states are admixed in the wave function by the P V meson-exchange potential. T h e D D H P V potential [6], adopted in our work, includes TT-, p- and cj-exchanges with the vertices specified by isospin transfer AI = 0 , 1 , 2. At the considered energies. Ml and El modes dominate the electromagnetic transition, and therefore we use the Ml and the El operators given as


(1) (2)


where e^ is the charge of the nucleon, //^ the magnetic moment, 1^ the angular momentum, cr^ the spin and x^ the position. Given the wave functions and the transition operators, the asymmetry A^ can be calculated from the definition ^

' ^ " ' cr+ +cr_


C.H. Hyun, C.-P. Liu, B. Desplanques: Parity violating asymmetry inj-\-d^n-\-p8it

180 U.VU3

^"^ T













low energy

' T ^1



0 J

1 .0.005







3 MeV. T h e small magnitude of Aj can be understood from the strong cancellation of C4 with C2 and C5, and similar values of /z^(= - 1 1 . 4 x 10"'^) with hl{= - 9 . 5 x 10"'^). T h e strong suppression of A^ confirms the result of a recent schematic calculation [9], but does not support t h e earlier significant enhancement from the contribution of h^ [10]. It is shown in [11] t h a t the enhancement in [10] is due to t h e omission of t h e contribution from ^Pi -^ ^Si — ^Di transition, whose inclusion gives suppressed A^ values. T h e asymmetry A^ was recently calculated with A v l 8 and CD-Bonn [12] potentials by Schiavilla et al. [13]. For A v l 8 , they obtain a result similar to ours, but the CDBonn potential gives a larger result t h a n A v l 8 by a factor of about 2. A^ at threshold with r-space Bonn [14] and Bonn-A, B [15] is calculated, and, with t h e D D H best values, the results t u r n out to be similar with t h a t of CDBonn [16]. T h e enhancement for the Bonn potentials is due t o strong attraction at short distance in t h e ^Pi channel, which leads to a bound state in ^Pi state [17]. Therefore, this artifact of the ^Pi Bonn potential should be treated properly, e.g. by introducing a cutoff, to obtain a sound result.

0,05 h

Ci) ( M u V )

Fig. 3. A^ with DDH best values

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

C.S. Wood et al.: Science 275, 1759 (1997) A.R. Berdoz et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 272301 (2001) F.E. Maas et a l : Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 022002 (2004) W.M. Snow et al.: Nucl. lustrum. Meth. A 440, 729 (2000) R.B. Wiringa, V.G.J. Stoks, R. Schiavilla: Phys. Rev. C 51, 38 (1995) B. Desplanques, J.F. Donoghue, B.R. Holstein: Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 124, 449 (1980) N. Kaiser, U.G. Meissner: Nucl. Phys. A 489, 671 (1988); A 499, 69 (1989) U.G. Meissner, H. Weigel: Phys. Lett. B 447, 1 (1999) LB. Khriplovich, R.V. Korkin: Nucl. Phys. A 690, 610 (2001) T. Oka: Phys. Rev. D 27, 523 (1983) C.-P. Liu, C.H. Hyun, B. Desplanques: Phys. Rev. C 69, 065502 (2004) R. Machleidt: Phys. Rev. C 63, 024001 (2001) R. Schiavilla, J. Carlson, M. Paris: nucl-th/0404082 R. Machleidt, K. Holinde, Ch. Elster: Phys. Rep. 149, 1 (1987) R. Machleidt: Adv. Nucl. Phys. 19, 189 (1989) C.H. Hyun el al.: in preparation J. Haidenbauer: private communication


Hadronic structure... and more

\/-3 Neutrino beam

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 183-186 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-046-6

EPJ A direct electronic only

Precision physics at a neutrino factory A. Blondel Departement de Physique Nucleaire et corpusculaire, Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Geneve, Quai Ansermet 24, Geneve 4, CH1211 Switzerland Received: 1 November 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. Neutrino beams of unprecedented flux could be produced in a Neutrino Factory from muon decays. In the vicinity of the storage ring, short baseline experiments would perform a new class of precise tests of the theory and original deep-inelastic-scattering (DIS) studies. Thanks to the availability of high energy Ve and Ve , the long baseline experiments will be capable of very precise measurements of neutrino oscillations, including ability to solve parameter ambiguities and study of leptonic CP violation, for any value of the mixing angle 0\z above a fraction of a degree. Finally, the Neutrino Factory is the first step towards muon colliders. PACS. 1 3.88.+e Polarization in interactions and scattering - 1 2.15.Ff Quark and lepton masses and mixing - 1 4.60.Pq Neutrino mass and mixing - 2 9.25.-t Particle sources and targets - 2 9.27.-a Beams in particle accelerators - 2 9.20.-C Cyclic accelerators and storage rings

1 Introduction Neutrinos have historically played an essential role in particle physics, with t h e discovery of Neutral Currents (NC), the first observations of open charm, precautious scaling and its violations and t h e early description of t h e struct u r e of t h e nucleon. More recently L E P established t h a t there are three species of light neutrinos, thus probably only three families of fermions. Finally, neutrinos have recently be in t h e limelight with t h e final demonstration t h a t neutrinos have mass and mix. One of t h e main goals of t h e upcoming years will be t h e observation of leptonic C P violation, which is one of t h e leading explanations for the m a t t e r - a n t i m a t t e r asymmetry of t h e Universe. T h e importance of this search will justify substantial investments for t h e future. One of t h e leading ideas is t h a t of a neutrino factory, in which neutrinos are produced in a controlled way by means of a stored muon beam. This presentation and article summarize t h e work of several hundred of members of t h e C E R N and ECFA studies of a Neutrino Factory Complex, which is contained in the very complete [1]. T h e Neutrino Factory has been proposed in 1998 [2] and studied extensively thanks in particular to t h e pioneering work of t h e Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider collaboration [3]. As we will see in t h e following sections, such a machine is very polyvalent, and offers opportunities in short baseline physics, neutrino oscillations and is also t h e first step towards muon colliders.

2 The neutrino factory T h e basic layout of a Neutrino Factory is shown in Fig. 1. T h e principle [4] is to produce t h e largest possible inten-

w^ j*/\^

A pttHsiblt: layout of ii

^[ M m . li.-.r\


1.2 1 0 ' - ' M - » = 1 . 2

. r





Fig. 1. Possible layout of a neutrino factory sity of low energy muons, accelerate t h e m to an energy of 20 to 50 GeV and store t h e m in a decay ring. A short (1-3 ns) high power (several M W ) proton beam of energy in excess of a few GeV hits a renewable target (liquid mercury is t h e baseline design). T h e secondary pions are captured by a magnetic device (tapered solenoid or magnetic horn) and fed into a solenoidal magnetic channel where they decay into muons. T h e muons are then subject to phase rotation and ionization cooling after which t h e energy spread and transverse emittance are considerably reduced. T h e b e a m is by then small enough t o be accelerated by means of recirculating linac or Ffa*g's, and stored in a decay ring equipped with long straight sections. Typically 10^^ muons are injected per second, producing at t h e end of t h e straight sections a very intense, bunched, beam of neutrinos from t h e decay of muons, (i^ -^ e+z/g i^i^ or /i~ -^ e~i>e Ufj^ , t h e sign being determined by t h e polarity of a few magnetic elements in t h e system or by timing.

A. Blondel: Precision physics at a neutrino factory



20 30 E^ (GeV)



20 30 E^ (GeV)



Fig. 2. Event rates at the near detector station of a neutrino factory. Note the vertical scale

x10 V events from |i decay

5000 +



R=1 Om radius, L=732 Km, 31.4 KT 3.10^ 50 GeV 1^^

Fig. 4. Expected achievable precision on polarized structure functions gi and g^ on proton {lower part) and deuteron (upper part) and for neutrino beam (left part) and anti-neutrino beam (right part) at the near detector of a neutrino factory

4000 3500 CCv^,P^,=+1






2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 V energy (GeV)

Fig. 3 . Event rate at a far detector station of a neutrino factory for positive muon decay. The effect of muon beam polarization is shown. In the race-track or triangle geometry for the storage ring, the polarization can be preserved but averages out for each muon fill T h e resulting event rates are shown in Fig. 2 for t h e near detector station and in Fig. 3 for t h e far detectors. Originating from a stored and monitored beam, t h e flux of neutrinos should be known t o a fraction of a percent [5].

3 Short baseline physics In t h e near detector station, a kilogram of material placed on t h e b e a m axis would see typically 100 millions of interactions per year, more t h a n in t h e old 1200 t o n CDHS detector, b u t still only one event every few accelerator pulses. This, being obtained with a well defined flux of neutrinos (which are polarized by nature), opens a new realm of experimentation since t h e target material can be varied ad infinitum and t h e final state products can bemeasured in detail. T h e physics potential of high intensity

short baseline physics has been discussed quantitatively in [6], although no experimental set u p has been simulated so far. T h e range of physics accessible t o t h e near detector station is quite large. First, definitive measurements of unpolarized structure functions measurements and their flavour composition, in particular t h e strange sea, will be possible for t h e whole accessible kinematic range. This is, in particular, t h a n k s t o t h e assumed capability of t h e detectors t o t a g charm production. These ingredients should lead t o an improved determination of t h e strong coupling constant from either global structure function fits or from the GLS sum rule. Then, t h e use of small targets being possible, using polarized hydrogen or deuterium targets should allow a detailed decomposition of t h e spin structure functions, as shown in Fig. 4. Again, t h e use of charm t a g should be determinant in t h e study of t h e polarized structure function of t h e strange quarks. Maybe one of t h e most interesting topics shold be t h e possibility t o use a variety of nuclear targets and m a p systematically t h e nuclear effects in structure functions. T h e study of final states in neutrino scattering offers new possibilities. For instance t h e study of final state A and Ac polarization b o t h in charged current and neutral current processes has been given as an example, allowing extraction of t h e newly introduced polarized fragmentation functions. T h e high statistics available should allow precision measurements of s t a n d a r d model processes on electrons. This has a two-fold interest. First, t h e charged current inverse muon decay process, z/^ e~ ^ /i~z/e , although unfortunately applicable only t o t h e muon neutrino component of t h e beam from /x+ decay, should allow a very precise flux normalization (provided an adequate target and detector can be built), in a way similar t o t h a t provided by B h a b h a scattering in e"^e~experiments. Secondly, t h e electron final state, which is very rich due t o t h e presence

A. Blondel: Precision physics at a neutrino factory


Table 1. Event rates in a 50 kton magnetized iron detector for one year running at a neutrino factory Baseline

730 km 3500 km


3.5 10^ 1.2 10^


5.9 10^ 2.4 10^

Golden signal sin^ (9i3 = 0.01 1.1 10^ 1.0 10^



15 (b)





E^ ,W} [GeV]

Fig. 5. Expected achievable precision on the weak mixing angle sin^ ^w at small Q^ from neutrino scattering off electrons. The precision is shown as a function of the cut on the final state electron energy. It is clear that the /x^ exposure is more interesting for the mixing angle measurement, on the other hand the fi~ exposure is more sensitive to the interference between the NC and CC processes of the electron neutrino component in the beam, is sensitive to sin^ O^at small Q^ with a precision of the order of 2 X 10~^, similar to t h a t available at the Z pole, as shown in Fig. 5. Finally, the high statistics allied with the improved knowledge of charm production should allow a complete revision of the measurement of the hadronic neutral current processes ( N C / C C ratio) which have recently [7] exhibited a discrepancy with model expectations at the level of three s t a n d a r d deviations.

Fig. 6. Comparative sensitivity of various future measurements of ^13

asymmetry between the neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations. In addition this channel involving electron neutrinos is sensitive to m a t t e r effects and should allow a determination of the sign of the mass difference Am^^ , which is presently unknown. T h e simulataneous presence of z^e and P^ in the beam has for consequence t h a t the detector has to be magnetic to separate the CC neutrino interactions generated by the P^ contained in the beam from those generated by 4 Neutrino oscillations zy^ originating from z/g -^ z/^ oscillations. A large 50 kton magnetic detector has been suggested, in extrapolation A large part of the present excitement for Neutrino Fac- from the well known CDHS or MINOS experiments. T h e tories is, understandably, the long baseline oscillation rates are astounding, as shown in Table 1, many times physics. This has been extensively reviewed in the littera- higher t h a n in the case of more conventional neutrino t u r e [5],[8] and only the main results are summarized here. beams. For this process the backgrounds are very small. Neutrino oscillations are now well established and T h e other very strong point of the Neutrino Factory demonstrate t h a t neutrinos have mass. T h e most striking is the capability to study the z/g —> v^- oscillation. This result of recent measurements are contained in our knowl- channel is particularly valuable since it allows to lift the edge of the neutrino mixing matrix. For three flavours of unavoidable parameter ambiguities. T h e sensitivity or preneutrinos there are, naturally, three mixing angles, O12 , cision of the Neutrino Factory to the angle ^13 and to the ^13 5 ^23 , and two mass diflFerences / \ m f 2 , ^ ^ 2 3 ? ^^^^ P^^y C P violating phase 5 are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, and are a role in the oscillation process. T h e typical oscillation clearly superior to any other device imagined so far. length is 500 k m / G e V for the 'atmospheric oscillation' driven by Am^'^ , and 18000 k m / G e V for the 'solar oscillation' driven by / \ m f 2 In addition one expects the presence of a phase, yielding perhaps observable leptonic C P 5 Muon collider violation. T h e most interesting channel (so-called 'golden channel') to be studied is the v^ -^ i^/^ (and i/e -^ ^^L) Finally, it is worth keeping in mind t h a t the Neutrino oscillation which is suppressed at 'atmospheric' distances Factory is the first step towards muon colliders. As shown by the small value of the so far unknown ^13 . This sup- in [9], the relevant characteristics of muons are t h a t , compression makes this channel particularly interesting since pared to electrons, i) they have a much better defined enit makes it possibly sensitive to the interference between ergy, since they hardly undergo synchrotron radiation or the solar and atmospheric oscillations, and thereby to the beamstrahlung, ii) their coupling to the Higgs bosons is resulting C P violation, which would manifest itself by an multiplied by the ratio (r72^/?Tie)^, thus allowing s-channel

A. Blondel: Precision physics at a neutrino factory

186 fi



6 Conclusions

2 , Nufficl

SPLSB SPL+BflEa . SB+BB. lMion

We acknowledge the support of the European Community - Research Infrastructure Activity under the F P 6 "Structuring the European Research Area" programme (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395)

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1. ECFA/CERN Studies of an European Neutrino Factory Complex, A. Blondel (ed.) et a l : CERN-2004-002 - ECFAJ Pa re sons ill VI ty 04-230, h t t p : / / p r e p r i n t s . cern. ch/cerrLrep/2004/ _L 2004-002/2004-002.html 10 10 10 2. S. Geer: Phys. Rev. D 57, 6989 (1998) sin^e 13 3. Fig. 7. Sensitivity of various future neutrino options to the 4. P. Gruber et al.: The Study of a European Neutrino Factory Complex, in [1] p. 7; Feasibility Study on a Neutrino Source CP-violating phase S Based on a Muon Storage Ring, D. Finley, N. Holtkamp, eds.: (2000), Ex: m^ ^ 400 6eV/c^, m^ = 115 (&eV/c^ m^usv = 1 TcV/c^^. ects/muon_collider/ 6E/E = 3 10^^ one week of running r e p o r t s . h t m l ; Feasibility Study-II of a Muon-Based X^ 150 Neutrino Source, S. Ozaki, R. Palmer, M. Zisman, rGri|:ii" 10 J. Gallardo, eds.: BNL-52623, June 2001, available at I 120 h t t p : //www. gov/miimu/study!i/FS2-report.html; M.M. Alsharoa et al.: Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, Ofher decay imcdes X ton|^- 8 081001 (2003); Neutrino Factory and Beta Beam Experiments and Developments, (S. Geer, M. Zisman, eds.): i^ay be suff kJenfly copi 3. depiending on tian[l, Report of the Neutrino Factory and Beta Beam Working Group, APS Multi-Divisional Study of the Physics of 6 CO Neutrinos, July 2004 5. M. Campanelli et al.: Oscillation Physics with a Neutrino 3a Factory, arXiv:hep-ph/0210192 in [1] p. 138 6. M.L. Mangano et al.: Physics at the front-end of a Neutrino BocldrotFNi level i , . ^ Factory: a quantitative appraisal, arXiv:hep-ph/0105155, r""r 396 3^>6 in [1] p. 187 7. K. McFarland: these proceedings; G.P. Zeller et al.: CCFR coll., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 091802 (2002); hep-ex/0110059 Fig. 8. Study of the supersymmetric H,A system at a muon 8. A. De Riijula, M.B. Gavela, P. Hernandez: Nucl. Phys. B colhder 547, 21 (1999); B. Autin, A. Blondel, J. Ellis (eds.): CERN yellow report CERN 99-02, ECFA 99-197; C M . Ankenbrandt et al.: Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 2, 081001 (1999); production with a useful rate. These remarkable properA. Blondel et al.: Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 451, ties make muon colliders superb tools for the study of 102 (2000); C. Albright et al.: FERMILAB-FN-692, hepHiggs resonances, especially if, as predicted in supersymex/0008064; D. Harris et al.: Snowmass 2001 Summary, metry, there exist a pair H, A of opposite C P q u a n t u m hep-ph/0111030; A. Cervera et al.: Nucl. Phys. B 579, 17 numbers which are nearly degenerate in mass, as evi(2000), Erratum-ibid. B 593, 731-732 2001; M. Koike, J. denced in Fig. 8. T h e study of this system is extremely Sato: Phys. Rev. D 62, 073006 (2000) difficult with any other machine and a unique investiga- 9. See for instance S. Kraml et al: Physics opportunities at tion of the possible C P violation in the Higgs system would /j,^/j,~ Higgs factories, in [1], p. 337 become possible.

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 187-187 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-047-5

EPJ A direct electronic only

The MINERz/A experiment at FNAL Kevin S. McFarland^ University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14610, USA Received: 15 December 2004 / Published Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Itahana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. I present detector and physics capabihties of the MINERi/A experiment. PACS. 13.15.+g Neutrino interactions - 25.30.Pt Neutrino scattering from nuclei

MINERi/A is a dedicated neutrino cross-section experiment planned for the NuMI beamline at Fermilab [1]. T h e detector (Fig. 1) consists of a low-mass active scintillator target surrounded by calorimetric detectors and upstream heavy nuclear targets. T h e low-mass target allows for separation of final state particles and therefore the identification of exclusive final states. T h e surrounding calorimeters ensure complete energy collection in the events, except for final state muons, which may be measured in the MINOS experiment's near detector located immediately downstream of MINERz/A. T h e physics goals of the experiment include measurements of the ^-dependence of quasi-elastic {vn -^ l-i~p) scattering, measurement of the axial form factor of the nucleon at high Q^ (shown in Fig. 2), tests of quark-hadron duality in the axial current and measurements of coherent single-pion prodution in the Coulomb field of a target nucleus (Fig. 3). T h e physics of neutrino cross-sections is an exciting subject in its own right and explores physics in the axial current similar to t h a t being probed at high precision in the vector current at high intensity electron scattering machines. These measurements are also important for fut u r e neutrino oscillation experiments planned with beams of energies 1-a few GeV, where neutrino cross-sections are difficult to predict theoretically and are poorly measured [2]. Results from the MINERz/A experiment will significantly reduce errors from unknown neutrino crosssections in the MINOS, T 2 K and NOz^A experiments.

Outer Detect01 (OD)

Vi;to I


Fig. 1. A schematic side view of the MINERz/A detector. Neutrinos enter from the right

J 00

>^ > BNL a i . [>a. B * k e r i?X ffi.

0 10. 0 00

Fig. 2. Estimation of FA from a sample of Monte Carlo neutrino quasi-elastic events recorded in the MINERi/A active carbon target, assuming a dipole form with MA = 1.014 GeV/c^. Also shown is FA from bubble chamber experiments

References 1. D. Drakoulakos et al. [Minerva Collaboration]: "Proposal to perform a high-statistics neutrino scattering experiment using a fine-grained detector in the NuMI beam," arXiv:hepex/0405002 2. D.A. Harris et al. [MINERvA Collaboration]: "Neutrino scattering uncertainties and their role in long baseline oscillation experiments," arXiv:hep-ex/0410005 presenting on behalf of the MINERz/A Collaboration


Fig. 3. Coherent cross-sections for 5 GeV neutrinos vs. atomic number. The solid curve and circles are two different models; crosses show expected MINERz/A measurements. The shaded band indicates the A region of previous experiments


Concluding talks

Eur Phys J A (2005) 24, s2, 191-195 DOI: 10.1140/epjad/s2005-04-048-4

EPJ A direct electronic only

Frontiers of polarized electron scattering experiments Krishna S. Kumar^ Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA Received: 15 December 2004 / Pubhshed Onhne: 8 February 2005 © Societa Itahana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. Parity-violating electron scattering has developed into a precise and sensitive tool to probe the structure of weak neutral current interactions at Q^ 4 and Q^in > 1- W i t h the upgrade of Jlab, high luminosity with a beam energy of 11 GeV becomes possible for the first time. However, to achieve sufficient statistics at the highest possible Q^, a spectrometer with at least 50% acceptance in the azimuth is required.

3.5 Transverse asymmetries As a bonus, the use of a device such as the one described in the previous section makes possible a precision study of an entirely new process. Beam-normal asymmetries in the DIS region would become measureable with high precision. While leading twist contributions to transverse asymmetries might be of the order of ppm, H T effects might be enhanced by one to two orders of magnitude [16] due to large logarithms in the sum over intermediate states in the 2-photon amplitude. Thus, H T effects could potentially be studied in detail.

4 Asymmetries at low Q^ and forward angle T h e unprecedented high luminosity available at Jlab as well as the upgrade of the energy provides new opportunities to measure asymmetries with sufficient precision at very forward angles, in a Q^ range between 0.05 and 1 GeV^, b o t h in elastic scattering as well as in highly inelastic scattering (W'^ > 4 GeV^).

4.1 Longitudinal asymmetries T h e E l 5 8 experiment has carried out an auxiliary measurement of the P V asymmetry in electron-proton scattering at Q^ ~ 0.05 GeV^. T h e measurement is consistent with roughly Apy ^ —10~^Q'^ for the inelastic scattering component (mostly real and virtual photoproduction), which constituted about 30% of the flux. T h e remaining signal comes from elastic electron-proton scattering, with an asymmetry t h a t is a factor of 5 smaller. It would be interesting to measure Apy in inelastic electron-proton scattering at forward angles, mapping out the asymmetry variation as function of the target recoiling mass W. This would provide new information on parityviolating real and virtual photoproduction, which is presumably related to electromagnetic photoproduction via an isospin rotation. Thus, prevailing parametrizations on leptoproduction, primarily from the H E R A collider [17], would be tested in a new way.


K.S. Kumar: Frontiers of polarized electron scattering experiments

4.2 Transverse asymmetries

As described in Sect. 2, AT measurements have emerged as an important probe of nucleon structure. These asymmetries are enhanced as the incident beam energy is increased, since inelastic intermediate states with one quasireal photon makes a significant contribution. At very low Q^ (< 0.1 GeV^) and forward angle, AT can be predicted using the optical theorem [4,5]. At intermediate Q^ (0.1 < Q^ < 1 GeV^), the inelastic amplitudes from single and multiple pion production are expected to dominate [4]. As Q^ is increased. AT receives increasing contributions from off-forward structure functions. At Q^ ^ 1 GeV^, AT can be calculated in a perturbative QCD framework where it is related to Generalized Parton Distributions [18]. There are currently plans for AT measurements at the GO and A4 experiments. The kinematics are well-suited to test the regime of single pion production. On the other hand, it would interesting to measure AT at forward angle at very low Q^ (< Q.I GeV^) and at high Q^ _ i QeV^ in order to connect to the optical theorem at one extreme and parton distributions at the other extreme. 4.3 Experimental program

The longitudinal and transverse asymmetry measurements discussed above require the ability to measure very high flux rates (~ 100 MHz) and small asymmetries {^ 1 ppm). A spectrometer/detector package that provides this along with azimuthal coverage to measure AT with high efficiency would have to be similar in concept to the El58 design, where the entire primary and scattered beam were enclosed in a set of quadrupole doublets. This allows the separation of elastic and inelastic electronproton scattering events from background while providing acceptance in the full range if the azimuth. A compact radiation-hard calorimeter would be placed downstream of the quadrupole spectrometer to integrate the scattered fiux. Alternatively, a more conventional forward angle spectrometer setup perhaps enhanced with septum magnets could be contemplated, although the solid angle would be significantly smaller. Indeed, these studies can be launched already with a 6 GeV beam and a proposal is under consideration at Jlab to pursue this measurement [19].

5 Electroweak physics As mentioned in the introductory paragraphs, with judicious choice of target and kinematics, it is possible to probe the structure of the WNC interaction itself, with little uncertainty from hadron structure. High precision measurements of such amplitudes at Q^

From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and more: Refereed and selected contributions, Grenoble, France, June 8-11, 2004 - PDF Free Download (2024)
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