THE TAMPA TRIBUNE, Thursday, August 9, 1990 380 EMPLOYMENT GEN. 380 EMPLOYMENT GEN. TRADES 365 RETAIL DUMP TRUCK 4 TRAILER Dump Drivers wonted. Experienced. 445-0177 CASHIERS: PT, A Shifts.
UM to start, 1.50 Increase after 90 days. Apply at ECOL GROCERY MERCHANDISER -Sought by N.C Food Broker for central Florida Respond to Tribune Ca Box L-703. 6901 E. BTOOQWOy, I Bmpu CHILD CARE Need worker for church daycare. S3.80hour MECHANIC TRAINEE Fun time position for motivated person to learn automotive repair.
Must have own tools 4 good driving record. We offer excellent company benefits. Apply person to Service Manager. Courtesy Lincoln Mercury Hwy 40 4 US 301, Brandon WAREHOUSE MANAGER 4 NIGHT STOCKERS Apply In person: Joel 4 Jerry's, 535 E. Brandon Blvd.
EXTINGUISHER Route Service Trainee. Neatoutgoing. Steadycareer. 421-4095. FACTORY HELP needed.
Window co. Good potential. Apply In person at 4502 78th St. South, Rlvervlew. Can96)-ovio rHIL CARE TEACHERS 370 SALES AM 4 PM, La Petite Acade-my, Pebble Creek.
973-4524 CHILD CARE, fun time position with LIFE GUARD Duties. Palm River area Can MECHANIC Wanted With Ex 943-3445 or ezj-1 put perience And Own Tools. Apply In person Leroy's 4x4 512 E. Hillsborough FACTORY JOBS No Exp. Needed, Excellent Benefits, Steady Work, Overtime available HUNT-WILDE CORP.
2835 Overpass Rd Tpa 33419 Va M. So. of BufMtoHwy 301 NOTICE When responding to a Tampa Tribune box number: Address on moll to the box number given, co The Tompa Tribune, P.O. Box 3420. Tompa FL 33401.
CLEANING POSITION For party rental equipment. Laundry, dishes and lifting required Call Kathy 485-4551 MECHANIC. Deiselt Gas Must be A-l. 624-5304 clerk MaleFemale MECHANICS Playhouse Adult Theater-4421 N. Hubert Ave.
No Phone Colls AC SALES ENGINEER Commercial HVAC Sale 4 Application Background Required. Send resume To: Plenums Inc. P.O. Box 1915, Pinellas Pork, 34444 Tire dealer has openings for FINANCE Insurance co. needs person with premium finance experience.
933-4455 7821 N. Dole Mobry Suite 200 exp. front tna Brake Tune Up Mechanics. Exc pay program. Gal) 935-3154 MECHANICS.
Must have mln 5 COLLECTOR 2 year Health Care experience in collections preferred. Bilingual a plus. Typing 45-50 wpm, good communication and organizational skills. Good salary and comprehensive benefit pockoge. Send resume to Medic One, PO Box 2913, Largo, FL 34449 yrs exp In an phases of heavy truck repair.
428-4473 METAL BLDG. FOREMAN Must have 5 yrs exp. local AIR COMPRESSOR SALES Tompa based equip, dlst. seeking exp'd Compressor Soles-person. Must be self-starter with a track record of success In sale of technical products, well organized 4 highly motivated.
Ca car 4 good benefit. EOE Send resume to: TAMPA ARMATURE WORKS PO Box 3381 Tpa 33401 refS. 1-800-545-4233 COUNTER-Dry cleaners, exp. FTPT, exc benefits 4 pay. FLEET MAINTENANCE LYKES TRANSPORT, INC Located In Dade City, FL Hat Immediate Opening For Fleet Maintenance Persons.
Qualified Applicant Must Posses Valid FL Chauffeur License, Be Able To Operate A Fork Lift And Move Tractor 4 Trailer On Company OPERATORS LABORERS Tampa palms, y-uu COURTESY PATROL Scraper, bock hoe, apply at obslte-Gunn Hlgl way to S. Mobley i. Mooiev west i. to abandoned mnes Unarmed. Apt.
complex. Full time with benefits and unl- forms. 985-4333 DAIRY PLANT PERSONNEL Exp. pref. 4-day week, must hove trans, and phone.
Apply 9-12 Mon-Frl. 3803 E. Columbus Dr, dragstrlp, go south 410 mile AUTO SALES EUROPEAN MOTORS 7501 N. DALE MABRY (DAIHATSU 4 PEUGEOT) to Looking For Several Optimistic Self Motivated People To Join Our Sale Team. Call Jo Glasgow At 933-3342 For Appointment.
uamm contracting lo. cue PAINT SPRAYER with polyurethone or locquer exp. Call 989-0686. We offer competitive satary ft excellent benefit package. For consideration apply In person to: Tykes transport, inc 410 Lock St.
Dode City, FL 33525 'An equal opportunltyafflrm-otlve octlon employer MF DAY PORTER Needed In Westshore area $5hr. uniforms 4 benefit. Mr. Green, 289-3448 PAINTERS 4 Foreman. 7-10 yrs experience, car 4 phone a must.
940-4832 after 4 PAINTERS. Exterior, apart DEAF Gardener to live In plus wages. Send resume to PO Box 1005 Ruskln Fl 33570 FLORAL SHOP needs part time help. Includes delivery. 223-7054 ment, repaints.
After 6 p.m. Call 988-5424. AUTOMOTIVE SALES. Two New 4 Used car soles positions open. Excellent opportunity to loin the team of Pasco's most progressive New Car Dealership.
'HERITAGE FORD' Con Jeannle Williams Van Pert (Mon-Frl 8om-4pm) to set up an appnt for an interview. Zephyrhllls can 813-782-9531 Tompa Call 813-223-9503 PLASTERERS exp. nec CementDryvlt. Call KHS4S FRONT Desk, Maintenance. Apply AMERICANA INNS Fletcher ft 1-275 933-4545 contractors.
yBa-yjvo DELIVERY-SERVICE PERSON for growing medical supply company. Good benefits, competlve pay. Clean driving record, chauffeurs lie Deliveries throughout Fla Some overnight out of town trips required. Call 882-9978 PLUMBER'S helper, experlnced. Plant City muttl-famllv housing.
Coll 877-5797 FUMIGATION HELP Exper'd. Exc pay, guaranteed salary. Apply 9am-2pm, 4418 N. Cooper Place, All Pro Shield Termite ft Pest Control PLUMBER, experienced remodeling and repair work. Case Plumbing Co, 831-7)11 GAS ATTENDANT with Service ft Tire experience want-ed.
1004 N. Tompo St. DETAILERWINDOW TINTER wanted. Write your own paycheck. Salorycommlsslon.
Start today. 245-2445 dSk for Bobby PLUMBER, Licenced. Experienced In commercial cast Iron work. 1-752-8143 GEN. Clerical ft Lt.
Indust. avail. 1st ft 2nd shifts. Western Temp Svcs. 882-5327 AVIS AVIS CAR SALES ts looking for an outstanding finance and insurance nranager tor one of our locations.
The position Includes competitive commissions, fun companv benefits and the use of on automobile. If you are the best In the business, apply in person Mon or Tues 813-814 between 10am and 4pm at Avis Administration (Service Rood behind Airport Post Office). EOE MFHV DETECTI 15hr. Private Investigator Trainee MaleFemale PT. 520-5008 PLUMBERS full time 4 long term needed.
Must have Plumber's Journeyman card, tools 4 Florida Driver's License. Call 933-3838 GROUNDS Maintenance workers, good location, good benefits. 5tartlmmeaMV2203 DOORMAN Part time for exclusive, private conda. Weekend hours Saturday 8p-8a Sunday 8p-8a 251-1088 PLUMBERS NEEDED New construction 4 service. Call 251-1041.
GROUNDS PERSON needed part time for clean up of grounds, at opt. complex In randon. Must be hard working ft dependable. Some maintenance required. Call 485-0055 DRIVER to operate boom truck.
Exp.wlll train. Also forkllft operator. 423-2459 PLUMBERS-Own tools, pwr tools, 4 transportation. Apt piece work. 689-4974 DRIVER-TRUCK, wexp.
Must have Chauffer tic good driving record Good fringe benefits- Insurance, hospitalization, vacation. Prefer exp. In cabinet shop. 874-4205 GROUNDSKEEPERPORTER needed for new luxury apt community In NE Tampa Neat appearance. EOE.
Can Terry for oppt 971-1492 PLUMBERSDRAIN CLEANERS Roto-Rooter is looking for qualified technicians. We offer benefits and high Income. Apply ot: 5320 S. Westshore Guys 4 gals with car can earn BE A MEMBER OF AN EXCITING FUTURE Stable, Tompa based company selling refrigerated food products to established distributors based throughout the Southeast Is looking for experienced sales help to expand Its product line and distributor network. Excellent benefit package.
Profit sharing, co. vehicle. Incentive prog. Sot. based on exp.
Send confidential resume to: Tribune Co. Box B-447 S25U-S4UU wk. Lasn paia DRIVER: Must have clean driving record 4 know Tampa Apply 17)1 S. Dole Mobry PLUMBING FOREMAN EXPERIENCED ONLY. Good wages.
H4H Mech. 489-4974 Call 889-0290 dolly. HELPER WANTED. Power wash, paint, grounds, maintenance. Mr.
Chapman 4304 S. MocDIII PORTERPUNCHOUT for large Carrollwood community. No experience necessary, will train. Apply In person: Lake Magdalene Arms, EOE. DRIVERS garbage company needs front end 4 residential driver In Rlvervlew area Paid holidays, vocation.
Insurance 4 uniforms. Applications being accepted for 1 week. 5006 Highway 41 South. Tampa Fl. No colls HOUSE PARENTS, Live-In.
Association for Retarded Cltl-zensHlllsborough. 477-4419 PRODUCTION WORKERS, All Shifts, SILOR OPTICAL, 4900 Park St. N. St. Pete.
EOE JANITORIAL SERVICE REFRIGERATION FITTER Entry level positions. Must be able to travel. Benefit pkg includes, vacholmed-dentdl. Rapid wage advancement for aggressive Individuals. Call Hussmann for appointment.
972-1992 Immediate long term assignment, 20 hrs wk, avail for dependable Individual with janitorial exp. Co In Temple Terrace area Top pay, vacation pay. Never a fee. OLSTEN SERVICES Tampa 286-0010 C'WoodNorthdale 940-8571 Brandon 485-5347 DRIVERS Local tank line now hiring experienced semi drivers. Requirements: 25 years of age, 2 years tractor trailer experience, dean MVR.
Benefits: quarterly safety bonus, safe driving awards, paid vacation, 401K plan, life, health 4 dental insurance, mileage pay, longevity bonus. Qualified applicants should contact the terminal Monday-Friday 8am-4pm 421-4470 ROOF Mech, 5 yrs exp, BURSMOD SVS. MocDIII AFB, Toolstrans req. See foreman, hangar 4 Kokolakls. 840-2700 JANITORIAL10 Cleaning People needed.
301 area 873-0447 from 7AM-5PM ROOFERS Experienced. Must have own transportation Call 984-4663 KENNEL Attendent Needed Apply In person at Northday Animal Hospital 9801 Hillsborough Ave DRIVERS needed part time. Call Andy Florida Blueprint Company, 221-2094 LABORERS 4 HELPERS ROOFERS-Experlenced. Tools, I.D. And Transportation A Must.
Call 247-4798 DRIVERS needed, economy car a must. 882-8782 between 9om-3pm. NO FEE 289-4549 ENCORE TEMPORARIES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CAREER OPPORTUNITY INSIDE TELEPHONE SALES REPRESENTATIVE THE TAMPA TRIBUNE Is seeking energetic and enthusiastic salespeople who possess above average communication and spelling skills, and who can type 45-50WPM. Job responsibilities Involve placing classified advertising for local Individuals and businesses. If you enoy selling by phone within a fast paced environment, can for an interview appointment.
We provide a complete training program to qualified applicant plus excellent company benefits Including health and dental plans. Starting salary Is $252.50 plus commission. Can Mr. Hooper, 272-7943 or Mrs. Jury 272-7547 Monday thru Friday, 9 AJA.
to 4 P.M.. THE TAMPA TRIBUNE Equal Opportunity Employer. DRIVERS NEEDED. PTFT. ROOFERS: shingle 4 tear off crews.
Own trans. 4 tools. Insurance not req. 8559477 LABORERS Valid Driver's License. Immediate work.
S4hr. 855-9473 Nlkkl or Pot. Reliable car needed. Salary ana bonus, can 28VB44U DRIVERS OwnerOperators To Run Fla Ga Alabama 1-800-443-2059 RV TECHNICIANS New location, new opportunities. Techs w3 or more yrs.
exp. Full benefits, top pay. Apply in person at. Holiday RV Superstores, 2910 Overpass Rd. 301 5.
Tampa LABORERS Concrete plant. Daynight shifts. Over S240wk. Apply Mon-Frl Cast-Crete, Vi mil north of 1-4 on CR 579. DRIVERS 370 SALES 370 SALES OuTsiDEALESRe- Arthur Rutenburg Corp.
A national fumltue ca seeks 13922 58th Street North on exp. tale prof, (sol Clearwater, Fl 44420 UlSLiS HELP we're swomped. Encyclopaedia Brltannlca SSTSLSSJrJLcl Call before 2pm 948-2028 end resume: GENERAL FURNITURE LEASING, 3323 lPS.FiNA2Aiv.R5ELIN,C W-PHONEOS lsa573 3c.gwat IT IS NOT MORBID TO CONSIDER JOINING ONE OF tyrpgr- THEMOSTSUCCESSFUL COMPANIES IN THE SV. DEATH CARE INDUSTRY week. Info can St.
Pete The facts of Ufa are we an 821-8562, Mr. Hughe die sooner or later. Our top 10 representatives average R.E.-TIMESHARE l-8O0-8-2027 MgenXrted REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES inrTtroU TRAIN Is provided to assure your Unlicensed, fust licensed, and success. For a personal Inter- expwlenced licensed. Can view call 289-7440.
Kathy Logoff, Manoger, MAISON BLANCHE Apply at your nearest Store REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES mctr in Experienced or new, can for a MAlfnGIiStrr2Sr confidential Interview. fJ.S. 'tSSSZ Marie Powell 4 Associates JSSZU UPrSfSrbat WESTATESALES necessary. FTPT 245-)480 LWmSd ISSFSifSSS. wproven frock records.
nSSTSSK' Immed. openings. Exc co- ffSSSVm S. reer opportunity. Resume 'JTSZt m-wl? only to: 1 Woodlands Blvd.
vlew- Polm Oldsmar, Fl 34477 REAL ESTATE WANTED! REAL ESTATE SALES Looking for a new coreerT Realty Assoc 948-2234 Let the Real Estate Profession- THE INDEPENDENT ORDER als at CENTURY 21 teach OF FORESTERS Is looking you how to make In real for soles representatives, estate. CoD 1-800-432-3226 4 For Information, call speak to a Career Counselor. 1-800-224-1444 REAL Estate Soles, need lie TRY SALES Contact Fred Geloer 481-4445 THAT PAY MORE CENTURY 21 Gelger R.E. Reliable, motivated soles per- REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Will train.
Free School. aw.5?m2m Call Tom, ERA The Polo 421-1042 llom-4pm Group, Inc 942-1777 ROUTESALES 380 Needed for fast growing NOTICE company. Call Sear When responding to a Tompa Authorized Termite 4 Pest Tribune box number Ad-Control 424-8134. EOE ores all mall to the box num- c.i c. AccitTAfciT ber given, co The Tampa rirfrnJSL Tribune, P.O.
Box 342fc 537429 Tompq FL 33401. ACCOUNTANTS, Engineers, 872-4458 CAREER MOVE GENEZTTm Nat. Ca expanding Into Tpa AHAN IS treat S3kmo. to start. Attitude See Our AD Next Week airport security KiSiSi.
SCREENERS 4 JANITORIAL training. Kerry 289-2745 needed Immediately! Apply SALES MANAGER Tampa Airport Marrlot Outdoor furniture store, FT or Hotel, B14 8am-lpm. Bring PT. Salary plus comm. Exp employment or educational preferred.
Pinellas Potto Info to complete a 5 year PHis, 1-522-7587 for Inquiries background check. Required SALES POSITIONT drug testing. EOE ALARM MONITORS PT experience necessary, will iZJZZL Must have Bood com- Leave message 870-4235 munlcotlon skills. 4pm-mid- SALES TRAINEE: S25K spot, night 4 mldnlght-8am shifts Fee Paid PLUS Co. Car.
available. Call 251-3747 SUN PERSONNEL 284-2009 ANSWERING SERVICE SALES, ENTRY LEVEL, Intro- Alarm Dispatcher, rotating state trucking ca. Local terrl- shifts, polygraph required. tory. Resume to: Sales Mgr.
Coll 9-5, 423-5380. Po Box 1985, Tompa Fl 33401 ANSWERING Svc Operators: SALES-Looklng-4-A Job In Stop Looklnglll fits. Call now: 931-1131 CaH-For-Appt. 281-9333 APARTMENT MANAGER 100 units, need a well-organized 0 I TO person, prior exp. 4 ref.
nec- oALtO gsakxry and free MGR. TRAINEES a m. 44-unlt complex. HTIE00JsESl SSSEffiS aaement positions for 30 APPT- SETTERS, no selling, nentcUTolKng wlthlS the next 12 months. Must be bonus.
Coll Tom 935-5551 highly energetic with a post- ASPHALT Construction Super five mental attitude. Bonuses visor, laborers- skilled and 4 company vehicle provided unskilled, and operators- Coll Mr. Alflerl at 888-4743 broom, roller, paver, SALESPart Time, Eves 4 Weekend. Used Mobile Construction, 985-9002. EOE.
Homes. Will Train. 972-5185 ASSEMBLERS Cable, Wire pVclokfTE ASSEMBLERSSOLDERERS ence preferred out not re- PCB 4i microscope exp. ilred Will troln. Apply: A-l PERSONNEL 884-9520 Young Pest Control, 2011 W.
ASSEMBLY Piatt St. STOCKBROKERTRAINEE PI FAMIMfl J. W. GANT IS EXPANDING 1 II 1U Contact Patty at 800-454-4248 TELEMARKETERS $300day. Ponnlfl Taking phone order at ICUUIC home.
305-543-3139. TELEMARKETERS. $1,000 mo flrlPninCK comm 4 bonus. Day 4 late UUCIIIIIgg nlte shifts. 228-7449 ext 242 tci EuifivcTcoc unvt.
Positions available Immediate- ffiS'can'S; teainV89-2831- ACTION TEMPS HIRING IMMEDIATELY TiMPeg terrace 12 openings. Pa training, paid temple TERRACE 985-2397 holidays, BENEFITS, 4 paid ASSEMBLY work for mechanl- voc Call today! 874-5544 colly Inclined Indlv. Good ben- eflts 4 atmos. 882-4400 'TELEMARKETING PROS" assistant manager LEASING MGR. for upscale Brandon office.
I need 5 op- NW Tampa opt. comm. Exc pointment seller to work be- salary plus apt. Exp'd with tween 9 4 and 5 4 9. Ever- omresslve sales attitude, yone uses our product and Call 941-2035, Mon-Frl.
9-5 we give them up to 8795 ASSTS. We need H.S. grads or worth of our product on the college students not return- Phone. You I can earn be- ng to school. Auto required, tween $7 4 $10 per hour.
Sal- No exper. nec Start Immed. ory phis dolly bonus plus $345wk salary If quol. 284-8394 Boat40537 ATTENDANT FTPT Apply In TELEMARKETING Specialist. EIoaT Candidate should be career ATTENTION excellent communication and spelling skills.
Salary XI I plus commission 4 company nLL pockage. Coll Mike 245-1774. SfeeSSSf? JOB APPLICANTS wcTpSi ber that when you call tells USED CAR MGR-ouy here you to call a 1-974 or 1-900 pay her exp. Large dir. Top number.
If you call this num- pay plan. 238-3049 ber a substantial toll charge WATER Ski Shop Manoger will be made to your telesales ability and water ski phone bill, often without exp. Call tor appt. 994-7547 your knowledge. Firms LOOKING for career oppor- v'L TfZ'y'Flr tuntty in real estate sales? onn oenerVvS Coldwen Banker 485-4510 ffifSchJl SALES CONSULTANTS selling lists of lobs which Find 4 Pkxlng Sales 4 Sales may or may not exist.
The Mgmt talent Is our Only Bust- Tompa Tribune does not ness 4200 W. Cypress 874-1 151 knowingly accept ods of this CASH PAID DAILY hature. any advertiser UP TO S100 refers you to a 1-974 or 1-900 CALL MR. LEVI 854-1 100 Pnup report ItTtsIi.1 That Is What Our Soles People Aim nmutDC Earn At Tampa's Oldest And AU I UKIVtKo Most Aaresslv Auto Store. Apply 11310 US Hwy 301 IJIESEISi AUTO PEOPLE NEEDED lSTtiS3L offlce-parts-ASE tech-soles IwYvtoSsPlon ALL POSITIONS 96O-O087 eBuvl4enVPav Her BAKERS Katupa's Bakery Is FlrSSc'ng "2.X5' Virtually No Credit Professional Training be dependable.
253-0818 eNo Sundays-No Suits-No Tie BEHAVIOR TRAINERS For BI Lingual Helpful M.R. facility. FT, PT all APPLY IN PERSON shifts. Ref. ck 943-2529 8404 FLORIDA AVE 3ok BKKPR Ambitious Women Progressive mktg co.
w62 Insurance co. need Bookkeep- offlces nationwide opening er with G.L. exp. on compu Tampa (equal op) rapid er. 933-4455 advancement opp.
Imm 7821 N. Dote Mobry Suite 200 openings 289-0882 BOOKKEEPER, full-time. In- BEST Phone ob In Tompa suranc Agency. Office Sman group of advertising Skills for special prolects. phone salesmen have 3 open- Computer knowledge helpings for experienced closers, ful.
Ms. Bourn 872-7775. inifmRIl.Knlu2Sw BOOSTER SALES, EZ phone L2 JSSIn JiY; work. 3 PT shifts M-F. make month CAR wash attendant.
Can 1-800-849-4391. If you ore Good Starting Pay. looking for 84Hr security, Apply 2220 W. Kennedy and do not need to make CARPET CLEANERS year. Earn Up To S30Hr.
Commerd. please dont waste our time Carpet Drycieonlng 935-2190 DRIVE A MERCEDES "LSSS-wB WEAR TAILORED CLOTHES EARN 100,000 PER MO CARPET Cleaners-Carpet 931-4150 24 Hr. Recorded Msg Clng. Co. needs crew leaders 4 helper, Travel.
223-5225 SUTHERLIN NISSAN cashier, evening, 84.7584.25 to start. QC0 Hin Mart 701 E. Booth Ave. J0 CASHIERS, INSTALLERS 4 AAiunnn.Aiin PARTSTIRE SALESMEN COMMISSIONS Local sales pro. only.
Apply to KwlVli Chris Taylor or Rick FLORtLAND MALL Garretsen CASHIER sCterks, gas station. 000 C1 Security booth. Also Attend- SJJ-OWi ants. AU Shift. 885-4999 SANDBLASTERSpraypalnter combination, $7.00 hr.
4 seperate BRUSH 4 ROLLER PAINTER $4.00 hr. needed for heavy industrial work. Good exp required. 628-0707 LABORERS Work today, paid today. No fee.
With or without auto. Report 5:30 am. 4408 N. Hubert 870-0034 12811 Nebraska 977-5382 SEMI TRACTORTRAILER Drivers with good driving record needed for local bulk tank operation. Good benefits.
Contact: Safety Dept. 223-3704 Tampa or 1-800-282 7415 Florida EOE 1 350 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL 350 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL 360 TRADES rOT raSter COLLECTiONSJnance! R6CeONls7eTSed AiR CONDITIOMNoTrenlger phone exp. Large auto dir. wllght typing ft phone oWon technician needed tor 5erVICe Ron Hogon Corp. 238-3069 skins.
Apply 3347 S. West- commercial ca Experience a a ii I CUSTOMER Service ft Sales- shore. 9-4 Mon-Frl. must. Tompa 426-7534 L3 tar Defeated Individual for RECEPTIONIST tCDCCTnC Drumil VUIH.UHJ insurance Office.
9320595 SwHchboord, word process- AuDtblUS KtMUVAL To Place an ad aXI. pMyi'wi SiMI" Tampa Office only SSTjSn SylfS Call 272-7500 donb to FO. Box for wild 4 crazy office. AUTO MECHANIC with AC Open Mon ttirU Fn Jam n-33621 WlW experience. Apply Mike'.
0U CDIll CUSTOMER SERVICE REP RECEPTIONIST. T.T. area Shell 3650 S. Dote Mobry 0 Am rWI 20 hrs. per wk.
Good typing Good telephone experience AUTO MECHANIC with tools. Cat Qll ipu jkHU nec Apply In person iioht tvplnfl. Con 985-4465 5 yrs. experience In all phas- Mt 3AM im loMe.tSchf To? RECEPTIONISTPHONE, lotus Good pay 237-3734 NO Sunday HOUR hZlLT "3, wommtveervlce order. AUTO Mechanics 4 Helpers, luuunuajiivui CUSTOMER SERVICE REP for residential builder.
If Exp'a, own tools req. Salary 4 Family Credit has on you have exp In these areas, plus comm. brakes, tune- T0 CaiKd Or Correct fSZTi tSLSuS send resume to: up. Tire WorM, 238-3102 VnuriS reSEea Wefter ST0 BIVO 0ldvnar' AUTO TECHS Exp 4 tools I0Ur Ad Call 'sotaE -f13467? req d. Good pay benefits.
O-JO JSnexcXit be3tSri. RECEPTIONISTRUNNER 684-8038 or 943-3188 ili-IOll Qualified candidates should Lew www dealer AUTO AIR MECHANIC with apply In person to: Frl. sat general auto mech. 4 paint- Classified Deadlines Kgfe eoIv rectarv AUTODIESEL CfiDWrYTnV CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS Good typist, dictating maeh, rUKNtAlUAT coy Evening shifts. bHIngual helpful, fringe bene- -sir MFPHAN P.
-str 980-6296 879-1121 fits. M-F Call 876-2483 mLViinlWU 445PM FRIDAY E0E APIA N0FEE receptionistsecy. vJSX-wSTSni .13 riYI rniunt DATA ENTRY Excellent SpanishEnglish, mile north of 1-4 on CR 579. FOR SUNDAY CALL TOO AY-WORK TODAY wrlttlng, reading and oral a AUTOMOBILE PAINTER run oununi COMPUTERPEOPLE 229-6740 must. Typing 55-40 wpm.
Experience necessary. JnrmDCDCCTAiiDAWTC Temporary Services Division Gen. office skills. WP Intl Co. Call 979-9762 3HU UUDj-KtolAUKAWIj DATA ENTRY CLERK EOS.
Coll LotI 266-857 1. BARBER Jim Walter Corp. RECEPTIONIST: construction Bilingual. Experienced profes- fjT pT FxSrlinr Aoolv In 873-4235, EEO. co.
looking for experienced slow only 889-0017 personSifeDoirjosTriW EXECUTIVE ASSSTANT for RlmW. Good phone BARBER STYLIST, for busy 56th St. 2-5pm Tue-Frl envelopment firm. Must be typing skills. 421-3823 shop.
No following. Great HOTEL OPPS. Hvatt Reaencv wlf RECORDS CLERK poyl 948-1220 SSgSSSg To'jL ondVshor? "SSSEZSES SSSS1" BEAUTICIAN NEEDED Fla 1411 N. Westshore. fSStSSaMi nlSZm 2685 F0R VILLAGE- NIGHTCLUB WAITRESSES of 5 years experience.
Top career ap 884 3388 Energetic, friendly. Good pay. Only those qualified CSL, in H. uuo BINDERY. Commercial print working conditions.
984-7800 should reply to Tribune Co. Food dlst. wioo mn. WP, shop now accepting appllca- REST Mamt, Totum, Lotus, exp desired. Ben.
ttons for an exp. Bindery Belgan'sWiDa! FILE and General Office Clerk Cl. Hwv. 202, Tampa FL 33614 tor daytime assignment. SALES SECRETARY all equipment.
813-572-7004 Entry level. For confidential Need bright friendly person CABINET MAKER FURNh Mair, 3532 Interview call Lorl 289-4292 TURE MANUFACTURER. 23454 FILE CLERK for high volume EJli EXPERIENCED. 254-5845 RESTAURANT CREW Ped omce. jEMO CABINET Mica person with Arv vour neaVlit experience needed.
Can be- nearest Exc pay 4 benefits. Apply In crrDCTADICC tween 247-3420 Burger King. EOE. person Nat'l Distributing Co. jLlKtlAKItb tr RESTAURANT HELP 4901 Savarese Circle Can Tampa's largest perma- iSi6! Now accepting applications file' CLERKS, WORD nent ooency tor best selec- for all shifts, full 4.
part time. proc-i SEC TRECEPtT tlon. All ca fee paid. Serving Tpa Call 831-7099 Terrific opportunities for call TEMPWORLD 289-0740 Tampa Bay since 1949. CARPENTERS Helpers Must advancement.
Apply In per- Jca7 AVAILABILITY, INC 284-8800 have own tools and trans. son or. Little Caesars Ptaa Call after 7PM. 445-2010 415 S. Dole Mobry me Rnlal A WDe2t crrorTADirc CARPENTERS Start $7hr.
SALAD DEPT. Exp. In prepar- we tookSgfbr a SriorS SECRETARIES Tools transportation. Room ed sotods and salad bar far ble, enthusiastic hard work- Westshore DW 4, 40wpm for advancement. 453-4552 800.
Catering exp. needed ing employee. We require Sabal Medicare processing CARPENTERS 251-2932. 9AAA-4PM, Mon-Frl some college, typing skins, mi IIMRIA CTirriMf Needed, experienced all SALAD PERSON full time, and math ability. Previous LULumDWJIftmriu phases.
949-08 17. aoM I worklnc condTi bene- experience In financial aid 422-7755 helgul Call Vlrgimo 879012 CONflRFTF Office, Palma Cela G8iC Club GENERAL OFFICE CLERK orr-DrTjpv lUVliLIL 1601 S. MocDIII Fun time. Data entry, filing, oLvULIAK! SANDWICH Maker Counter tnlJSS', Ti'Zl IT FINISHER wJTeTsSSit'Mr sMS8 Exp Apply Monday- town22i 5891 6.3QO-3P m-f pendable. On U.S.
301 near experience and ability. Pro- SECRETARY, Restaruant 1.4. call 985-9582 fesslonal appearance 4 per- north of 1-4 on CR 579. Banquet Servers needed. gcnfpal offipf sonallty.
Bryn Alan Studios, CONSTRUCTION Supervisors Light kwina jls with remcla expertence. rtoiei ww W- cypress. phones. Coil Bob at 889-0352. Mon-rn.
yam 1 lom vxw yoy-uooo. SHORT Order CookPrep GENERAL OFFICE WORK SECRETARY for busy dellv CONTINUOUS GUTTER IN- Worker 7AM-4PM, Monday Lt tvoeTonToVjn flte erv service. Must have office STALLERS. MUST BE EXPE- Frldov. Coll 979-9007 Sronolonom experience.
424-8774. RIENCED. 930385 WAITERS-CAFE ROBAR TAMPA BAY PERSONNEL SECRETARY for Real Estate niCCH TDIirif MTPUiNlf1 Newest restaurant on Anna 223-3434 NEVER A FEE Office. 35 hrs. Whr.
Exp pre- UltotL I KUuR MttnAnllu Maria Island. Opening early INSURANCE CLERK ferred. Coll Terry 251-4000 Exper'd In all phases of medl- September. Fine dining expe- COMPUTER OPERATORS secretary PT raauired for urn md heavy duty truck rlence mandatory. Outstand- for OBGYN office Hours SfSS if repair.
Top pay. 5 day week. ing income potential. 8am-lm IwWS 454-2273 MiSSn! Si Mav fringes. Champion WAITRESSES Excellent Bene- seeks exp'd CSR, personal arPETAPv DRIVERS ratTrS-Deb tln4f 24 hSuk Ftexl- 'oTr aer, 3 7 INVENTORY Control Person ble schedule.
Good typing years exp. Apyerson: WAITRESSES Experienced, with secretarial skills. Must be and computer experience. eat tips. Apply after llam.
versatile and enoy a busy Brandon, 301 area 4609 Hwv 92. East rlgoto 960-5050 atmosphere. PC experience GIRL FRIDAY PERSONNEL Lakeland, FL WAITRESSES needed. jn Lotus WordPerfect size 870-3801 NO FEE 988-4777 DRYWALL finishers iWtr Kgasggts- us Sg WAITRESSESLlne Cook 4 Dlsfon between 6PM-8AM. 221-2621 DRYWALL Fromershangers Apply In Person 2-5prn.
Tompo 33405 SECRETARY ASSISTANT needed. Exp. nec Call Polo's 519 S. Dote Mobry THE F.W. Dodge Division of KHS8.S Contractors.
985-9395 ALL Tampa area Mon-lotts irvDIHir-LI ron JJSSTSfta'JL'iriPiwSI DRYWALL Hangers needed now Interviewing at Florida KEYPUNCH (CARD) tor Residential. Exp. only Job Srvc 1411 N. Westshore Key Entry 3, alpha numeric tSUizSSifSH 994-7491 7-9am or 5-7pm. BUSCH GARDENS Westshore area 622-7755 DRYWALL Hanoers- work ACCEPTS APPLICATIONS mi IIMRIHTiFFINfi hove 00 secrelaland Florldo Keys.
Call collect ON MONDAYS lULUMBuV AM-lNb StS- 1-3Q5-45M623 CENTRE CLUB, 284-4040 puter knowledge, word pro- DRYWALL Tapers Hangers Tampa's premier private dub cesslng experience and good needed for Saturday 4 Mon- has the following positions ci.fViSSSS'tSyLv, Interpersonal experience day only. Call 962-8509 available: Walters- Waitress- LEGAL STAFFING 224-2222 WOrklng with customers, ELECTRICAL es. Busmen, Pantry Cook 4 LEGAL Secretaries, expert- prospects and sales person- joumevmen 4 exn Helners. Evening Receptionist. Apply enced.
needed Immediately. neL At least 2 years expert- steadv workT comoet tlve person 2-5pm. Vantage Personnel 877-3700 ence required, some college pay befits to BAuYARseiRL s2? SSS MmVmjssMEN dayAdForJobOpptys. Fanr- f. 'SfSmSSl 350 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL ljBti Large EmmK com- wora perfect.
251-4273 McGraw-Hill Inc. plex has Immediate opening ACCOUNTING CLERK some LEGAL SECRETARY F.W. Dodoe Division for an electrician with exp. bookkeeping exp. knowl- for partner In downtown law 9950 Princess Palm Ave.
104 In all phases of commercial edge of computers. Benefits, firm. Previous real estate Tampa, Florida 33419. electrical work. Good bene- MondayFrlday.
Apply In per- and WordPerfect 5.0 exp re- 813-620-0772 EOE MF fits. Apply In person, 1408 N. son, 502 N. Oregon fflhSSllftJSJlSSJ SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST Westshore, Suite ACCOUNTING CLKS NEEDED I'TaSS nLf! Multiple lines, WP exp. data ELECTRICIAN, Journeymen 4 Edwards Business Cons.
Inc TO- ZiSi entry 4 filing. 238-4453, M-F helper. Exp service work, P.O. Box 273045 Tompo 33488 -rerrAPv 1 ci SECRETARYTYPIST word troubleshooting. 874-3440 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SSfrT Slk.
LZt. processing skills. Top pay 4 ESTIMATOR 3 yrs construction exp manda- 2enM ZT benefits. No Fee. Commercial Interior Trim tory.
Apply In person Bay Coll Remedy 284-2844 Coll Doris at 888-4487 Area Elect. 4 Refr. 4501 W. mpe'nlng Cali SECRET ARYWord Processor Ohio Ave. Drew Pork area Carleen 874-8400 Low office, WordPerfect, FLOOR Finisher.
For painting ADMINISTRATIVE ASST LEGAL SECRETARY Smdl good pay, parking. 247-4060 contractor Coll 985-5924 Prestigious downtown law Firm. Experience necessary. TELEPHONERECEPTIONIST FOREIGN CAR MECHANIC firm needs on Admlnlstro- Wordstar 221-9191 pleasing personality 4 good Salary Plus Commission. hve Assistant with Insur typing skills needed.
Gulf Coll 885-4999 Icltir1 Marine 247-3)53 FOREMEN msc stH erec- mrin helpful" Send resume 4 solo- TELLER, Experienced, FT for tlon. Must have mln. 3 yrs ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. ry requirements to- Person- Credit Union. Apply at 3710 exp.
as Foreman In steel East Tampa trucking firm nelP.a Box 500, Tpa 33401 N. 50th Street, Tampa, EOE. erection, mlsc structural, seeks professional Individual e- ,7 TELLERS FT and pt transporatlon and able to for traffic deportment. Posl- LE SliCSSra oot Tomoo Bav F355 traveTcentral Florida tlon requires excellent tele- Credit Un38orih 885-8839, oft 4PM 943-1918 VZH FRAME Piece Worker, with Computer knowledge neces- LEGAL SECTY, Westshore 1 wc Richard Windsor Pk sory. General traftlTskllls 4 area Medical malpractice 4 TYPIST At least Mhrswk.
oNebVaskN ofBeorS ratlna a ejus, mlaht be will- PI exp nec WordPerfect Exp. helpful, not neccessory. or neorosna w. peorss. Kg totrSn 5Spany Pd kwwXlceteeT Free Pleasont ob.
287-2585 FUEL Tank Installers-Flber- beneflts. EOE Com 421-2044 parking. Coll Betsy 289-0700 TYPISTS: needed Immediately for Appointment MEDICAL INSURANCE billing Waoo ADMINISTRATIVE Secretary personneeded for ImmedT- T'A'M'P'A TEMPORARIES, Constricn SnArea PRN (pool) position. DICtat- JL SSSSfV J2 UNDERWRITING TRAINEE CFNFR AL IZirZL ing machine experience, R'CHEY Can Personal lines. No benefits, computerword processing J' starting S5.50V.SW side res- fSSCT? 70WPM.
Vencor HosoltaF GIRL FRIDAY PERSONNEL Went preferred. 837-1557 Apply: 13950 N. Ftorldd Ay TOTpa839e34 870-3801 NO FEE 988-4777 WORD PROC-WordPerfect GOLF CART MECHANIC ADVERTISING Receptionist MTG DOCK CLERK Need Immed. NEED MONEY? EgClS2S2 BESf. Secretory foV (xy Good "gl JSX VICTOR Interim Svcs 943-0064 canTm" "etxBelSh typlstaood telephone skills.
'oorSfoVn So WORD PROCESSORS Needed Blvdt Sun City Lots Of variety. WP a plus. GIRL FRIDAY PERSONNEL 4345471 Coll Linda 943-3343 lopeerTfeT NO FEE 988-4777 HAIRSTYLIST Busy Fantas- AUTOMOBILE TITLE CLERK. Apply In person at Amerlcon WORD PROCESSORS Recep- tie Sams. PTFT No follow-good fringe benefits.
Expert- Financial 3903 tlonlsts. Type 35wpm. Great Ina. Cindy 960-8888 enced only need apply In per- Northoale Plaza Suite 133W, American Services 875-2388 uaipstvi itTt r. Tampa FL, Ms.
Rodriguez. TUN TEMPORARY SVCS. mmisslonaVd tiXJSUKSZfSS? TOFC TYPIST BOOKKEEPER 4 Receptionist AAA EMPLOYMENT 8890472 MM Or 963-7568 for dealership. 25-30hrs. OFFICE CLERK Ethan Allen AAA MPLOlMENT HAIRSTYLISTS- No follow rFpV'Si'l1 Furniture.
Some clerical exp. 220 W. Brandon Btva 481-4858 Sei it TbSsy FantastE Sam's prfrrd. 884-8474 OMj Guar, wagescomm. 972-7778 JZtl OPERATOR.
Wknds, holidays Permanent Office Staffing HANGERS, dry won hangers BOOKKEEPER Fun Charge. 4 tvp rea Entry level starts 287-2525 fwlSsWmhim? In ToSpa lerkS5rT 4hr. Must be flex. 223-1575 S800-S1000 A MONTH area Quality and dependabll- SnTesiJme PeVTSnnrt OPS SECRETARY Experience ttyo must. 941-4440 Dept.
0 Box 153179, preferred. Must be skilled No exp. necessary. Win troln HEAVY Equipment Operator Tampa FL 33414 typist, familiar with Mcln- Only must Iso bubMv pen. Looderflnlsh grader Ipera- cT.1 tosh computers and Konlco 932-4461 tor needea 972-4454 CLERICAL Jfl Wi)RK1 IRON WORKERS Certified welders, mlsc steel erection.
Secretary, Word Can ATS Slam, mu hcgrW, tronspor- Processors, Typists we usom twcesiarv JnirsHv 287W' totlon. OrlondoTompa area have oPs nowll No Fee. uwge Mcmsary. University TELECREDIT INC 88V8839, oft 4 call 965-1918 PAPAl Ef.Al pi P0" JANITORIAL FLOOR MAINT. BmnOrmofSlSSl Worlert relWble Midnight shift, exp.
In auto PenarSHPsi oSZw-ieiSa NCNB National Bank has open "oor scrubers and propane 0mT 77, -pa. positions listed on our JOBS buffers. 1-593-1070 tpXeTsssr PoyronwKr. jYrs University 971-2200 an duties of payron. Send re- FJiAJS? SJS.
Carrollwood 968-4300 sume to: BorreK, Inc 3601 N. i'iSiiii'il Tpa Westshore 289-7700 Nebraska Ave. Tampa Fl N0 FEES leove msg for oppt time. Brandon 454-4400 33603 Attn: Carlos Menendez OPPORTUNITY JOURNEYMEN Electricians. CLERICAL FT, willing to trav IP 'lTST1 nSTtSS 'cHenl el to local hospitals 3 days PAYROLL CLERK-tg mfg co.
mSSJKf' VJSi MiJVenl wk, 2 days In office, must needs Indlv to handle 300 tafvoSLiK tuSTcSwe? rSl 9a4l hove own car, mileage pota, povroll. IBM sys 34 or WORRELL SERVICES 872-7845 $1000 mo. 289-4852 Ex. 286 KRONOS exp 0 pklSl S4-7hrl SOUTHEAST BANK, N.A. ci epical openings No feel Tronsworlo 287-0620 Equal Opportunity LATHERS experienced Nrtlonallnsince Svcl Inc PC OPS Great lobs.
Great Affirmative gtlon Employer 64 Drywoll 3629 Queen Palm, Tpa 33419 pay. Con Goyle. No fee. 875- SUN COAST STAFFING 6201 Johns Rood. Suite 4 CLERICAL Person, bright, rell- Office Specialists.
21 "wrUJi able mature, non-smoking RECEPT'STYPISTSCLERKS "xa Ofta 99 "f0. Jf office, will train. 248-4431 TODAYS TEMPORARY EOE ZffJSFZZlZiJXS: CLERICAL Sunoort Onenlnos: Tompo 284-1040 WS-3511 txp. Exp 4 40VVPM Contact Brandon 421-3040 TALENT TREE-the new talent work. 879-7902.
EOE USAA hisurance 289-6820 Carrollwood 968-7313 In townl An temporary LOADER Operator, willing to rVgoirAi Pfnellos 544-1129 posltlon ovoiiable. 284-2292 do physical tabor If needed TEMPORARIES Inc. wants to RECEPTSEC 40-45wpm, TRC TEMPORARY SERVICES IIWMW" 0RAlts4.TMP TAlVA 8M-7003 MACHINIST Mlll-tathy. oniv. 4005 w.
Cypress, VIP personnel nTuhr of'Y opp'y- BqSSt? igmpa 875-8220 y'Sli! ft7 H. ConOyk 877784 outer eiierK3aoni-JCan RECEPTIONIST Engineering Acctg. Temp 4 Perm posT MAINTENANCE Florida firm looking for a profession- FT position for long term tor appt. v-a-or oi Morioa aet-endable, non-smoker OCfl TpjnrC care foclllty. Excellent worK- ML Jim to answer phones, light tvp- JOU IKflUtj Ing conditions.
CLaXJlr.Pr Ing and filing. FuH time, good LAKESHORE VILLAS K2.Fii-J.I5!EEOJ. benefits, please send resume I Appt lAAipc Ttnu Health Care Center SNELLING TEMPORARIES and salary requirements fa rf5rplv Mal'li 14002 Lakeshore VIII Dr. Clerk Office Manager, P. O.
Box Tompa Fig 334)3 948-5093 DfMOSTRATORS 22447, Tompa FL 33422 TRUCK. CALL 831-2350 MAINTENANCE person, expe- wiK. .2 off-noons- RECEPTIONIST Excellent 1 in II. rlenced with opartment TSZnSZJSttJfLSZ? (xne skills required. Knowl- Al lOmDreSSOr MeCR rr-ntem-ncefor 100 units In 0 wor processing uLntna for career minded, -odenton.
Knowledge of 73J. vestshore28mi RECEPTIONIST for busy Ins. ground automotive engine Kothy 753-7353 1 on 620-3983 office. Light typing, filing repolri would be helpful. MAINTENANCE JonltorlaL St Peersbura CT8-O900 and excellent comm.
skills 0 Also need trainee to start -n time doy ppsltton ben- vVlwPitT must. Con Noncl 870-1000 as helpers. Apply Mon-Frl eflts. Coll Al 885-4771 FunHrne S-Sfe JOiodbene- RECEPTIONIST for busy front 4513 Flo Ave Tampa EOE MAINTENANCEServlce msTno smoklnV' 2647155 ak. Above owoge Incom AC Service Tech S5OO-S1500 mobile homes.
Carpentry, aV overage person. per week. Must have tools 4 ttectrlcol, plumblno expert- ft Type opprox. 40WPM. truck, 3 position.
871-5128 fee a imust. Own truck and oorahrostudlojpiitles Call Vlckl 882-9647 ACOUSTICS i-wVr me E.nJ tools. 17.50 pki mileage to "hy teTcustJr HSS ZZMWt 334,9. No phone can. customer service techniques sotti street, Tompa EOE.
APPRENTICE JOURNEYMAN MCPUIMIP heiotul. Training provided RECEPTIONIST needed for 4 JOURNEYMAN WCAROS iVlLUnrtlllLi Excellent companv benefit, progressive mfg. co. Mutt FORM CARPENTERS 284-7114 for Interview hove exp. in muftl-tlne phone Need Immediately.
No fee -eV PI ANT MAINT -eir oppointment. J.C Penny- tvstem. Acctg experience ACTION TEMPS. Itnlll IKInllll. Eastlak Square Man helpful.
Good benefits 4 TEMPLE TERRAC6 985-2397 Apoly Mon-Frl, Cost-Crete, fiOEMF growth oppty. Co 878-2097 BRANDON 484-1 114 Vs mile north of 1-4 on CR 579. i LABORERS-FT For new manufacturer In S. Tpa Be responsible, hardworking Call 831-7099 SEWING MACHINE Operator, stand up Adler machines. Exp.
pref'd but not req'd. Lots of work Luggage Service Inc, 234-5944 LANDSCAPE Foreman, Installers, nursery help. Expert-enced only. Can 920-3813 SHEET metal applicators. Individual needed with architectural sheet metal experience.
Call SCI 878-0293 LANDSCAPE LABORER experience needed Call 942-3844 CT CLOSERS DREAM-G 12 Year old highly motivated company looking for aggressive salesperson to fill one of the most coveted sales positions In the Tompa Bay area S5000 deai20comm. All leads provided. No travel. Call Mark 885-1237. SHEET METAL DUCT INSTALLERS Must hove tools 4 transportation.
879-2744 btwn LANDSCAPE Malnt. Personnel needed MaleFemale. Lutz area Exc oppty. Apply Green Images 969-0548 COMMERCIAL Mowing Equip, outside sole, comm accounts, schools, municipalities 1-534-2255 LAWN Malnt foreman 4 crewman. Exp.
only. $260 SHINGLESTEAR OFF CREW. Own tools, 5 yrs. experience. Coll 874-4757 8AM-5PM per wk to start.
Apply LMS, 5513 Lynn Rood, 7 'AM. A TANKDUMP Now hiring experienced tractor trailer drivers. Brand new frelghtllners equipped wAC 4 AMFM stereo. Minimum age requirement 23 years. 2 years recent verifiable tractor trailer experience.
Must have a safe driving 4 work record Safety Bonus Plan Vacation 4 holiday pay Excellent benefit package: Life Accident, Group Hospltat-IzationDental 401K4proflt sharing Home every night Bonus payable upon completion of 90 days. Apply In person only: Florida Rock 4 Tank Lines TAPE EDGE OPERATOR Excellent benefits, Sprlngwall of Florida 248-2337 LAWN MAINTENANCE HELP Mole or Fern. exp. preferred. Fla PL req 932-0387 M-F 8-5 DIRECT SALES Serious dosersll! Easiest product to sell, all true closers moke over S1000 wk 4 that's fact.
If you believe In yourself call Mr. Plantogenent at 1-800-421-4743 LEASING AGENT Experienced Call 754-2200 or 484-2440 TELEPHONE INSTALLERS RESIDENTIAL Immed. openings In SW FL for Residential I4R. 2 yrs. exp.
rea Call STS, Ire 1-800-531-0003 LEASING CONSULTANT for brand new Parogen property. Exp. req'd. Apply at Spoonbill Bay of Audubon Village, 7930 Bay Polnte Dr. 889 -7384.
EOE TILE Setter needea Remodel ing experience or win Iran. Top dollar paid. 931-1201 4604 S. Dale Mobry EOE DRIVERS WANTED: must TOP MECHANIC S300-S450 per week, vocation, holidays and hospitalization. Lydon Auto Center 228-7587 have own vehicles.
Pick -up truck or von req. 254-9715 LEASING CONSULTANT Mature, bond property exp needed. Town N' Country area no wkends. Please reply In writing: The Willows, 7405 Pinery Way, Tpa, 33415 or call 884-4727. DRIVERS, experienced trl-cwle dump Drivers wanted.
Please call 884-7143 TRANSMISSION BUILDER Experienced, own tools, start Immediately. 870-2114 DRIVERS, fullPT. Routes lOTINniKTRIll range from $150-1350 wk. Your vehicle. 875-9424.
Immedlate opening! Some Person Wonted. 248-1048 DRIVERS, Pizza Delivery. Full TRUCK DRIVERS or port time, ease pay plus mileage. Call between 4-8PM, ask for Mark. 988-8500 nvuvy nmng.
uursioe work. Stadium area HALLMARK TEMPORARIES North Tompa 935-0440 Westshore 289-7741 Brandon 420-3983 St. Petersburg 578-0900 LYXES TRANSPORT, INC lo DRIVERS. TT OTR CHTLMD TRANSPORT cated in uaoe iny, ri nas Immediate openings for long distance drivers due to con EOE 1-800-828-9832 DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALESPERSON We have an Immediate opening In our Ocakj bureau for on experienced professional advertising salesperson with proven frock record of sales success. The Individual selected for this position in one of the fastest growing areas of central Florida should be able to sen retail and classified display advertising and be able to assist occounts In creating and Implementing marketing strategies, advertising layouts and programs.
It selected yau'H have at your disposal meaningful research and marketing data plus all the necessary tale tools to assure your success. If you ore a seH-motlvated sales professional who Is not timid about working hard to develop a sales territory, wont to talk to you. We offer an attractive salary and in centlve program as well as an excellent benefit pock- tinued acquisition of equip DRIVERSOwner Operators. Men or women with pickups or vans for busy statewide rush delivery. 424-8774.
ment. WE OFFER: eup to 25.5 cents per mile In EQUIPMENT OPERATOR LOT PORTER Exp Helpful, Not Required. Apply In Person Only BEST AUTO SALES 8604 N. FLORIDA AVE LUBE-TECH Exp helpful but not necessary. 229-8470 FT, Permanent position wa duces: uock pay, lay over compensation, per diem (road allowance), vacation 4 holiday oav eMlnlmum lay over-Quick Loncrete proaucts manufacturer.
Must be experienced wready mix truck 4 front end loaders, good benefits, salary DOE. Send resume to: Luther Hood CO SPI 4301 N. 54th St. Tompo 33410 ipuvc name ono number Averaoe 7-10 day trios MAINTENACE-new luxury opt eExcellent benefits package (employee 4 family coverage) Including hospitalization, life, AD4D and dental Insurance, retirement 4 uwinnjniry in nt lompo needs service tech. Exp In gen molnt rea HVAC pref.
Neat appearance. EOE. Can Terry for oppt 971-1692 MAINTENANCE 4 Laborer for N. Tompa Apt complex. Fl Drivers License reqd.
Apply Mon-Frl 8-12 Rear Of- 40111 eCDL training available WE REQUIRE: Good driving record e2 ml experience nee jeu w. Hillsborough. verifiable employment hlsto- Send comprehensive resume to The Tampa Tribune, 2300 S. Pine Avenue, Ocata, FL 32474, ATTN: Ronald J. Esp, Advertising Division Manag- MAINTENANCE GENERAL with AC 4 plumbing knowledge.
Own transportation. 943-3445 or 1-5821 Qualmed Candidates Can 904-521-4077 ext 613 or 1-800-344-1094 Or Apply In Person To LYKES TRANSPORT, INC 410 Lock St. Dode City, FL 33525 "An equal c-pportunltyafflrrn-otlve action employer MF MAINTENANCE MAN Experienced, 44-unlt complex. 3-w or QB4-344U ENVIRONMENTALIST Concerned Flo's trashed environment? Fast growing dlr soles co can help you help! Earn S2-4K mo. Trout- MAINTENANCE MAN Needed for 244 Unit Apartment com-plex.
Call 971-5048 TRUSS PLANT MANAGER ing. I rpn spgs 938-0040 Longest established Truss plant in Lentrai t-ioriaa Good benefits. Salary open MAINTENANCE PERSON For large apartment community. Musthave tools and expe-rfence. 971-1564 MAINTENANCE person need-ea newer kixurv ant.
im- based on experience. Export' enced applicants only. Send Resume To: McGlnnes Industries Inc FINANCE MARKETING REP. With Natl. Equip.
Leasing Ca seeking young, aggressive professional seeking REAL career. Experlenced-tease-flnanclng or bus. equip, salesperson degree preferred. Salary, commission, exc benefit. Call Mr, Morten: 813-888-5881 munlty, exp.
only, salary PO Box 547, Lakelona Fl uiu opr. pus great oeneflts. 33B02 Attn: peon Mcoinne. Call 932-5425 Lv. Mesa.
TUNE UP TECH FLORAL ROUTE SALES Clean driving record 4 experi Exp'd. in tune ups, carbs, electronic Ignition. Salary plus commission. Paid vacation. FAX YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS Fax Number 272-7903 AT YOUR CONVENIENCE 24 HOURS A DAY! Please Include for billing: Nome and address (Include street adores.
If P.O. Box I used); contact person for verification, phone number for billing and number where we can reach contact person Monday through Friday, An FAX ad will be verified prior to publication! Please refer to our classified Index for on deadline Information. For Assistance Con 272-7477 Thank You for Placing Your Ads With THE TAMPA TRIBUNE ence necessary, company insurance 4 uniforms. Aoolv truck, good oppty. Apply of.
In person Precision Tun 814 1535 W. Cypress st. Tampa 8 5. Dale Maory 84-2542 TYPESETTER FORTUNE 500 Company Immediate openings. S12-S14 hr.
Coll 935-7441 for oppt. Compugraphic 8400 series, $9hr. Start nowl DONBAR Staffing 287-8925 FURNITURE-RETAIL VERTICAL Blind Installer, pt. Seeking persons with decorator andor furniture exp. Apply in person at: Hoverty's.
Hwy 40. Brandon. own truck toois, exp. oniy. 933-9717.
377 w. waters MAINTENANCE some experience In air cond 4 plumbing. 1120 N. Boulevard, Tompo MAINTENANCE: Shopping Ctr seeks personnel for PT 4 FT positions. Apply In person: 9AM-4PM M-F Ok) Hyde Park Village 150 W.
Swann Ave. Suite 100 EOE MORTGAGE COLLECTOR American Financial Corp. mc ho an Immediate funtlm opening for an experienced collector. We require 1 year of experience In collecting 2nd rnortgoge ft typing peed of 25 wpm or better. The Ideal candidate has automated collections system experience ft background in credit, unaerwrltng, and accounting.
offer a fun One of benefits, a highly competlfve salary ond a pleasant working envl ronment In our new foclM- WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL INSIDE INDUSTRIAL SALES Monday-Friday 8-5, competitive compensation, excellent benefits, respond wrlttlng only to: Industrial Dept. TIFF Courtesy Pontloc at 3800 W. Hillsborough Ave. ho on immediate opening for a full -time stock person. Must be 18 yrs or older with a good driving record.
Fun company benefits, storting pay 84.25 hr. Apply In person to parts dept. warehouse mgr. Bob ru POX if jug Tpa Fl M623 INSURANCE SALES 4 MGRS 8100,000 Call Curtis at 1-800-849-4927 Murpny. INSURANCE Sis A4H to 1700 wk drawcomm.
1 yr exp or WINDOW TINTERS less otto rus l-eW-Z47-203 Experienced only. High Vol LIFE LEADS The best ume snop. tsranoon Area. coil Lorry pat-era? tor appt. Send your resume tat Forest FarreK, American leads In the business for closers desiring 8100,000 plus.
I.OII VIC I rwww. WRECKER DRIVER Must be neat, clean, courteous, hove clean driving record Must MORTGAGE BROKERS oe or least 23 years ot oao. inxivtui vorp. mc. narmoaie Plata, 3903 Northoale Blvd.
Suite 133W, Tampa FL 33624 or Con 968-443 between 8:30 ft ICr.30 E06MFVM Apply In person J.C Auto wanted, we win train. 932-9299 CMAU "The Benchmark of Excellence' piaza 1 1 tc niiisooro Ave. I.